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  • 通过CreateFile来读取磁盘扇区的方法

    测试程序包括两个测试方法,以#define SECTOR 开关进行相应的程序段测试,程序在XP + vc6 环境下测试通过,程序如下: 

    #include "stdafx.h"

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    *    1   读取磁盘扇区
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <winioctl.h>

    // 以CreateFile方式读取扇区开关
    //#define SECTOR 

    #ifdef SECTOR

    VOID __cdecl _tmain (INT Argc, PTCHAR Argv[])
     TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
     HANDLE hDisk;
     // 命令行参数可在Project Settings->Debug->Program arguments下指定 如:0 1
     if (Argc != 3) {
      _tprintf(_T("Reads a sector on the disk/n/n"));
      _tprintf(_T("%s [disk number] [sector]/n"), Argv[0]);
     _sntprintf(szName, sizeof(szName) / sizeof(szName[0]) - 1,
      _T("////.//Physicaldrive%d"), _ttoi(Argv[1]));
     // 打开磁盘
     hDisk = CreateFile(szName,
     if (hDisk != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      // 磁盘的结构信息存在此结束中。
      typedef struct _DISK_GEOMETRY
      LARGE_INTEGER Cylinders;    // 柱面数
      MEDIA_TYPE MediaType;       // 磁盘类型,见MSDN
      DWORD TracksPerCylinder;    // 每道柱面数
      DWORD SectorsPerTrack;      // 每道扇区数
      DWORD BytesPerSector;       // 每扇区字节数
      DISK_GEOMETRY diskGeometry;
      DWORD dwBytes = 0;
      // 获得磁盘结构信息
      if (DeviceIoControl(hDisk,
       DWORD dwSize = diskGeometry.BytesPerSector;    // 每sector字节数
       PVOID lpBuffer = new BYTE [dwSize];
       if (lpBuffer)
       typedef struct _PARTITION_INFORMATION
       LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset;     // 启动分区偏移
       LARGE_INTEGER PartitionLength;    // 分区长度(字节)
       DWORD HiddenSectors;              // 分区中隐藏扇区数
       DWORD PartitionNumber;            // 分区数
       BYTE PartitionType;               // 分区类型
       BOOLEAN BootIndicator;            // 是否为引导分区,TRUE是
       BOOLEAN RecognizedPartition;      // 验证过的分区。TRUE是
       BOOLEAN RewritePartition;         // 分区是否可改变。TRUE
        // 提供关于磁盘分区的信息
        PARTITION_INFORMATION partitionInfo;
        // 获得磁盘大小
        if (DeviceIoControl(hDisk,
         // 获取总扇区数
         LONGLONG sectorCount = partitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart / diskGeometry.BytesPerSector;
         _tprintf ( _T("磁盘空间为 %.2fGB 每扇区 %ld字节 共%ld个扇区/r/n"),
          partitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart/1024./1024./1024.    //  磁盘空间
          , diskGeometry.BytesPerSector                               //  每扇区字节数
          , partitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart / diskGeometry.BytesPerSector);  // 总扇区数
         LONGLONG nIndex = _ttoi64(Argv[2]);
         // 以16进制输出
         _tprintf(_T("Disk %d has 0x%I64x sectors with 0x%x bytes in every sector/n"), _ttoi(Argv[1]), sectorCount, diskGeometry.BytesPerSector);
         // 读取被请求的sector
         if (nIndex < sectorCount) {
          // 有符号的64位整型表示
          LARGE_INTEGER offset;
          // sector数所占字节
          offset.QuadPart = (nIndex) * diskGeometry.BytesPerSector;
          // 从打开的文件(磁盘)中移动文件指针。offset.LowPart低32位为移动字节数
          SetFilePointer(hDisk, offset.LowPart, &offset.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);
          // 读取扇区的数据
          if (ReadFile(hDisk, lpBuffer, dwSize, &dwBytes, NULL))
           // The dwBytes field holds the number of bytes that were actually read [ <= dwSize ]
           for (ULONG nOffset = 0; nOffset < dwBytes; nOffset += 0x10) {
            ULONG nBytes, nIdx;
            // 显示地址
            _tprintf(_T("%011I64x "), (offset.QuadPart) + nOffset);
            // 显示16进制数据
            nBytes = min(0x10, dwBytes - nOffset);
            for (nIdx = 0; nIdx < nBytes; nIdx++) {
             _tprintf(_T("%02x %s"), ((PUCHAR)lpBuffer)[nOffset + nIdx], ((nIdx + 1) % 0x8) ? _T("") : _T(" "));
            for ( ; nIdx < 0x10; nIdx++) {
             _tprintf(_T(" %s"), ((nIdx + 1) % 0x8) ? _T("") : _T(" "));
            // 显示ascii格式数据
            for (nIdx = 0; nIdx < nBytes; nIdx++) {
             _tprintf(_T("%c"), isprint(((PUCHAR)lpBuffer)[nOffset + nIdx]) ? ((PUCHAR)lpBuffer)[nOffset + nIdx] : _T('.'));
          } // end ReadFile
           _tprintf(_T("ReadFile() on sector 0x%I64x failed with error code: %d/n"), nIndex, GetLastError());
         } // end if (nIndex < sectorCount)
          _tprintf(_T("The requested sector is out-of-bounds/n"));
        } // end 1 if (DeviceIoControl  
         _tprintf(_T("IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO failed with error code %d/n"), GetLastError());
        delete [] lpBuffer;
       } // if (lpBuffer)
        _tprintf(_T("Unable to allocate resources, exiting/n"));
      } // end 2 if (DeviceIoControl
       _tprintf(_T("IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY failed with error code %d/n"), GetLastError());
     } // if (hDisk != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      _tprintf(_T("CreateFile() on %s failed with error code %d/n"), szName, GetLastError());



