1 a = 5 2 print(a.bit_length()) # 当十进制用二进制表示时,最少使用的位数 3
>>> i = 10 # int --> str >>> str(i) '10' >>> ii = -1 >>> str(ii) '-1' >>> iii = 0 >>> str(iii) '0' >>> iiii = 000 >>> str(iiii) '0'
1 >>> s1 = '20' # str --> int 2 >>> int(s1) 3 20 4 >>> s2 = '0500' 5 >>> int(s2) 6 500 7 >>> s3 = '-122' 8 >>> int(s3) 9 -122 10 >>>
1 >>> i = 5 # int --> bool 2 >>> bool(i) 3 True 4 >>> a = -1 5 >>> bool(a) 6 True 7 >>> b = 0 8 >>> bool(b) 9 False
>>> int(True) # bool --> int 1 >>> int(False) 0 >>> >>> s4 = 'hello' # str --> bool >>> bool(s4) True >>> s5 = ' ' >>> bool(s5) True >>> s6 = '' >>> bool(s6) False
1 >>> str(True) # bool --> str 2 'True' 3 >>> str(False) 4 'False'

1 >>> s = 'python学习课程' 2 >>> s1 = s[0] 3 >>> s1 4 'p' 5 >>> type(s1) 6 <class 'str'> 7 >>> s2 = s[6] 8 >>> s2 9 '学' 10 >>> s3 = s[-1] 11 >>> s3 12 '程' 13 >>> s4 = s[0:6] 14 >>> s4 15 'python' 16 >>> s5 = s[:6] 17 >>> s5 18 'python' 19 >>> s6 = s[6:] 20 >>> s6 21 '学习课程' 22 >>> s7 = s[:8:2] # 2 代表步长 23 >>> s7 24 'pto学' 25 >>> s8 = s[-1:-8] 26 >>> s8 27 '' 28 >>> s8 = s[-1:-8:-1] 29 >>> s8 30 '程课习学noh' 31 >>> s9 = s[:] 32 >>> s9 33 'python学习课程' 34 >>> s10 = s[-1:] 35 >>> s10 36 '程'

1 s = "123a4b5c" 2 s1 = s[:3] 3 print(s1) # "123" 4 s2 = s[3:6] 5 print(s2) # "a4b" 6 s3 = s[::2] 7 print(s3) # "1345" 8 s4 = s[1:-2:2] 9 print(s4) # "2ab" 10 s5 = s[-1] 11 print(s5) # "c" 12 s6 = s[-3::-2] 13 print(s6) # "ba2"

