给出数组[100, 4, 200, 1, 3, 2],这个最长的连续序列是 [1, 2, 3, 4],返回所求长度 4
public class Solution { /** * @param nums: A list of integers * @return an integer */ public int longestConsecutive(int[] num) { // write you code here quickSort(num,0,num.length - 1); int maxLen = 1; int subLen = 1; if(num.length ==4){ for(int i = 0;i< num.length;i++){ System.out.print(num[i] + " "); } } for(int i = 0;i<= num.length-2 ;i++){ if(num[i] + 1 ==num[i+1]){ subLen++; }else{ subLen = 1; } maxLen = Math.max(maxLen,subLen); } return maxLen; } public void quickSort(int[] A,int low ,int high){ if(low>= high) return; int i = low; int j = high; int tmp = A[low]; while(i<j){ while(i<j && A[j] > tmp) j--; if(i<j){ A[i] = A[j]; i++; } while(i<j && A[i]<= tmp) i++; if(i<j){ A[j] = A[i]; j--; } } A[i] = tmp; quickSort(A,low,i-1); quickSort(A,i+1,high); } }
public class Solution { /** * @param nums: A list of integers * @return an integer */ public int longestConsecutive(int[] num) { // write you code here quickSort(num,0,num.length - 1); int maxLen = 1; int subLen = 1; // if(num.length ==4){ // for(int i = 0;i< num.length;i++){ // System.out.print(num[i] + " "); // } // } for(int i = 0;i<= num.length-2 ;i++){ if(num[i] + 1 ==num[i+1]){ subLen++; }else if(num[i]==num[i+1]){ // 相等的时候不做处理 }else{ subLen = 1; } maxLen = Math.max(maxLen,subLen); } return maxLen; } public void quickSort(int[] A,int low ,int high){ if(low <0 || high>A.length || low>= high) return; int i = low; int j = high; int tmp = A[low]; while(i<j){ while(i<j && A[j] > tmp) j--; if(i<j){ A[i] = A[j]; i++; } while(i<j && A[i]<= tmp) i++; if(i<j){ A[j] = A[i]; j--; } } A[i] = tmp; quickSort(A,low,i-1); quickSort(A,i+1,high); } }
但是96% 数据通过测试时,出现了快排的栈溢出
programcreek 上的方法
public class Solution { /** * @param nums: A list of integers * @return an integer */ public int longestConsecutive(int[] num) { // write you code here if(num.length <= 1) return num.length; Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(int e:num) set.add(e); int max = 1; for(int e:num){ int count = 1; int left = e - 1; int right = e + 1; while(set.contains(left)){ count++; set.remove(left); left--; } while(set.contains(right)){ count++; set.remove(right); right++; } max = Math.max(max,count); } return max; } }
Python 集合更方便
class Solution: """ @param num, a list of integer @return an integer """ def longestConsecutive(self, num): # write your code here s = set(num) Max = 1 for e in num: count = 1 left = e - 1 right = e + 1 while left in s: count+=1 s.remove(left) left -=1 while right in s: count+=1 s.remove(right) right+=1 Max = max(Max,count) return Max