我给王昆扬老师发《陶哲轩实分析》部分勘误,他来访问我的博客,看到我对实数的构造理论感兴趣,就给我发了一些他的09年写的两篇宣传材料以及他去年整理的关于实数的表示的稿子Cantor之路.(在一些研讨会上报告过)详细如下:Cantor之路, 实数的表示,实数.
陶回复:Dear prof.Tao,
I finally finished learning the construction of the real number system with the help of this very rigorous book.But a big problem left:What is a real number?In your book you say a real number is
is a Cauchy sequence of rational numbers.But I think
is nothing,it is just a notion which somewhat relates to
.A few sections later,you prove that
is actually
.But I think the definition of
comes from
,so one should not explain
by using
.So what is a real number still remains a big problem for me……
I search google and find your google buzz essay https://profiles.google.com/114134834346472219368/buzz/RarPutThCJv .After seeing that essay I understand all……My only doubt is that why you didn’t define a real number as a equivalence class of Cauchy sequence of rational numbers in your text book.
That is only a step away…..It seems that you replace the equivalence class by the strange notion
.This makes me very uncomfortable because this notion seems meaningless,though it would eventually be replaced by
,but I think that is a “fake replace”……Because the concept of
is based on
.So a step away makes your text book introduce me a new object
.I don’t like new objects.New objects,the fewer,the better.
Dear Luqing,
I think you are approaching mathematical foundations from a constructive viewpoint (focusing on what objects such as real numbers actually “are”) rather than from an axiomatic one (focusing on what properties these objects have). The distinction between the two perspectives is discussed in Remark 2.1.14 of my book. While the constructive viewpoint is initially more appealing conceptually, and is certainly of importance in foundations of mathematics, it turns out in the practice of mathematics that the axiomatic approach is much more flexible and powerful. In the end, once one leaves the foundational or logical aspects of mathematics, it doesn’t matter so much exactly which construction of the real numbers one takes as a model (whether it be equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals, formal limits of the same Cauchy sequences, Dedekind cuts of rationals, or whatever), so long as one can verify that this model obeys the basic axioms of the real numbers (e.g. the list in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_number#Axiomatic_approach ). In particular, one is free to choose between a minimalist construction in a pure set theory in which one only works with constructions (such as tuples and equivalence classes) that were already constructed within the language of set theory, or a richer construction using an impure extension of set theory in which one adds additional formal symbols such as LIM. Both choices are equally valid for most mathematical purposes (the impure set theory with additional formal symbols is a conservative extension of pure set theory); I chose the latter for my book because it conceptually aligns the construction of the real numbers more closely with the way one usually thinks of real numbers in practice – namely, as quantities that can be approximated to arbitrary precision by rationals (or terminating decimals). (I also discuss the distinction between minimalist approaches to foundations, and rich approaches to foundations, at http://mathoverflow.net/questions/19152/why-is-a-topology-made-up-of-open-sets/30231#30231 .)
Incidentally, I adopt a similar approach in previous sections of my text in constructing the integers out of formal differences
of natural numbers, and rationals out of formal quotients
of integers. One could, if one wished, instead adopt a “minimalist” philosophy and construct the integers as equivalence classes of pairs of natural numbers, and the rationals as equivalence classes of pairs of rationals; this is a logically equivalent approach, but is further removed from one’s conceptual intuition about what integers or rationals should actually be.
在陶眼里,那些一定要回答“实数是什么”这个问题的人,其实是采用了一种“构造主义”的观点,而陶是直接引进LIM a_n,并不是构造主义的观点,他注重的是实数满足的性质。同样,我觉得当初戴德金分割里的那个问题,