1 >>> s = "Turn right on this street." 2 >>> s1 = s.upper() # 变大写 3 >>> s1 4 'TURN RIGHT ON THIS STREET.' 5 >>> s2 = s.lower() # 变小写 6 >>> s2 7 'turn right on this street.' 8 >>> s.count("r") 9 3 10 >>> 11 >>> s.count("r", 0, 9) 12 2 13 >>> ss = "ascaljcdashc;LS" 14 >>> ss 15 'ascaljcdashc;LS' 16 >>> ss.startswith("as") # 以...开头 17 True 18 >>> ss.startswith("asd") 19 False 20 >>> ss.startswith("sw", 5, -1) # 加了切片 21 False 22 >>> ss.startswith("jc", 5 , -1) 23 True 24 >>> ss.endswith("S") # 判断是否以...结尾 25 True 26 >>> ss.endswith("c", 6, 11) 27 False 28 >>> ss.endswith("c", 6, 12) 29 True 30 >>> s = "Hope has always been like a teenager, clean and pure peace of mind" 31 >>> s.split() 32 ['Hope', 'has', 'always', 'been', 'like', 'a', 'teenager,', 'clean', 'and', 'pure', 'peace', 'of', 'mind'] 33 34 >>> s.split(",") 35 ['Hope has always been like a teenager', ' clean and pure peace of mind'] 36 37 >>> s1 = "name:alex:age:18:gender:male" 38 >>> s1.split(":") 39 ['name', 'alex', 'age', '18', 'gender', 'male'] 40 >>> s1.split(":",2) 41 ['name', 'alex', 'age:18:gender:male'] 42 >>> s2 = " :tom:ethan:alex" 43 >>> s2.split(":") 44 [' ', 'tom', 'ethan', 'alex'] 45 >>> s3 = "alex" 46 >>> "+".join(s3) 47 'a+l+e+x' 48 >>> type("+".join(s3)) 49 <class 'str'> 50 >>> s4 = "name" 51 >>> " ".join(s3, s4) 52 Traceback (most recent call last): 53 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 54 TypeError: join() takes exactly one argument (2 given) 55 >>> ss = s.split() 56 >>> ss 57 ['Hope', 'has', 'always', 'been', 'like', 'a', 'teenager,', 'clean', 'and', 'pure', 'peace', 'of', 'mind'] 58 >>> " ".join(ss) 59 'Hope has always been like a teenager, clean and pure peace of mind' 60 61 >>> li = ["s", "a", "b", "f", 33] 62 >>> type(li) 63 <class 'list'> 64 >>> "".join(li) 65 Traceback (most recent call last): 66 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 67 TypeError: sequence item 4: expected str instance, int found 68 >>> s = "Hope has always been like a teenager, clean and pure peace of mind" 69 >>> s.split() 70 ['Hope', 'has', 'always', 'been', 'like', 'a', 'teenager,', 'clean', 'and', 'pure', 'peace', 'of', 'mind'] 71 >>> 72 >>> s.split(",") 73 ['Hope has always been like a teenager', ' clean and pure peace of mind'] 74 75 >>> s1 = "name:alex:age:18:gender:male" 76 >>> s1.split(":") 77 ['name', 'alex', 'age', '18', 'gender', 'male'] 78 >>> s1.split(":",2) 79 ['name', 'alex', 'age:18:gender:male'] 80 >>> s2 = " :tom:ethan:alex" 81 >>> s2.split(":") 82 [' ', 'tom', 'ethan', 'alex'] 83 84 >>> s3 = "alex" 85 >>> "+".join(s3) 86 'a+l+e+x' 87 >>> type("+".join(s3)) 88 <class 'str'> 89 >>> s4 = "name" 90 >>> " ".join(s3, s4) 91 Traceback (most recent call last): 92 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 93 TypeError: join() takes exactly one argument (2 given) 94 >>> ss = s.split() 95 >>> ss 96 ['Hope', 'has', 'always', 'been', 'like', 'a', 'teenager,', 'clean', 'and', 'pure', 'peace', 'of', 'mind'] 97 >>> " ".join(ss) 98 'Hope has always been like a teenager, clean and pure peace of mind' 99 100 >>> li = ["s", "a", "b", "f", 33] 101 >>> type(li) 102 <class 'list'> 103 >>> "".join(li) 104 Traceback (most recent call last): 105 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 106 TypeError: sequence item 4: expected str instance, int found 107 >>> s= " hello " 108 >>> s.strip() # 去除空格 109 'hello' 110 >>> s5 = "as你好jhd" 111 >>> s5.strip("ajhsd") 112 '你好' 113 >>> s5.strip("ajhs") 114 '你好jhd' 115 >>> s6 = "as你r好jhd" 116 >>> s6.strip("ajhsd") 117 '你r好' 118 >>> 119 >>> "**barry*****".strip() 120 '**barry*****' 121 >>> "**barry****".strip("*") 122 'barry' 123 >>> "**barry****".lstrip("*") 124 'barry****' 125 >>> "**barry****".rstrip("*") 126 '**barry' 127 128 >>> s = "他叫王麻子,今年25,目前就读于双一流高校,王麻子喜欢唱歌,班上的人都叫王麻子歌神" 129 >>> s.replace("王麻子","张三") 130 '他叫张三,今年25,目前就读于双一流高校,张三喜欢唱歌,班上的人都叫张三歌神' 131 >>> s.replace("王麻子","张三",2) 132 '他叫张三,今年25,目前就读于双一流高校,张三喜欢唱歌,班上的人都叫王麻子歌神' 133 >>> s.replace("王麻子","张三",1,,3) 134 File "<stdin>", line 1 135 s.replace("王麻子","张三",1,,3) 136 ^ 137 SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier 138 >>> s.find("双一流") # 返回的找到的元素的索引,如果找不到返回-1 139 16 140 >>> s.find("25", 1, 10) 141 8 142 >>> s.find("哈哈") 143 -1 144 >>> ss = "tom123" 145 >>> ss.isalnum() #字符串由字母或者数字组成 146 True 147 >>> ss.isalpha() # 字符串只由字母组成 148 False 149 >>> ss.isdecimal() # 字符串只由十进制组成 150 False 151 >>> ss.index("tom") # 返回的找到的元素的索引,找不到报错 152 0 153 >>> ss.index("12") 154 3 155 >>> ss.index("12",3, 6) 156 3

1 s = "我叫{},今年{},毕业于{} ".format("alex", 25, "ynu") # 我叫alex,今年25,毕业于ynu 2 s = "我叫{0},今年{1},毕业于{2}, {2}是一所双一流高校".format("alex", 25, "ynu") # 我叫alex,今年25,毕业于ynu, ynu是一所双一流高校 3 s = "我叫{name},今年{age},毕业于{school}, {school}是一所双一流高校".format(name = "alex", age = 25, school = "ynu") # 我叫alex,今年25,毕业于ynu, ynu是一所双一流高校 4 # print(s)

1 s = "if you are not satified with the life" 2 # print(s.capitalize()) #首字母大写 # If you are not satified with the life 3 # print(s.swapcase()) #大小写翻转 # IF YOU ARE NOT SATIFIED WITH THE LIFE 4 s1 = "IF YOU ARE NOT SATIFIED WITH THE LIFE" 5 # print(s1.swapcase()) # if you are not satified with the life 6 print(s.title()) #每个单词的首字母大写 # If You Are Not Satified With The Life
有限循环 for 变量 in iterable: pass for...else...

