hdu 1575
Tr A
Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5587 Accepted Submission(s): 4200
Problem Description
A为一个方阵,则Tr A表示A的迹(就是主对角线上各项的和),现要求Tr(A^k)%9973。
每组数据的第一行有n(2 <= n <= 10)和k(2 <= k < 10^9)两个数据。接下来有n行,每行有n个数据,每个数据的范围是[0,9],表示方阵A的内容。
每组数据的第一行有n(2 <= n <= 10)和k(2 <= k < 10^9)两个数据。接下来有n行,每行有n个数据,每个数据的范围是[0,9],表示方阵A的内容。
Sample Input
2 2 2 1 0 0 1 3 99999999 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sample Output
2 2686
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define clr(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x)) 3 #define LL long long 4 #define mod 9973 5 using namespace std; 6 typedef vector<LL> vec; 7 typedef vector<vec> mat; 8 mat mul(const mat &a,const mat &b) 9 { 10 int row=a.size(); 11 int col=b[0].size(); 12 int mid=b.size(); 13 mat c(row,vec(col)); 14 for(int i=0;i<row;i++) 15 for(int j=0;j<col;j++) 16 for(int k=0;k<mid;k++) 17 c[i][j]=(c[i][j]+a[i][k]*b[k][j]%mod)%mod; 18 return c; 19 } 20 mat quick_pow(mat a,LL n) 21 { 22 int len=a.size(); 23 mat res(len,vec(len)); 24 for(int i=0;i<len;i++) 25 res[i][i]=1; 26 while(n) 27 { 28 if(n&1) 29 res=mul(res,a); 30 a=mul(a,a); 31 n>>=1; 32 } 33 return res; 34 } 35 int main() 36 { 37 int T,n; 38 LL k,ansed; 39 scanf("%d",&T); 40 while(T--) 41 { 42 scanf("%d%lld",&n,&k); 43 mat ans(n,vec(n)); 44 for(int i=0;i<n;i++) 45 for(int j=0;j<n;j++) 46 scanf("%lld",&ans[i][j]); 47 ans=quick_pow(ans,k); 48 ansed=0; 49 for(int i=0;i<n;i++) 50 ansed=(ans[i][i]+ansed)%mod; 51 printf("%lld ",ansed); 52 } 53 return 0; 54 }
hdu 1757
A Simple Math Problem
Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5264 Accepted Submission(s): 3200
Problem Description
Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x).
If x < 10 f(x) = x.
If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + …… + a9 * f(x-10);
And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 .
Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positive integers k and m ,and could you help Lele to caculate f(k)%m.
If x < 10 f(x) = x.
If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + …… + a9 * f(x-10);
And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 .
Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positive integers k and m ,and could you help Lele to caculate f(k)%m.
The problem contains mutiple test cases.Please process to the end of file.
In each case, there will be two lines.
In the first line , there are two positive integers k and m. ( k<2*10^9 , m < 10^5 )
In the second line , there are ten integers represent a0 ~ a9.
In each case, there will be two lines.
In the first line , there are two positive integers k and m. ( k<2*10^9 , m < 10^5 )
In the second line , there are ten integers represent a0 ~ a9.
For each case, output f(k) % m in one line.
Sample Input
10 9999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Sample Output
45 104
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define clr(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x)) 3 #define LL long long 4 using namespace std; 5 typedef vector<LL> vec; 6 typedef vector<vec> mat; 7 int a[20]; 8 LL m,k,p,n; 9 mat mul(const mat &a,const mat &b,LL mod) 10 { 11 mat c(a.size(),vec(b[0].size())); 12 for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++) 13 for(int j=0;j<b[0].size();j++) 14 for(int k=0;k<b.size();k++) 15 { 16 c[i][j]=(c[i][j]%mod+a[i][k]*b[k][j]%mod)%mod; 17 } 18 return c; 19 } 20 mat quick_pow(mat a,LL n,LL mod) 21 { 22 int sized=a.size(); 23 mat res(sized,vec(sized)); 24 for(int i=0;i<10;i++) 25 res[i][i]=1; 26 while(n) 27 { 28 if(n&1) 29 { 30 res=mul(res,a,mod); 31 } 32 n>>=1; 33 a=mul(a,a,mod); 34 } 35 return res; 36 } 37 int main() 38 { 39 while(scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&m)!=EOF) 40 { 41 for(int i=0;i<10;i++) 42 scanf("%lld",&a[i]); 43 if(n<10) 44 { 45 printf("%lld ",n%m); 46 continue; 47 } 48 mat multi(10,vec(10)); 49 mat ans(1,vec(10)); 50 for(int i=0;i<10;i++) 51 { 52 ans[0][i]=i; 53 multi[i][9]=a[9-i]; 54 } 55 for(int i=0;i<9;i++) 56 multi[i+1][i]=1; 57 multi=quick_pow(multi,n-9,m); 58 ans=mul(ans,multi,m); 59 printf("%lld ",ans[0][9]); 60 } 61 return 0; 62 }
Time Limit: 5000/2500 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 0 Accepted Submission(s): 0
Problem Description
Bob's school has a big playground, boys and girls always play games here after school.
