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  • Observable Utility Operators

    This page lists various utility operators for working with Observables:

    Operators introduce 中文介绍
    materialize( ) convert an Observable into a list of Notifications 将可观察对象转换为通知列表
    dematerialize( ) convert a materialized Observable back into its non-materialized form 与上一个操作相反,将通知列表或其他列表转回到非物质化
    serialize( ) force an Observable to make serialized calls and to be well-behaved 强制可观察对象进行序列化调用并保持良好的行为
    cache( ) remember the sequence of items emitted by the Observable and emit the same sequence to future Subscribers 记住可观察对象发出的项序列,并将相同的序列发出给未来的订阅者
    observeOn( ) specify on which Scheduler a Subscriber should observe the Observable 指定观察者的线程,每次指定一次都会生效。,指定订阅服务器应该在哪个调度程序上观察可观察对象
    subscribeOn( ) specify which Scheduler an Observable should use when its subscription is invoked 指定被观察者的线程,即数据源发生的线程。多次指定只有第一次有效。指定可观察对象在调用其订阅时应该使用哪个调度程序
    doOnEach( ) register an action to take whenever an Observable emits an item 数据源(Observable)每发送一次数据,就调用一次。注册一个当被观察对象发出一个项时要执行的动作
    doOnNext( ) register an action to call just before the Observable passes an onNext event along to its downstream 数据源每次调用onNext() 之前都会先回调该方法。在被观察对象将onNext事件传递到其下游之前,注册一个要调用的动作
    doAfterNext( ) register an action to call after the Observable has passed an onNext event along to its downstream 数据源每次调用onNext() 之后都会调用该方法.在被观察对象将onNext事件传递到下游之后,注册一个要调用的动作
    doOnCompleted( ) register an action to take when an Observable completes successfully 被观察者成功结束时会进行调用.注册一个被观察对象成功完成时要执行的操作
    doOnError( ) register an action to take when an Observable completes with an error 被观察者出现Error错误时执行调用.注册一个在被观察对象出现错误时要执行的操作
    doOnTerminate( ) register an action to call just before an Observable terminates, either successfully or with an error 之前,在被观察对象终止之前注册一个要调用的动作,可以是成功终止,也可以是出现错误终止
    doAfterTerminate( ) register an action to call just after an Observable terminated, either successfully or with an error 之后,在被观察对象成功终止或出现错误时,注册一个要调用的动作
    doOnSubscribe( ) register an action to take when an observer subscribes to an Observable 注册观察者订阅被观察对象时要执行的操作,比如我订阅的b站篮球up主,我就属于观察者Observer,篮球up主就是属于被观察者
    finallyDo( ) register an action to take when an Observable completes 注册一个被观察对象完成时要执行的操作
    doFinally( ) register an action to call when an Observable terminates or it gets disposed 注册一个在被观察终止或被释放时调用的动作
    delay( ) shift the emissions from an Observable forward in time by a specified amount 延迟发射,将可观测到的数据在延迟一定时间发射
    delaySubscription( ) hold an Subscriber's subscription request for a specified amount of time before passing it on to the source Observable 延迟订阅,在将订阅者的订阅请求传递给可观察数据源之前,将订阅者的订阅请求保存一段指定的时间
    timeInterval( ) emit the time lapsed between consecutive emissions of a source Observable 发射一个可观测数据源连续发射之间的时间间隔
    using( ) create a disposable resource that has the same lifespan as an Observable 创建一个与被观察者生命周期等同的一次性数据源
    single( ) if the Observable completes aftere emitting a single item,return that item, otherwise throw an exception 如果可观察对象在发出单个项后完成,则返回该项,否则抛出异常
    singleOrDefault( ) if the Observable completes after emitting a single item, return that item, otherwise return a default item 如果可观察对象在发出单个项后完成,则返回该项,否则返回默认项
    repeat( ) create an Observable that emits a particular item or sequence of items repeatedly 创建一个可观察对象,重复发出特定的项目或项目序列
    repeatWhen( ) create an Observable that emits a particular item or sequence of items repeatedly, depending on the emissions of a second Observable 创建一个可观察对象,根据第二个可观察对象的发射情况,重复发射特定的项目或项目序列


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ukzq/p/13766708.html
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