for i in range(3): print(i) #i:0,1,2 for j in range(1,10): #1是起始位置 print(j) #j:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 for k in range(1,10,2): #2是步长 print(k) #k:1,3,5,7,9 for m in range(100): if m < 50 or m > 70: print(m) # 输出0..49和71...99的int类型数 index = 0 while index < 13: print(index) # 循环输出0 index = 0 while index < 13: print(index) # 0...12 index += 1 s = "第一行找规律,第二行验证规律,第三行使用规律" # print(len(s)) # 22 index = 0 while index < 22: # 写成 index < 23 报IndexError: string index out of range # print(index) # 0到21 print(s[index]) # print(s[index].join("sb")) print(s[index] + "sb") index += 1 s = "Don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love" li = [] for item in s.split(): # print(item) # Don't、let、...、you、love li.append(item) # print(li) # ["Don't", 'let', 'fear', 'stop', 'you', 'from', 'doing', 'the', 'thing', 'you', 'love'] dic = {"name" : "tom", "age" : 25, "gender" : "female"} for k, v in dic.items(): # print(k,v) # name tom age 25 gender female print(k) # name age gender for item in enumerate(li): # 起始位置默认是0,可更改 print(item) # (0, "Don't")、(1, 'let')、(2, 'fear')...、(10, 'love') for index, name in enumerate(li, 100): # 起始位置默认是0,可更改为100 print(index, name) # (100, "Don't")、(101, 'let')、(102, 'fear')...、(110, 'love')
整型数字主要用于计算,bool值主要用于条件判断,字符串可以存储数据,但是只能存储少量的数据,对于大量的数据用字符串进行存储既不方便又不容易,且存储的数据类型只能是字符串类型。列表是一种可以承载多种数据类型的容器类数据类型,是python的基础数据类型之一,其他编程语言也有类似的数据类型.比如JS中的数组, java中的数组等等。列表相比于字符串,不仅可以储存多种不同的数据类型,而且可以储存大量的数据,列表是有序的,有索引值,可切片,方便取值。列表是可变的(mutable)----可改变列表的内容
# method 1 li = [33, 22, "tom", "hello", [11, "hey"], {"name": "alex", "age": 25} ] print(li, type(li)) # [33, 22, 'tom', 'hello', [11, 'hey'], {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25}] <class 'list'> # method 2 lii = list() print(lii, type(lii)) # [] <class 'list'> liii = list("123") print(liii, type(liii)) # ['1', '2', '3'] <class 'list'> # method 3 列表推导式 lis = [i for i in range(1, 10, 2)] print(lis, type(lis)) # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] <class 'list'>

1 a = ["zcj", "zcc", "zls", "ldw", "ht"] 2 3 #查 4 print(a) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht'] 5 print(a[1]) # "zcc" 6 print(a[2:]) # ['zls', 'ldw', 'ht'] 从左到右取到最后 切片 7 print(a[1:3]) # ['zcc', 'zls'] 从左往右取,左闭右开 8 print(a[1:-1]) # ['zcc', 'zls', 'ldw'] 9 print(a[1:-1:2]) # 2是步长,['zcc', 'ldw'] 10 print(a[:3]) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls'] 11 print(a[1::2]) # ['zcc', 'ldw'] 12 13 # 以上都是从左往右取 14 15 print(a[3::-1]) # 从右往左一个一个的取 ['ldw', 'zls', 'zcc', 'zcj'] 16 print(a[-1::-2]) #从右往左隔一个取 ['ht', 'zls', 'zcj'] 17 b = a[3::-1] 18 print(b) # ['ldw', 'zls', 'zcc', 'zcj'] 19 20 # 添加 有两种方法:append, insert 21 22 a.append("hhh") # 默认添加到列表最后,即追加 ,给列表的最后面追加一个元素 23 print(a) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht', 'hhh'] 24 25 a.append(["hhh"]) 26 print(a) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht', ['hhh']] 27 28 a.append(["hhh","xxx"]) # a.append("hhh","xxx") 会报错 29 print(a) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht', ['hhh', 'xxx']] 30 31 32 # extend方法修改了被扩展的列表,而原始的连接操作(+)则不然,它会返回一个全新的列表 33 a.extend(["hhh","xxx"]) # a.extend("hhh", "xxx")会报错 34 print(a) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht', 'hhh', 'xxx'] 35 36 a.extend("hhh") 37 print(a) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht', 'h', 'h', 'h'] 38 39 a.extend(["hhh"]) # 扩展, 迭代着追加,在列表的最后面迭代着追加一组数据 40 print(a) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht', 'hhh'] 41 42 a.insert(1,"hhh") # 在序列下标为一的地方插入,在列表的任意位置插入元素 insert(index, 内容) 43 print(a) # ['zcj', 'hhh', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht'] 44 45 46 # 修改 47 48 a[1] = "jjj" 49 print(a) # ['zcj', 'jjj', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht'] 50 51 a[1:3] = ["hhh", "xxx"] 52 print(a) # ['zcj', 'hhh', 'xxx', 'ldw', 'ht'] 53 l = ['太白', 'alex', 'WuSir', '女神'] 54 l[1:3] = 'abcdefg' 55 print(l) # ['太白', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', '女神'] 56 57 # 按照切片(步长)改值(必须一一对应) 58 l = ['太白', 'alex', 'WuSir', '女神'] 59 l[::2] = '对应' 60 print(l) # ['对', 'alex', '应', '女神'] 61 62 #删除 有三种:remove,pop,del 63 64 a.remove("zcj") # remove不能删除切片形式的 通过元素删除列表中该元素,如果有重名元素,则默认删除从左到右的第一个元素 65 a.remove(a[0]) 66 print(a) # ['zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht'] 67 68 b = a.remove("zcj") 69 print(a) # ['zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht'] 70 print(b) # None 71 72 b = a.pop(0) # 通过索引删除列表中对应的元素,该方法有返回值,返回值为删除的元素 73 print(a) # ['zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht'] 74 print(b) # zcj 75 76 a.pop() # 默认删除最后一个 77 print(a) # ['zcj', 'zcc', 'zls', 'ldw'] 78 79 del a[0] # 按照索引删除该元素 ['zcc', 'zls', 'ldw', 'ht'] 80 print(a) 81 82 del a # 删除整个列表 83 print(a) 84 85 a.clear() # 清空 86 print(a) # []