To protect boys and girls from getting hurt when playing happily on the playground, rich boy Bob decided to cover the playground using his carpets.
Meanwhile, Bob is a mean boy, so he acquired that his carpets can not overlap one cell twice or more.
He has infinite carpets with sizes of 1×2
and 2×1
, and the size of the playground is 4×n
Can you tell Bob the total number of schemes where the carpets can cover the playground completely without overlapping?
To protect boys and girls from getting hurt when playing happily on the playground, rich boy Bob decided to cover the playground using his carpets.
Meanwhile, Bob is a mean boy, so he acquired that his carpets can not overlap one cell twice or more.
He has infinite carpets with sizes of 1×2
Can you tell Bob the total number of schemes where the carpets can cover the playground completely without overlapping?
There are no more than 5000 test cases.
Each test case only contains one positive integer n in a line.
Each test case only contains one positive integer n in a line.
For each test cases, output the answer mod 1000000007 in a line.
Sample Input
Sample Output
1 5
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define clr(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x)) 3 #define LL long long 4 #define mod 1000000007 5 using namespace std; 6 typedef vector<LL> vec; 7 typedef vector<vec> mat; 8 LL n,m; 9 mat mart(6,vec(6)),martp(16,vec(16)),martpp(6,vec(6)),foc(6,vec(6)),res(6,vec(6)); 10 mat ori(1,vec(6)),oripp(1,vec(6)); 11 int code1[10],code2[10],code3[10]; 12 int pos[6]={0,3,6,9,12,15}; 13 void decode(int p,int *code) 14 { 15 for(int i=0;i<4;i++) 16 { 17 code[i]=p&1; 18 p>>=1; 19 } 20 return ; 21 } 22 void init() 23 { 24 oripp[0][0]=1; 25 bool flag; 26 for(int i=0;i<16;i++) 27 { 28 decode(i,code1); 29 for(int j=0;j<16;j++) 30 { 31 flag=0; 32 decode(j,code2); 33 clr(code3); 34 for(int k=0;k<4;k++) 35 { 36 if(code2[k]==1) 37 if(code1[k]==1) 38 { 39 flag=1; 40 break; 41 } 42 if(code2[k]==0 && code1[k]==0 && code3[k]==0) 43 { 44 if(k<3 && code2[k+1]==0 && code1[k+1]==0) 45 { 46 code3[k+1]=code3[k]=1; 47 } 48 else 49 { 50 flag=1; 51 break; 52 } 53 } 54 } 55 if(flag==0) 56 martp[j][i]=1; 57 } 58 } 59 for(int i=0;i<6;i++) 60 for(int j=0;j<6;j++) 61 { 62 martpp[i][j]=martp[pos[i]][pos[j]]; 63 } 64 return ; 65 } 66 void mul(mat &a,mat &b,mat &c) 67 { 68 int row=a.size(),col=b[0].size(),mid=b.size(); 69 for(int i=0;i<row;i++) 70 for(int j=0;j<col;j++) 71 { 72 c[i][j]=0; 73 for(int k=0;k<mid;k++) 74 { 75 c[i][j]=(c[i][j]+a[i][k]*b[k][j]%mod)%mod; 76 } 77 } 78 for(int i=0;i<row;i++) 79 for(int j=0;j<col;j++) 80 { 81 a[i][j]=c[i][j]; 82 } 83 return ; 84 } 85 void quick_pow(mat &multi,LL n,mat &res) 86 { 87 int row=multi.size(); 88 for(int i=0;i<row;i++) 89 { 90 res[i][i]=1; 91 for(int j=0;j<row;j++) 92 if(i!=j) 93 res[i][j]=0; 94 } 95 while(n) 96 { 97 if(n&1) 98 { 99 mul(res,multi,foc); 100 } 101 mul(multi,multi,foc); 102 n>>=1; 103 } 104 for(int i=0;i<row;i++) 105 for(int j=0;j<row;j++) 106 multi[i][j]=res[i][j]; 107 return; 108 } 109 int main() 110 { 111 init(); 112 while(scanf("%I64d",&n)!=EOF) 113 { 114 ori=oripp; 115 mart=martpp; 116 quick_pow(mart,n,res); 117 mul(ori,mart,foc); 118 printf("%I64d ",ori[0][0]); 119 } 120 return 0; 121 }
