855383 - Installation of SAP SEM Release 6.0
848462 - DB2-z/OS: BW: Aggregate setup after physical partitioning
834343 - Oracle 9.2 Platform Support for Async IO
724418 - Installing SAP SEM Release 4.0
634263 - Selects with FOR ALL ENTRIES as of kernel 6.10
632556 - Oracle 9.2.0.* database parameterization for BW
632427 - Oracle 8.1.7* database parameterization for BW
618868 - FAQ: Oracle performance
599270 - Portal Content performance - composite SAP Note
597959 - Portal content performance on EP 5.0 SP 6 - Sammelhinweis
567144 - Processing BW tables changed in BRCONNECT stats
565416 - Performance during Oracle dictionary accesses is slow
565075 - Recommendations for BW systems with Oracle 8.1.x
558746 - Better Oracle Data Dictionary BW Performance
546262 - DB6:Administration & Performance on SAP BW, SAP SCM, SAP SEM
544521 - Controlling the PARALLEL degree parameter
542468 - Activate manual statistic generation on infocubes in BW
541508 - iSeries: Checking the system parameters for BW
519448 - Performance problems when deactivating aggregates
519407 - Performance problems accessing the datadictionary views
501572 - iSeries: EVI stage 2 support
443544 - IO Problems on AIX Filesystems
428212 - Updating statistics of InfoCubes with BRCONNECT
425593 - iSeries: Initial data load takes a long time
416772 - General tablespace types, temporary tablespace parameters
390016 - DB2/390: BW: Database settings and performance
385163 - Partitioning on ORACLE since BW 2.0
374502 - DB6: DB2 UDB - BW Performance - Overview of notes
359835 - Design of the temporary tablespace in the BW System
354080 - Note collection for Oracle performance problems
351163 - Creating ORACLE DB statistics using DBMS_STATS
327494 - Configuration Parameters for SQL Server 2000
322715 - Long runtimes with multiple joins (> 5 tables)
320540 - Oracle param. no longer supported as of Vers. 8.1
217397 - Indexing Scheme of BW facttables under Oracle
181945 - Performance guide: BW on Informix
180605 - Oracle database parameter settings for BW
130253 - General tips on uploading transaction data to BW