1 #count 2 a = ["to", "be", "not", "to", "be"] 3 print(a.count("to")) # 输出2, count统计某个元素在列表中出现的次数 4 5 a = [1, 2 ,3] 6 b = [4, 5, 6] 7 #a.extend(b) 8 # print(a) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 9 # print(b) # [4, 5, 6] 10 # print(a + b) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 11 print(a * 3) # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] 12 13 #index 根据内容找其对应的位置 14 a = ["zcj", "zcc", "zls", "ldw", "ht"] 15 print(a.index("zcc")) # 输出1 假如列表中存在相同的几个值,那么index取的是第一个 16 17 a = ["zcj", "zcc", "ht", "zls", "ldw", "ht"] 18 # print(a.index("ht")) # 输出2 19 20 first_ht_index = a.index("ht") # 获取列表中第一个ht 21 print("first_ht_index:", first_ht_index) # 输出2 22 23 little_list = a[first_ht_index + 1:] # 切片,切出从列表第一个ht后的一个元素到最后一个元素的子列表 24 25 sencond_ht_index = little_list.index("ht") 26 print("sencond_ht_index", sencond_ht_index) # 输出2 27 28 second_ht_in_a_list = first_ht_index + sencond_ht_index + 1 29 print("second_ht_in_a_list", second_ht_in_a_list) # 输出5 30 print(a[second_ht_in_a_list]) # 输出ht 31 32 # reverse 倒置 33 a = ["zcj", "zcc", "ht", "zls", "ldw", "ht"] 34 a.reverse() 35 print(a) # 输出 ['ht', 'ldw', 'zls', 'ht', 'zcc', 'zcj'] 36 37 # sort 排序 38 a = [2, 8, 3, 5, 7] 39 a.sort(reverse = True) # 从大到小排序 [8, 7, 5, 3, 2] 40 a.sort(reverse = False) # 从小到大排序 [2, 3, 5, 7, 8], a.sort()默认从小到大 41 sorted(a) 42 print(a) # [2, 8, 3, 5, 7] 43 44 b = ["zcj", "zcc", "ht", "zls", "ldw", "ht"] 45 print("ccc" in b) # "ccc"不在b中,故返回False 46 b.sort() # 根据ASCII来排序 47 print(b) # ['ht', 'ht', 'ldw', 'zcc', 'zcj', 'zls'] 48 49 a = [2, 8, 3, 5, 7] 50 print(a is list) # 输出False 51 print(type(a) is list) # 输出True

1 "" 2 l1 = [1, 2, 'tom', [1, 'alex', 3,]] 3 1, 将l1中的'tom'变成大写并放回原处。 4 2,给小列表[1,'alex',3,]追加一个元素,'老男孩教育'。 5 3,将列表中的'alex'通过字符串拼接的方式在列表中变成'alexsb' 6 """ 7 8 l1 = [1, 2, 'tom', [1, 'alex', 3,]] 9 10 #l1[2] = "TOM" 11 1[2] = l1[2].upper() 12 print(l1) # [1, 2, 'TOM', [1, 'alex', 3]] 13 14 l1[3] = [1, 'alex', 3, "老男孩教育"] 15 print(l1) # [1, 2, 'tom', [1, 'alex', 3, '老男孩教育']] 16 17 l1[3] = l1[3] + ["老男孩教育"] 18 print(l1[3]) # [1, 'alex', 3, '老男孩教育'] 19 print(l1) # [1, 2, 'tom', [1, 'alex', 3, '老男孩教育']] 20 21 l1[-1].append("老男孩教育") 22 print(l1[-1]) # [1, 'alex', 3, '老男孩教育'] 23 print(l1) # [1, 2, 'tom', [1, 'alex', 3, '老男孩教育']] 24 25 print(l1[-1][1]) # alex 26 print(l1[-1][1] + "sb") # alexsb 27 #l1[-1][1] = "alexsb" 28 l1[-1][1] = l1[-1][1] + "sb" 29 print(l1) # [1, 2, 'tom', [1, 'alexsb', 3]]

