- zabbix_server.conf:zabbix server的配置文件
- zabbix_proxy.conf:zabbix proxy的配置文件
- zabbix_agentd.conf:zabbix agentd的配置文件
Zabbix安装完成后,服务端默认的配置文件存在安装文件夹中的etc目录中,假设编译的参数是“--prefix=/usr/local/zabbix”,那么服务端的配置文件则保存在“/usr/loca/zabbix/etc/”目录下。zabbix_server.conf参数除了保证服务正常运行外,还会影响服务器的性能。如果参数设定不合理可能会导致zabbix添加主机不正常、代理端数据无法正常收集或是zabbix服务器性能严重下降,经常报告CPU占用过高或是IO占用过高等问题。本文说明了zabbix server的配置文件中的通用参数和大部分高级参数的具体用法,内容如下:
############ GENERAL PARAMETERS #################
### Option: ListenPort
# Listen port for trapper.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 1024-32767
# Default:
# ListenPort=10051
### Option: SourceIP
# Source IP address for outgoing connections.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# SourceIP=
### Option: LogType
# Specifies where log messages are written to://zabbix的日志类型
# system - syslog //写入到系统日志
# file - file specified with LogFile parameter //写入到指定文件
# console - standard output //写入到标准输出
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# LogType=file
### Option: LogFile
# Log file name for LogType 'file' parameter.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# LogFile=
### Option: LogFileSize
# Maximum size of log file in MB.
# 0 - disable automatic log rotation.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-1024
# Default:
# LogFileSize=1
### Option: DebugLevel
# Specifies debug level: //指定debug级别
# 0 - basic information about starting and stopping of Zabbix processes //关于进程启动和停止的基本信息
# 1 - critical information //关键信息
# 2 - error information //错误信息
# 3 - warnings //警告
# 4 - for debugging (produces lots of information) //调试信息
# 5 - extended debugging (produces even more information)
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-5
# Default:
# DebugLevel=3
### Option: PidFile
# Name of PID file.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# PidFile=/tmp/
### Option: DBHost
# Database host name.
# If set to localhost, socket is used for MySQL.
# If set to empty string, socket is used for PostgreSQL.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# DBHost=localhost
### Option: DBName
# Database name.
# For SQLite3 path to database file must be provided. DBUser and DBPassword are ignored.
# Mandatory: yes
# Default:
# DBName=
### Option: DBSchema
# Schema name. Used for IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# DBSchema=
### Option: DBUser
# Database user. Ignored for SQLite.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# DBUser=
### Option: DBPassword
# Database password. Ignored for SQLite.
# Comment this line if no password is used.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# DBPassword=
### Option: DBSocket
# Path to MySQL socket.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# DBSocket=/tmp/mysql.sock
### Option: DBPort
# Database port when not using local socket. Ignored for SQLite.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 1024-65535
# Default (for MySQL):
# DBPort=3306
############ ADVANCED PARAMETERS ################
### Option: StartPollers
# Number of pre-forked instances of pollers.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-1000
# Default:
# StartPollers=5
### Option: StartIPMIPollers
# Number of pre-forked instances of IPMI pollers.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-1000
# Default:
# StartIPMIPollers=0
### Option: StartPollersUnreachable
# Number of pre-forked instances of pollers for unreachable hosts (including IPMI and Java).
# At least one poller for unreachable hosts must be running if regular, IPMI or Java pollers
# are started.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-1000
# Default:
# StartPollersUnreachable=1
### Option: StartTrappers
# Number of pre-forked instances of trappers.
# Trappers accept incoming connections from Zabbix sender, active agents and active proxies.
# At least one trapper process must be running to display server availability and view queue
# in the frontend.
//系统初始化时,预分配的用于接收zabbix sender提交来数据的进程。
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-1000
# Default:
# StartTrappers=5
### Option: StartPingers
# Number of pre-forked instances of ICMP pingers.
//系统初始化时,预分配的icmp ping进程的数量。若单台代理所管理机器超过500台,建议加大此数值
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-1000
# Default:
# StartPingers=1
### Option: StartDiscoverers
# Number of pre-forked instances of discoverers.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-250
# Default:
# StartDiscoverers=1
### Option: StartHTTPPollers
# Number of pre-forked instances of HTTP pollers.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-1000
# Default:
# StartHTTPPollers=1
### Option: StartTimers
# Number of pre-forked instances of timers.
# Timers process time-based trigger functions and maintenance periods.
# Only the first timer process handles the maintenance periods.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 1-1000
# Default:
# StartTimers=1
### Option: StartEscalators
# Number of pre-forked instances of escalators.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-100
# Default:
# StartEscalators=1
### Option: StartVMwareCollectors
# Number of pre-forked vmware collector instances.
//用于监控VMWARE Esxi主机实例的进程数量,为0则不启用,若要监控ESXI主机,此值最少为1 ;视监控ESXI数量设置对应数值
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 0-250
# Default:
# StartVMwareCollectors=0
### Option: VMwareFrequency
# How often Zabbix will connect to VMware service to obtain a new data.
//Zabbix连接WMware service获取新数据的频率
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 10-86400
# Default:
# VMwareFrequency=60
### Option: VMwarePerfFrequency
# How often Zabbix will connect to VMware service to obtain performance data.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 10-86400
# Default:
# VMwarePerfFrequency=60
### Option: VMwareCacheSize
# Size of VMware cache, in bytes.
# Shared memory size for storing VMware data.
# Only used if VMware collectors are started.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 256K-2G
# Default:
# VMwareCacheSize=8M
### Option: VMwareTimeout
# Specifies how many seconds vmware collector waits for response from VMware service.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 1-300
# Default:
# VMwareTimeout=10
### Option: SNMPTrapperFile
# Temporary file used for passing data from SNMP trap daemon to the server.
# Must be the same as in or SNMPTT configuration file.
# Mandatory: no