One day in the jail, F·F invites Jolyne Kujo (JOJO in brief) to play tennis with her. However, Pucci the father somehow knows it and wants to stop her. There are NN spots in the jail and MM roads connecting some of the spots. JOJO finds that Pucci knows the route of the former (K-1)(K−1)-th shortest path. If Pucci spots JOJO in one of these K-1K−1 routes, Pucci will use his stand Whitesnake and put the disk into JOJO's body, which means JOJO won't be able to make it to the destination. So, JOJO needs to take the KK-th quickest path to get to the destination. What's more, JOJO only has TT units of time, so she needs to hurry.
JOJO starts from spot SS, and the destination is numbered EE. It is possible that JOJO's path contains any spot more than one time. Please tell JOJO whether she can make arrive at the destination using no more than TT units of time.
There are at most 5050 test cases.
The first line contains two integers NN and MM (1 leq N leq 1000, 0 leq M leq 10000)(1≤N≤1000,0≤M≤10000). Stations are numbered from 11 to NN.
The second line contains four numbers S, E, KS,E,K and TT ( 1 leq S,E leq N1≤S,E≤N, S eq ES≠E, 1 leq K leq 100001≤K≤10000, 1 leq T leq 1000000001≤T≤100000000 ).
Then MM lines follows, each line containing three numbers U, VU,V and WW (1 leq U,V leq N, 1 leq W leq 1000)(1≤U,V≤N,1≤W≤1000) . It shows that there is a directed road from UU-th spot to VV-th spot with time WW.
It is guaranteed that for any two spots there will be only one directed road from spot AA to spot BB (1 leq A,B leq N, A eq B)(1≤A,B≤N,A≠B), but it is possible that both directed road <A,B><A,B> and directed road <B,A><B,A>exist.
All the test cases are generated randomly.
One line containing a sentence. If it is possible for JOJO to arrive at the destination in time, output "yareyaredawa"
(without quote), else output "Whitesnake!"
(without quote).
2 2 1 2 2 14 1 2 5 2 1 4
给定有向图 找到从s到e的k短路 若k短路小于t 则输出yareyaredawa否则输出Whitesnake!
k短路 = 单源点最短路跑反向边 + 高级搜索A*
为了加速计算,h(p)需要在A*搜索之前进行预处理, 因为本题是有向图,所以将原图的所有边反向,再从终点t做一次单源点最短路径就能得到每个点的h(p)了;
1 // ConsoleApplication3.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。 2 // 3 4 //#include "pch.h" 5 #include <iostream> 6 #include<algorithm> 7 #include<stdio.h> 8 #include<set> 9 #include<cmath> 10 #include<cstring> 11 #include<map> 12 #include<vector> 13 #include<queue> 14 #include<stack> 15 16 #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f 17 18 using namespace std; 19 20 typedef long long LL; 21 22 const int maxn = 1005; 23 const int maxm = 100005; 24 int n, m, s, ed, k, t; 25 struct edge { 26 int u, v; 27 int cost; 28 int nxt; 29 }e[maxm], une[maxm]; 30 int head[maxn], unhead[maxn], cnt, uncnt; 31 int dis[maxn]; 32 bool vis[maxn]; 33 struct node{ 34 int point; 35 int g, f; 36 friend bool operator < (node a, node b){ 37 return a.f == b.f?a.g>b.g:a.f>b.f; 38 } 39 }; 40 41 void init() 42 { 43 cnt = 0; 44 uncnt = 0; 45 memset(dis, inf, sizeof(dis)); 46 memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis)); 47 memset(head, -1, sizeof(head)); 48 memset(unhead, -1, sizeof(unhead)); 49 } 50 51 void addedge(int u, int v, int w) 52 { 53 e[cnt].u = u; 54 e[cnt].v = v; 55 e[cnt].cost = w; 56 e[cnt].nxt = head[u]; 57 head[u] = cnt++; 58 une[uncnt].u = v; 59 une[uncnt].v = u; 60 une[uncnt].cost = w; 61 une[uncnt].nxt = unhead[v]; 62 unhead[v] = uncnt++; 63 } 64 65 void spfa(int e) 66 { 67 vis[e] = 1; 68 dis[e] = 0; 69 queue<int>que; 70 que.push(e); 71 while(!que.empty()){ 72 int u = que.front(); 73 que.pop(); 74 vis[u] = 0; 75 for(int i = unhead[u]; i != -1; i = une[i].nxt){ 76 int tmp = dis[u] + une[i].cost; 77 if(tmp < dis[une[i].v]){ 78 dis[une[i].v] = tmp; 79 if(!vis[une[i].v]){ 80 vis[une[i].v] = true; 81 que.push(une[i].v); 82 } 83 } 84 } 85 } 86 } 87 88 int A_star(int s, int ed) 89 { 90 priority_queue<node>que; 91 int shortest = 0; 92 if(s == ed){ 93 k++; 94 } 95 if(dis[s] == inf){ 96 return -1; 97 } 98 node node0; 99 node0.point = s; 100 node0.g = 0; 101 node0.f = dis[s] + node0.g; 102 que.push(node0); 103 while(!que.empty()){ 104 node0 =; 105 que.pop(); 106 if(node0.point == ed){ 107 shortest++; 108 if(shortest == k){ 109 return node0.g; 110 } 111 } 112 113 114 for(int i = head[node0.point]; i != -1; i = e[i].nxt){ 115 node tmp; 116 tmp.point = e[i].v; 117 tmp.g = node0.g + e[i].cost; 118 tmp.f = tmp.g + dis[tmp.point]; 119 que.push(tmp); 120 } 121 } 122 return -1; 123 } 124 125 int main() 126 { 127 while(scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) != EOF){ 128 init(); 129 scanf("%d%d%d%d", &s, &ed, &k, &t); 130 for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ 131 int u, v, w; 132 scanf("%d%d%d", &u, &v, &w); 133 addedge(u, v, w); 134 } 135 136 spfa(ed); 137 int kth = A_star(s, ed); 138 if(kth <= t && kth != -1){ 139 printf("yareyaredawa "); 140 } 141 else{ 142 printf("Whitesnake! "); 143 } 144 } 145 146 return 0; 147 }