    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
    *    2    _getdiskfree显示磁盘扇区信息
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // crt_getdiskfree.c
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <direct.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <tchar.h>

    TCHAR   g_szBorder[] = _T("======================================================================/n");
    TCHAR   g_szTitle2[] = _T("|=====|==============|==============|=================|==============|/n");
    TCHAR   g_szLine[]   = _T("|  A: |              |              |                 |              |/n");

    void utoiRightJustified(TCHAR* szLeft, TCHAR* szRight, unsigned uVal);

    int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
     TCHAR szMsg[4200];
     struct _diskfree_t df = {0};
     ULONG uDriveMask = _getdrives();   // 表示当前可用的磁盘
     unsigned uErr, uLen, uDrive;
     int ifor = 0;
     for (uDrive=1; uDrive<=26; ++uDrive)
      if (uDriveMask & 1)
       uErr = _getdiskfree(uDrive, &df);
       memcpy(szMsg, g_szLine, sizeof(g_szLine));
       szMsg[3] = uDrive + 'A' - 1;
       char lp[5] = "C://";
       lp [0] = uDrive + 'A' - 1;
       if (uErr == 0) {
        utoiRightJustified(szMsg+8,  szMsg+19, df.total_clusters);
        utoiRightJustified(szMsg+23, szMsg+34, df.avail_clusters);
        utoiRightJustified(szMsg+38, szMsg+52, df.sectors_per_cluster);
        utoiRightJustified(szMsg+56, szMsg+67, df.bytes_per_sector);

        ifor ++;
       else {
        uLen = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL,
         uErr, 0, szMsg+8, 4100, NULL);
        szMsg[uLen+6] = ' ';
        szMsg[uLen+7] = ' ';
        szMsg[uLen+8] = ' ';
        ifor ++;
      uDriveMask >>= 1;
      if (!uDriveMask)
     printf ("共%d个", ifor);
     return 0;

    void utoiRightJustified(TCHAR* szLeft, TCHAR* szRight, unsigned uVal) {
     TCHAR* szCur = szRight;
     int nComma = 0;
     if (uVal) {
      while (uVal && (szCur >= szLeft)) {
       if   (nComma == 3) {
        *szCur = ',';
        nComma = 0;
       else {
        *szCur = (uVal % 10) | 0x30;
        uVal /= 10;
     else {
      *szCur = '0';
     if (uVal) {
      szCur = szLeft;
      while   (szCur <= szRight) {
       *szCur = '*';

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tyjsjl/p/2156071.html
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