List<AnalysisInfo> listInfo(@Param("orderIds") List<Integer> orderIds);
1 <select id="listInfo" resultType="com.ieou.retail.module.H5.dto.AnalysisInfo"> 2 3 select materials_name as materialsName,sum(num) as totalNum, 4 sum(price) as totalSale 5 from sales_order_detail 6 where shipment_result = 'SUCCESS' and refunds_time is null 7 and sales_order_id in 8 <foreach collection="orderIds" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> 9 #{item} 10 </foreach> 11 group by materials_id order by totalNum desc limit 5 12 </select>
2. 当只有一个参数时且参数类型是Array
List<AnalysisInfo> listInfo(Long[] orderIds);
1 <select id="listInfo" resultType="com.ieou.retail.module.H5.dto.AnalysisInfo"> 2 3 select materials_name as materialsName,sum(num) as totalNum, 4 sum(price) as totalSale 5 from sales_order_detail 6 where shipment_result = 'SUCCESS' and refunds_time is null 7 and sales_order_id in 8 <foreach collection="array" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> 9 #{item} 10 </foreach> 11 group by materials_id order by totalNum desc limit 5 12 </select>
List<AnalysisInfo> listInfo(List<Integer> orderIds, Integer num);
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("orderIds",orderIds); params.put("num",num);
List<AnalysisInfo> listInfo(params);
<select id="listInfo" resultType="com.ieou.retail.module.H5.dto.AnalysisInfo">
select materials_name as materialsName,sum(num) as totalNum,
sum(price) as totalSale
from sales_order_detail
where shipment_result = 'SUCCESS' and refunds_time is null and num = #{num}
and sales_order_id in
<foreach collection="orderIds" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
group by materials_id order by totalNum desc limit 5