visio studio code 1.50版本
名称: Markdown Preview Enhanced
版本: 0.5.13
名称: PlantUML
版本: 2.13.14
```plantuml @startgantt project starts the 2020/11/8 saturday are closed sunday are closed -- test 043版本 -- [test 043开发] is colored in lightblue [test 043开发] starts the 2020/11/18 [test 043开发] on {张三:50} {李四:120} {王五:60} ends the 2020/11/25 then [test 043集成测试] as [jc] on {张三:50} {李四:120} {王五:60} ends the 2020/12/8 [jc] is colored in LightSalmon then [test 043验收测试] as [ys] ends the 2020/12/18 [ys] is colored in YellowGreen [新增需求-easy] as [a] happens at 2020/11/21 [新增需求-hard] as [b] happens at 2020/11/30 [b] is colored in Red [新增需求加两天] starts at [ys]'s end [新增需求加两天] ends the 2020/12/23 [新增需求加两天] is colored in YellowGreen @endgantt