1、增加key-value;通过dict_stu[key_new]={value_new}; 通过dict_stu.update(dict_new);
3、查找某个key对应的value;通过dict_stu[key_find]; 通过dict_stu.get(key_find); 通过dict_stu.setdefault(key_find,"defualt value");
4、删除某个key对应的value;通过del dict_stu[key_del]; 通过dict_stu.pop(key_del);
6、判断字典key是否在字典中:通过key in dict_stu; 通过key not in dict_stu
9、删除整个字典:通过del dict_stu; 通过dict_stu.clear()
10 dict的拷贝
my_dict = {"bobby": 22, "bobby1": 33, "imooc": {"hello":11}}
a = my_dict.copy()
import copy
new_dict = {"bobby": 22, "bobby1": 33, "imooc": {"hello":11}}
b = copy.deepcopy(new_dict)
b["imooc"]["hello"] = 99
#返回字典的成员个数;return the number of items in the dictionary
print("after add item.the length of dict is:",len(dict_stu))
#删除字典某个key的成员,如果没有key抛出异常;remove dict_stu[key] from dict,Raises a KeyError if key is not in the map
del dict_stu["171003"]
print(" 33[31;1mtest the pop method: 33[0m",dict_stu.pop("171002"))
#print(" 33[31;1mtest the pop method,there is no 171002 key 33[0m",dict_stu.pop("171002"))
print(" 33[31;1mtest the pop method,there is no 171002 key: 33[0m",dict_stu.pop("171002","the default is defined"))
#return the number of items in the dictionary
print("after del item.the length of dict is:",len(dict_stu))
#测试key是否在字典中,如果存在返回true ,同key not in d;retrun True if dict_stu has a key 'key' ,else False
print(" 33[31;1mtest the 171003 is the dict_stu's key? 33[0m","171003" in dict_stu)
#返回字典中key对应的value,如何没有返回None;retrun the value for key if key is in the dictionary,else default return None
print("return the 171001's values:",dict_stu.get("171001"))
print(" 33[31;1msetdefault methord return the 171001's values: 33[0m",dict_stu.setdefault("171001","default values"))
print(" 33[41;1msetdefault methord return the 171008's values: 33[0m",dict_stu.setdefault("171008","default values"))
#方法1:升级一个字典;update the dictionary
print(" 33[21;1muse update method update the dict_stu: 33[0m",dict_stu)
dict_copy = dict_stu.copy();
print(" 33[41;1mthe copy of the dict_stu 33[0m",dict_copy)
print("test the copy dict is equle the org dict:",dict_copy == dict_stu)
print("the dict of dict_stu",dict_stu)
#return a new view of the dictionary's values
the dict_stu.values methord: ",dict_stu.values())
dict1_fromkeys = dict.fromkeys([1,2,3,4],50)
dict2_fromkeys = dict.fromkeys([1,2,3,4],[50,20,10,79])
dict3_fromkeys = dict.fromkeys([1,2,3,4],set([50,20,10,79]))
print(" 33[31;1mcreate a dict with keys from seq and values set 33[0m",dict1_fromkeys)
print(" 33[31;1mcreate a dict with keys from seq and values set 33[0m",dict2_fromkeys)
print(" 33[31;1mcreate a dict with keys from seq and values set 33[0m",dict3_fromkeys)
print(" 33[31;1mmodify the dict with keys from seq and values set 33[0m",dict1_fromkeys)
print(" 33[31;1mmodify the dict with keys from seq and values set 33[0m",dict2_fromkeys)
print("return a new view of the dictionary's values:",dict_stu.values())
#remove all items from the dictionary
print("after clear the dict is:",dict_stu)