6 Applications
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Horizontal Information Products at Elsevier
1. vertical product
2. horizontal product
3. Current Status
Cross-journal querying use keying work is OK, but the semantic problem remains largely unsolved (e.g. how to handle the extensive homonym and synonym).
4. thesauri
Very lightweight ontologies, proved to be a key technology for effective information access because they help to overcome some of the problems of free-text search by relating and grouping relevant terms in a specific domain as well as providing a controlled vocabulary for indexing information.
现在许多领域里已经开发了一些thesauri。比如医药领域的MeSH,Elsevier life science thesaurus EMTREE
6.3 Data Integration at Audi
1. data integration problem
6.2里和这里提到的都是data integration problem.
Elsevier实行data integration的目的是方便用户查询;在大型企业(如Audi,Boeing, HP and others)内部,也存在着data integration的要求。
2. the fundamental challenge of integration
the sharing of information based on the intended meaning, the semantics of the data.
3. Camera的例子
4. 解决此类问题来开展业务的公司
Unicorn (Israel), Ontoprise (Germany), Network Inference (UK)等。
6.4 Skill Finding at Swiss Life
Swiss Life是欧洲最好的人寿保险公司之一,问题:
How to list the large number of different skills?
How to organise them so that they can be retrieved across geographical and cultural boundaries?
How to ensure that the repository is updated frequently?
6.5 Think Tank Portal at EnerSearch
EnerSearch is an industrial research consortium focused on information technology in energy.
6.6 e-Learning
1. Current status
Learning has not been personalized but rather aimed at mass participation.
2. Three types of knowledge in e-learning environment
content ontology
the basic concepts of the domain in which learning takes place
pedagogy ontology
For example, material can be classified as lecture, tutorial, example, walk-through, exercise, solution, and so on.
structure ontology
e.g. hierarchical and navigational relations like previous, next, hasPart, isPartOf, requires, and isBasedOn.
6.7 Web Services
service profiles
service models
service groundings
Web services are an application area where Artificial Intelligence techniques can be used effectively,
6.8 Other Scenarios
Online Procurement at Daimler-Chrysler
online procurement is one of the major drivers behind business-to-business (B2B)
<http://business.semanticweb.org>. A very good resource on the use of Semantic Web technolgy in companies, and a list of providers of Semantic Web technology.