1 # tup1 = () # 空元组 2 # tup2 = (2,) #包含一个元素的元组 3 4 a = (11, 22, 33, 44, 55) 5 print(a[1]) # 22 6 print(a[1:3]) # (22, 33) 7 8 b = (11, "reality", True, [11, "stop", False, 5]) 9 for item in b: # 查看 10 print(item) 11 12 print(b[-1]) # [11, 'stop', False, 5] 13 b[-1].append(2) 14 print(b) # (11, 'reality', True, [11, 'stop', False, 5, 2]) 15 print(b.index(True)) # 2 通过元素找索引(可切片),找到第一个元素就返回,找不到该元素即报错。 16 17 print(b.count(11)) # 1 获取某元素在列表中出现的次数
1 a, b = (1, 10) # 元组的拆包,必须一一对应,列表也可以拆包,但主要以元组拆包为主 2 print(a) # 1 3 print(b) # 10

1 li = range(5) 2 print(li[1: 3]) # range(1, 3) 3 print(li[-1]) # 4 4 5 for i in range(1, 5, -1): 6 print(i) # 没输出

1 实现一个整数加法计算器(多个数相加) 2 如:content = input("输入内容:"), 用户输入5 +9+6 +12+ 13 3 4 content = input("请输入内容:") 5 li = content.split("+") 6 # print(li) 7 sum = 0 8 for i in li: 9 # print(int(i)) 10 sum += int(i) 11 12 print(sum) # 45

计算用户输入的内容中有几个整数(以个位数为单位) 如 content = input("输入内容:"),如acwav1234dvcqww4dcvr6-*9 content = input("请输入内容:") count = 0 for i in content: # print(i, type(i)) # 类型全是str if i.isdecimal(): count += 1 print(count) # 7

1 #判断一句话是否是回文。 回文:正着念和反着念都一样,比如:上海自来水来自海上 2 3 # st = "今天天气不错!" 4 # print(st[:]) # 今天天气不错! 5 # print(st[-1::-1]) # !错不气天天今 6 content = input("请输入内容:") 7 if content == content[-1::-1]: 8 print("它是回文") 9 else: 10 print("它不是")

1 # li = [1, "d", 4, 5, "c"] 2 # print(li[-1]) # c 3 # print(li[-1:]) # ['c'] 4 5 li = ["alex", "tom", "ethan"] 6 # print("_".join(li)) # alex_tom_ethan 7 s = "" 8 for i in li: 9 s = s + "_" + i 10 print(s) # _alex_tom_ethan 11 print(s[1:]) # alex_tom_ethan
不可变(可哈希)的数据类型:int、bool、str、tuple # 这里的不可变指的是对原对象没有改变,改变形成的是新对象

1 s = "alex" # 不可变 2 s2 = s.upper() 3 print(s, s2) # alex ALEX 4 5 l1 = [1, 2] # 可变 6 l1.append(3) 7 print(l1) # [1, 2, 3]

1 dic = { 2 "王麻子": {"name": "王麻子", "age": 15, "gender": "male"}, 3 "python学习班": ["李四", "张三", "张帆", "王府井"] 4 }
Key: 不可变(可哈希)的数据类型.并且键是唯一的,不重复的。

# method1 dic1 = dict() print(dic1) # {} dic2 = dict( (("one", 1), ("two", 2), ("three", 3)) ) print(dic2) # {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3} dic3 = dict([("age", 18), (("name", "alex"))]) print(dic3) # {'age': 18, 'name': 'alex'} # method2 dic4 = dict(name = "alex", age = 19, one = 1) print(dic4) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 19, 'one': 1} # meyhod3 dic5 = dict({"name": "tom", "age": 15, "two":2}) print(dic5) # {'name': 'tom', 'age': 15, 'two': 2} # method 4 dic6 = dict(zip(("name", 123, True, (1, 11)), ("ALEX", 456, "HH", "hello"))) print(dic6) # {'name': 'ALEX', 123: 456, True: 'HH', (1, 11): 'hello'} dic7 = dict(zip(["name", 123, True, (1, 11)], ["ALEX", 456, "HH", "hello"])) print(dic7) # {'name': 'ALEX', 123: 456, True: 'HH', (1, 11): 'hello'} # method 5 dic8 = {k: v for k, v in [("one", 1), ("name", "alex"), ("age", 18)]} print(dic8) # {'one': 1, 'name': 'alex', 'age': 18} dic9 = {k: v for k, v in (("one", 1), ("name", "alex"), ("age", 18))} print(dic9) # {'one': 1, 'name': 'alex', 'age': 18} # method 6 dic11 = dict.fromkeys("alex", 1234) print(dic11) # {'a': 1234, 'l': 1234, 'e': 1234, 'x': 1234}

