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  • python基础查漏补缺5--输入和输出

    1. 字符转换格式

    说  明  符 含  义
    d 整数
    o 八进制值
    x 小写十六进制数
    X 大写十六进制数
    e 小写科学计数法表示的浮点数
    E 大写科学计数法表示的浮点数
    f 浮点数
    s 字符串
    % %字符
    >>> x = 0.01234567890123456789
    >>> print('x = %f' % x)
    x = 0.012346
    >>> print('x = %e' % x)
    x = 1.234568e-02
    >>> print('x= %E' % x)
    x= 1.234568E-02
    >>> print('x = %o' % 100)
    x = 144
    >>> print('x = %x' % 100)
    x = 64
    >>> print('x = %x' % 200)
    x = c8
    >>> print('x = %X' % 200)
    x = C8
    >>> print('x = %s' % 'str')
    x = str
    >>> print('x = %d' % 200)
    x = 200

     >>> print('x = %.2f' % x)
     x = 0.01

    2. 格式字符串 format

    >>> # 命名替换
    >>> 'my {pet} has {prob}'.format(pet = 'dog', prob = 'fleas')
    'my dog has fleas'
    >>> # 位置替换
    >>> 'my {0} has {1}'.format('dog', 'fleas')
    'my dog has fleas'
    >>> # 使用转换说明符
    >>> '1/81 = {x}'.format(x = 1/81)
    '1/81 = 0.012345679012345678'
    >>> '1/81 = {x:f}'.format(x = 1/81)
    '1/81 = 0.012346'
    >>> '1/81 = {x:.2f}'.format(x = 1/81)
    '1/81 = 0.01'
    >>> # 使用大括号来指定格式设置参数
    >>> 'num = {x:.{d}f}'.format(x = 1/81, d=4)
    'num = 0.0123'
    >>> # 格式化字符串更复杂一些,适合复杂任务,比如创建网页或者格式化邮件

    3. 文件夹处理

    函  数  名 作用
    os.getcwd() get current work directory 返回当前工作目录的名称
    os.listdir(p) list directory返回一个字符串列表,其中包含路径 p 指定的文件夹中所有文件和文件夹的名称 
    os.chdir(p) change directory将当前工作目录设置为路径 p
    os.path.isfile(p) 当路径 p 指定的是一个文件的名称时,返回 True,否则返回 False
    os.path.isdir(p) 当路径 p 指定的是一个文件夹的名称时,返回 True,否则返回 False 
    os.stat(fname) 返回有关 fname 的信息,如大小(单位为字节)和最后一次修改时间
    os.sep 返回当前操作系统的文件分隔符
    >>> import os
    >>> os.getcwd() 'D:\dev\Python\practise\basic' >>> cdir = os.getcwd() >>> cdir 'D:\dev\Python\practise\basic' >>> os.listdir(cdir) ['test_print.py', '__pycache__'] >>> os.chdir('D:\dev') >>> os.getcwd() 'D:\dev' >>> os.path.isfile('D:\dev\Python\practise\basic\test_print.py') True >>> os.path.isdir('D:\dev\Python\practise\basic\test_print.py') False >>> os.path.isdir('D:\dev\Python\practise\basic\') True >>> os.path.isdir('D:\dev\Python\practise\basic\test_print.py') False >>> os.stat('D:\dev\Python\practise\basic\test_print.py') os.stat_result(st_mode=33206, st_ino=1688849860449070, st_dev=2025685481, st_nlink=1, st_uid=0, st_gid=0, st_size=137, st_atime=1505123394, st_mtime=1505125437, st_ctime=1505123394)

    4. 文件读写

    打开文件 --> 处理文件 --> 关闭文件

    import os
    def print_file(fname):
        # 打开文件,只读模式
        f = open(fname, 'r')
        # 按行读取文件内容
        for line in f:
            print(line, end='')
        # 关闭文件
    def print_file2(fname):
        f = open(fname, 'r')
        # 读取文件全部内容
        # 关闭文件
    def make_story1():
        # 如果文件已经存在的话,则不处理
        if os.path.isfile('story.txt'):
            print('story.txt is already exists')
            # 可写模式打开文件
            f = open('story.txt', 'w')
            # 写入文件内容
            f.write('Mary had a little lamb, 
            f.write('and then she had some more.
    # 追加模式
    def add_to_story(line, fname = 'story.txt'):
        f = open(fname, 'a')
    # 字符串追加到文件开头
    def insert_title(title, fname = 'story.txt'):
        f = open(fname, 'r+')
        temp = f.read()
        temp = title + '
    ' + temp
        f.seek(0) # 让文件指针指向文件夹
    add_to_story('and she had more and more')
    insert_title('This is the title')
    This is the title
    Mary had a little lamb, 
    and then she had some more.
    and she had more and moreThis is the title
    Mary had a little lamb, 
    and then she had some more.
    and she had more and more
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    【操作系统】 DOS命令windows批处理batch编程——第一章
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yunmenzhe/p/7512153.html
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