- #include<tinyxml>
- #include "tinyxml.h"
TiXmlBase是所有类的基类,TiXmlNode、TiXmlAttribute两个类都继承来自TiXmlBase类,其中TiXmlNode类指的是所有被<...>...<.../>包括的内容,而xml中的节点又具体分为以下几方面内容,分别是声明、注释、节点以及节点间的文本,因此在TiXmlNode的基础上又衍生出这几个类TiXmlComment、TiXmlDeclaration、TiXmlDocument、TiXmlElement、TiXmlText、TiXmlUnknown,分别用来指明具体是xml中的哪一部分。TiXmlAttribute类不同于TiXmlNode,它指的是在尖括号里面的内容,像<... ***=...>,其中***就是一个属性。这块我具体用一个xml文档说明一下,内容如下:
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <phonebook>
- <!--one item behalfs one contacted person.-->
- <item>
- <name>miaomaio</name>
- <addr>Shaanxi Xi'an</addr>
- <tel>13759911917</tel>
- <email>miaomiao@home.com</email>
- </item>
- <item>
- <name>gougou</name>
- <addr>Liaoning Shenyang</addr>
- <tel>15840330481</tel>
- <email>gougou@home.com</email>
- </item>
- <!--more contacted persons.-->
- </phonebook>
- 像TiXmlDeclaration指的就是<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>,
- 像TiXmlComment指的就是<!--one item behalfs one contacted person.-->、 <!--more contacted persons.-->,
- 像TiXmlDocument指的就是整个xml文档,
- 像TiXmlElement指的就是<phonebook>、<item>、<name>、<addr>等等这些节点,
- 像TiXmlText指的就是‘gougou’、‘15840330481’这些夹在<item>与</item>、<name>与</name>、<addr>与</addr>之间的文本文字,
- 像TiXmlAttribute指的就是<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>节点中version、encoding,
- 除此之外就是TiXmlUnknown。
- //______________________________________________________________________
- // Read information from xml file.
- // define xml file path, as follow , we use relative path,
- // but you can use absolute path also.
- const char* filepath = "phonebookdata.xml";
- TiXmlDocument doc(filepath);
- bool loadOkay = doc.LoadFile();
- // faile to load 'phonebookdata.xml'.
- if (!loadOkay) {
- printf( "Could not load test file %s. Error='%s'. Exiting. ", filepath,doc.ErrorDesc() );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- // get dom root of 'phonebookdata.xml', here root should be 'phonebook'.
- TiXmlElement* root = doc.RootElement();
- printf("_______________________________________ ");
- printf(" contacted person information ");
- // trace every items below root.
- for( TiXmlNode* item = root->FirstChild( "item" );
- item;
- item = item->NextSibling( "item" ) ) {
- printf("_______________________________________ ");
- // read name.
- TiXmlNode* child = item->FirstChild();
- const char* name = child->ToElement()->GetText();
- if (name) {
- printf("name:%s ",name);
- } else {
- printf("name: ");
- }
- // read address.
- child = item->IterateChildren(child);
- const char* addr = child->ToElement()->GetText();
- if (addr) {
- printf("addr:%s ",addr);
- } else {
- printf("addr: ");
- }
- // read telephone no.
- child = item->IterateChildren(child);
- const char* tel = child->ToElement()->GetText();
- if (tel) {
- printf("tel:%s ",tel);
- } else {
- printf("tel: ");
- }
- // read e-mail.
- child = item->IterateChildren(child);
- const char* email = child->ToElement()->GetText();
- if(email) {
- printf("email:%s ",email);
- } else {
- printf("email: ");
- }
- printf(" ");
- }
- //______________________________________________________________________
- //______________________________________________________________________
- // Add information to xml file and save it.
- TiXmlElement* writeRoot = doc.RootElement();
- TiXmlNode* newNode = new TiXmlElement("item");
- const TiXmlNode* name4NewNode = new TiXmlElement("name");
- newNode->InsertEndChild(*name4NewNode)->InsertEndChild(TiXmlText("pipi"));
- const TiXmlNode* addr4NewNode = new TiXmlElement("addr");
- newNode->InsertEndChild(*addr4NewNode)->InsertEndChild(TiXmlText("Shaanxi Xianyang"));
- const TiXmlNode* tel4NewNode = new TiXmlElement("tel");
- newNode->InsertEndChild(*tel4NewNode)->InsertEndChild(TiXmlText("02937310627"));
- const TiXmlNode* email4NewNode = new TiXmlElement("email");
- newNode->InsertEndChild(*email4NewNode)->InsertEndChild(TiXmlText("pipi@home.com"));
- writeRoot->InsertEndChild(*newNode);
- doc.SaveFile();
- //______________________________________________________________________