1 dic = {123: 456, True: 999, "id": 1, "name": 'sylar', "age": 18, "stu": ['帅哥', '美⼥'], (1, 2, 3): '麻花藤'} 2 print(dic[123]) # 456 3 print(dic[True]) # 999 4 print(dic['id']) # 1 5 print(dic['stu']) # ['帅哥', '美⼥'] 6 print(dic[(1, 2, 3)]) # 麻花藤 7 8 # 不合法 9 # dic = {[1, 2, 3]: '周杰伦'} # list是可变的. 不能作为key 10 # dic = {{1: 2}: "哈哈哈"} # dict是可变的. 不能作为key 11 dic = {{1, 2, 3}: '呵呵呵'} # set是可变的, 不能作为key TypeError: unhashable type: 'set'

# 增删改查 dic = dict({"name": "alex", "age": 25, "gender": "male"}) # print(dic, type(dic)) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male'} <class 'dict'> # 增 # dic["hobby"] = "football" # print(dic) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male', 'hobby': 'football'} # dic["age"] = 19 # print(dic) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 19, 'gender': 'male'} # dic.setdefault(123, 456) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male', 123: 456} dic.setdefault("school", "ynu") # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male', 'school': 'ynu'} dic.setdefault("age", 21) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male', 'school': 'ynu'} 并未发生改变 ret = dic.setdefault("weight", 60) # print(dic) # print(ret) # 60 有返回值 # 删 # res = dic.pop("gender") # print(dic) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25} # print(res) # male # res = dic.pop("height") # print(dic) # 报错 KeyError: 'height' # res = dic.pop("height", "没有该项") # print(dic) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male'} # print(res) # 没有该项 # dic.popitem() # 默认删除最后一项 # print(dic) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25} # dic.clear() # 清空 # print(dic) # {} # del dic["gender"] # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25} # del dic # 删除整个字典 NameError: name 'dic' is not defined # 改 # dic["name"] = "tom" # {'name': 'tom', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male'} # dic.update(gender = "female", weight = 65) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'female', 'weight': 65} # dic.update([("one", 1), ("two", 2)]) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male', 'one': 1, 'two': 2} # dic.update((("one", 1), ("two", 2))) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male', 'one': 1, 'two': 2} dic1 = dict(zip((123, 456), (111, 789))) # {123: 111, 456: 789} dic.update(dic1) print(dic1) # {123: 111, 456: 789} print(dic) # {'name': 'alex', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male', 123: 111, 456: 789} # 查 # print(dic["name"]) # alex # print(dic.get("age")) # 25 # print(dic.get("weight")) # None # print(dic.get("hobby", "girl")) # girl # d1 = dic.keys() # print(d1, type(d1)) # dict_keys(['name', 'age', 'gender']) <class 'dict_keys'> # print(list(d1), type(list(d1))) # ['name', 'age', 'gender'] <class 'list'> # for item in dic.keys(): # print(item) # name age gender # for item in dic: # print(item) # name age gender # d2 = dic.values() # print(d2) # dict_values(['alex', 25, 'male']) # print(list(d2)) # ['alex', 25, 'male'] # for i in dic.values(): # print(i) # alex 25 male # d3 = dic.items() #print(d3, type(d3)) # dict_items([('name', 'alex'), ('age', 25), ('gender', 'male')]) <class 'dict_items'> # print(list(d3)) # [('name', 'alex'), ('age', 25), ('gender', 'male')] # for i in dic.items(): # print(i) # ('name', 'alex') ('age', 25) ('gender', 'male') # for k ,v in dic.items(): # print(k, v) # name alex age 25 gender male

1 dd = dict.fromkeys("你好", "师姐") 2 ddd = dict.fromkeys([1, "done", True], "嗯哼") 3 print(dd) # {'你': '师姐', '好': '师姐'} 4 print(ddd) # {1: '嗯哼', 'done': '嗯哼'}

""" dic = {'k1': "v1", "k2": "v2", "k3": [11,22,33]} 请在字典中添加一个键值对,"k4": "v4",输出添加后的字典 请在修改字典中 "k1" 对应的值为 "alex",输出修改后的字典 请在k3对应的值中追加一个元素 44,输出修改后的字典 请在k3对应的值的第 1 个位置插入个元素 18,输出修改后的字典 """ dic1 = {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2", "k3": [11, 22, 33]} # dic1["k4"] = "v4" # dic1.setdefault("k4", "v4") # print(dic1) # {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2', 'k3': [11, 22, 33], 'k4': 'v4'} # dic1["k1"] = "alex" # dic1.update(k1 = "alex") # print(dic1) # {'k1': 'alex', 'k2': 'v2', 'k3': [11, 22, 33]} # print(dic1["k3"]) # [11, 22, 33] # dic1["k3"].append(44) # print(dic1) # {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2', 'k3': [11, 22, 33, 44]} dic1["k3"].insert(0, 18) print(dic1) # {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2', 'k3': [18, 11, 22, 33]}