hdu 2604
Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 6110 Accepted Submission(s): 2661
Problem Description
Queues and Priority Queues are data structures which are known to most computer scientists. The Queue occurs often in our daily life. There are many people lined up at the lunch time.
Now we define that ‘f’ is short for female and ‘m’ is short for male. If the queue’s length is L, then there are 2L numbers of queues. For example, if L = 2, then they are ff, mm, fm, mf . If there exists a subqueue as fmf or fff, we call it O-queue else it is a E-queue.
Your task is to calculate the number of E-queues mod M with length L by writing a program.
Now we define that ‘f’ is short for female and ‘m’ is short for male. If the queue’s length is L, then there are 2L numbers of queues. For example, if L = 2, then they are ff, mm, fm, mf . If there exists a subqueue as fmf or fff, we call it O-queue else it is a E-queue.
Your task is to calculate the number of E-queues mod M with length L by writing a program.
Input a length L (0 <= L <= 10 6) and M.
Output K mod M(1 <= M <= 30) where K is the number of E-queues with length L.
Sample Input
3 8
4 7
4 8
Sample Output
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define clr(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x)) 3 #define clr_1(x) memset(x,-1,sizeof(x)) 4 #define LL long long 5 #define mod 1000000007 6 using namespace std; 7 typedef vector<LL> vec; 8 typedef vector<vec> mat; 9 mat ori(1,vec(4)),orip(1,vec(4)),mart(4,vec(4)),martp(4,vec(4)); 10 void init() 11 { 12 orip[0][3]=1; 13 martp[0][1]=1; 14 martp[1][3]=1; 15 martp[2][0]=1; 16 martp[2][1]=1; 17 martp[3][2]=1; 18 martp[3][3]=1; 19 return ; 20 } 21 mat mul(const mat &a,const mat &b,const int &m) 22 { 23 int row=a.size(),col=b[0].size(),mid=b.size(); 24 mat c(row,vec(col)); 25 for(int i=0;i<row;i++) 26 for(int j=0;j<col;j++) 27 for(int k=0;k<mid;k++) 28 { 29 c[i][j]=(c[i][j]+a[i][k]*b[k][j]%m)%m; 30 } 31 return c; 32 } 33 mat quick_pow(mat multi,int n,const int &m) 34 { 35 int row=multi.size(); 36 mat res(row,vec(row)); 37 for(int i=0;i<row;i++) 38 res[i][i]=1; 39 while(n) 40 { 41 if(n&1) 42 { 43 res=mul(res,multi,m); 44 } 45 n>>=1; 46 multi=mul(multi,multi,m); 47 } 48 return res; 49 } 50 int m,n,ans; 51 int main() 52 { 53 init(); 54 while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF) 55 { 56 ori=orip; 57 mart=martp; 58 mart=quick_pow(mart,n,m); 59 ori=mul(ori,mart,m); 60 ans=0; 61 for(int i=0;i<4;i++) 62 { 63 // printf("%d ",ori[0][i]); 64 ans+=ori[0][i]; 65 } 66 // printf(" "); 67 printf("%d ",ans%m); 68 } 69 return 0; 70 }