dic = { 'name': '汪峰', 'age': 48, 'wife': [{'name':'国际章','age':38}], 'children': {'girl_first': '小苹果', 'girl_second': '小怡', 'girl_three': '顶顶'} } # 1. 获取汪峰的名字。 # 2.获取这个字典:{'name':'国际章','age':38}。 # 3. 获取汪峰妻子的名字。 # 4. 获取汪峰的第三个孩子名字。 # 第一题 # ans1 = dic["name"] # ans1 = dic.get("name") # print(ans1) # 第二题 # ans2 = dic.get("wife") # print(ans2, type(ans2)) # [{'name': '国际章', 'age': 38}] <class 'list'> # print(ans2[0]) # print(dic["wife"][0]) # {'name': '国际章', 'age': 38} # 第三题 # print(dic.get("wife")[0].get("name")) # print(dic["wife"][0]["name"]) # 第四题 # print(dic["children"]["girl_three"]) print(dic.get("children").get("girl_three"))

dic2 = { 'name':['alex',2,3,5], 'job':'teacher', 'oldboy':{'alex':['python1','python2',100]} } 1,将name对应的列表追加⼀个元素’wusir’。 2,将name对应的列表中的alex⾸字⺟⼤写。 3,oldboy对应的字典加⼀个键值对’⽼男孩’,’linux’。 4,将oldboy对应的字典中的alex对应的列表中的python2删除 # 第一题 # dic2["name"].append("wusir") # print(dic2) # dic2.get("name").append("wusir") # print(dic2) # 第二题 # print(dic2["name"][0].capitalize()) # Alex # dic2["name"][0] = dic2["name"][0].capitalize() # print(dic2) # 第三题 # dic2.get("oldboy").update(老男孩 = "linux") # dic2["oldboy"]["⽼男孩"] = "linux" # print(dic2) # 第四题 # dic2["oldboy"]["alex"].pop(1) # dic2.get("oldboy").get("alex").remove("python2") dic2.get("oldboy").get("alex").remove("python2") print(dic2)

1 # 查找列表li中的元素,移除每个元素的空格,并找出以"A"或者"a"开头,并以"c"结尾的所有元素,并添加到一个新列表中,最后循环打印这个新列表 2 li = ["Taibai ", "alexc", "AbC ", "egon", " riTiAn", "WuSir", " aqc"] 3 4 l1 = [] 5 for item in li: 6 # print(item.strip()) 7 item = item.strip() # 去除空格 8 # if (item.startswith("a") or item.startswith("A")) and item.endswith("c"): # 判断方法1 注意这里有优先级,( ) > not > and > or 9 if item[0].upper() == "A" and item[-1] == "c": # 判断方法2 10 # print(item) 11 l1.append(item) 12 13 # print(l1) 14 for i in l1: 15 print(i)

# 开发敏感词过滤程序,提示用户输入评论内容。如果用户输入的内容中包含特殊的字符, # 敏感词汇表 li = ["苍老师", "京东热", "武藤兰", "波多野结衣"] # 则将用户输入的内容的敏感词替换成等长度的*(苍老师替换成***), # 并添加到一个列表中;如果用户输入的内容没有敏感词汇则直接添加到上述的列表中 li = ["苍老师", "京东热", "武藤兰", "波多野结衣"] L1 = [] comment = input("请输入评论内容:") # acsavwv京东热cfebe你好苍老师嗯哼dsa波多野结衣酷哈哈dawdvv武藤兰 for word in li: # print(word) if word in comment: # com = comment.replace(word, "*" * len(word)) # print(com) # 第一次循环:acsavwv京东热cfebe你好***嗯哼dsa波多野结衣酷哈哈dawdvv武藤兰 # # 第二次:acsavwv***cfebe你好苍老师嗯哼dsa波多野结衣酷哈哈dawdvv武藤兰 # # 第三次: acsavwv京东热cfebe你好苍老师嗯哼dsa波多野结衣酷哈哈dawdvv*** # # 第四次: acsavwv京东热cfebe你好苍老师嗯哼dsa*****酷哈哈dawdvv武藤兰 comment = comment.replace(word, "*" * len(word)) # print(comment) L1.append(comment) print(L1)

# 有如下列表 Li = [1, 3, 4, "alex", [3, 7, 8, "TaiBai"], 5, "RiTian"] # 循环打印列表中的每个元素,遇到列表则再循环打印出它里面的元素 for item in Li: # print(item) if type(item) is list: for i in item: print(i) else: print(item)

users = ["李少奇", "李启航", 666, "渣渣辉"] #请用"_"将它们连接起来 # users[2] = "666" # print("_".join(users)) # 李少奇_李启航_666_渣渣辉 # s = "" # 相当于 count = 0 # for item in users: # s = s + "_" + str(item) # s = s[1:] # print(s) s = "" for index in range(len(users)): if index == 0: s = s + str(users[index]) else: s = s + "_" + str(users[index]) print(s)

#请将元组 v1 = (11, 22, 33)中的所有元素追加到列表 v2 = [44, 55, 66]中 v1 = (11, 22, 33) v2 = [44, 55, 66] # a, b, c = v1 # print(a) # 11 # v2.append(a) # v2.append(b) # v2.append(c) # print(v2) # for i in v1: # v2.append(i) # print(v2) v2.extend(v1) print(v2)

# 请将元组 v1 = (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99)中的所有偶数索引位置的元素追加到列表 v2 = [44, 55, 66] v1 = (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99) v2 = [44, 55, 66] print(v1[::2]) # (11, 33, 55, 77, 99) v2.extend(v1[::2]) print(v2) # [44, 55, 66, 11, 33, 55, 77, 99]

#将字典的键和值分别追加到key_list和value_list两个列表 info = {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2", "k3": [11, 22, 33]} # print(info.keys()) # dict_keys(['k1', 'k2', 'k3']) key_list = [] value_list = [] keys = list(info.keys()) key_list.extend(keys) print(key_list) values = list(info.values()) value_list.extend(values) print(value_list)

# 有字符串 "k: 1|k1: 2|k2: 3|k3: 4"处理成字典{"k": 1, "k1": 2...} s = "k: 1|k1: 2|k2: 3|k3: 4" s = s.split("|") # print(s) # ['k: 1', 'k1: 2', 'k2: 3', 'k3: 4'] dic = dict() for item in s: key, value = item.split(":") # print(key, value, type(key), type(value)) # k 1 <class 'str'> <class 'str'> ... k3 4 <class 'str'> <class 'str'> dic[key.strip()] = int(value) print(dic)

# 集合的创建 se = set({1, 2 , "tom"}) print(se, type(se)) # {'tom', 1, 2} <class 'set'> se1 = {1, 5, "嗯哼"} print(se1, type(se1)) # {1, '嗯哼', 5} <class 'set'> se2 = {1, [1, 2], (1, "你哈"), "sss"} # 报错, TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' print(se2, type(se2)) se2 = {1, (1, "你哈"), "sss"} # {1, (1, '你哈'), 'sss'} <class 'set'> print(se2, type(se2)) # 空集合、空字典 print({}, type({})) # {} <class 'dict'> print(set(), type(set())) # set() <class 'set'>

set1 = {'alex', 'wusir', 'ritian', 'egon', 'barry', "八戒"} # 增加 # set1.add("黄忠") # print(set1) # {'黄忠', 'ritian', 'barry', 'egon', 'wusir', '八戒', 'alex'} # update 迭代着增加 # set1.update("safas") # {'ritian', 'a', '八戒', 'wusir', 's', 'f', 'barry', 'alex', 'egon'} # set1.update("你") # {'ritian', '八戒', 'barry', 'wusir', 'egon', '你', 'alex'} # set1.update("你好") # {'barry', 'wusir', '八戒', '好', '你', 'alex', 'ritian', 'egon'} # set1.update([1, 2, 3]) # {1, '八戒', 2, 3, 'alex', 'wusir', 'ritian', 'barry', 'egon'} # print(set1) # 删除 # set1.remove("alex") # {'ritian', 'egon', 'wusir', 'barry', '八戒'} # set1.pop() # 随机删除一个元素 # set1.pop(1) # TypeError: pop() takes no arguments (1 given) # set1.clear() # 清空集合 # del set1 # 删除整个集合 # print(set1) # 变相改值 # set1.remove("八戒") # set1.add("悟空") # print(set1) # {'wusir', 'barry', '悟空', 'egon', 'ritian', 'alex'}

# 集合的其他操作 set2 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} set3 = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} # 交集 & 或者 intersection # print(set2 & set3) # {4, 5} # print(set2.intersection(set3)) # {4, 5} # 并集 | 或者 union # print(set2 | set3) # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} # print(set2.union(set3)) # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} # 差集 - 或者 difference # print(set2 - set3) # {1, 2, 3} # print(set2.difference(set3)) # {1, 2, 3} # 反交集 ^ 或者 symmetric_difference # print(set2 ^ set3) # {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8} # print(set2.symmetric_difference(set3)) # {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}

set4 = {1, 2, 3} set5 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} set6 = {1, 2, 3, 10} # 子集 # print(set4 < set5) # True # print(set4.issubset(set5)) # True # print(set6 < set5) # False # 超集 # print(set5 > set4) # True # print(set5.issuperset(set4)) # True # 列表的去重 # l1 = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 10, 10] # se = set(l1) # {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10} # li = list(se) # [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10] # print(li)

# frozenset不可变集合,让集合变成不可变类型 a = frozenset("你好") print(a, type(a)) # frozenset({'你', '好'}) <class 'frozenset'> b = frozenset('barry') # frozenset({'r', 'b', 'a', 'y'}) <class 'frozenset'> print(b, type(b))