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FB.ui Overview
FB.ui is a generic helper method for triggering Dialogs which allow the user to take some action.
These dialogs include:
- The Feed Dialog allows a user to post a story to their Timeline and to their friends' News Feeds
- The OAuth Dialog allows a user to authorize an application as part of an authentication flow.
- The Add Page Tab Dialog allows a user to add an application to a Facebook Page which they administer.
- The Friends Dialog allows a user to send a friend request to another user.
- The Pay Dialog allows a user to make a purchase using Facebook Credits.
- The Requests Dialog allows a user to send a request to one or more of their friends
- The Send Dialog allows a user to send a Facebook Message to one or more of their friends.
网页中中调出fb的支付页面,一般都是使用官方的 js SDK 操作。
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:fb="https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> <head> <title>Facebook Credits Demo</title> </head> <body> <h2>Buy something...</h2> <button onclick="buy()">Buy</button> <div id="fb-ui-return-data"></div> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script> <script>
// 这里初始化FB 的 SDK FB.init({appId: "YOUR_APP_ID", status: true, cookie: true}); // The dialog only opens if you've implemented the // Credits Callback payments_get_items. function buy() { var obj = { method: 'pay', action: 'buy_item', // You can pass any string, but your payments_get_items must // be able to process and respond to this data. order_info: {'item_id': '1a'}, // 这里是支付信息,这里的信息在支付中心与FB的支付协议中有 dev_purchase_params: {'oscif': true} };
// 调用 支付页面 FB.ui(obj, js_callback); }
// 反馈函数,作为调试用很好 // This JavaScript callback handles FB.ui's return data and differs // from the Credits Callbacks. var js_callback = function(data) { if (data['order_id']) { // Facebook only returns an order_id if you've implemented // the Credits Callback payments_status_update and settled // the user's placed order. // Notify the user that the purchased item has been delivered // without a complete reload of the game. write_callback_data( "<br><b>Transaction Completed!</b> </br></br>" + "Data returned from Facebook: </br>" + "Order ID: " + data['order_id'] + "</br>" + "Status: " + data['status']); } else if (data['error_code']) { // Appropriately alert the user. write_callback_data( "<br><b>Transaction Failed!</b> </br></br>" + "Error message returned from Facebook:</br>" + data['error_code'] + " - " + data['error_message']); } else { // Appropriately alert the user. write_callback_data("<br><b>Transaction failed!</b>"); } }; function write_callback_data(str) { document.getElementById('fb-ui-return-data').innerHTML=str; } </script> </body> </html>
// 这个url字符串写好后, 用urlencode() 编码一下
method |
The value pay . If using a direct URL, this property and value are not required because the pay value is retrieved from the HTTP GET request to the /dialog/pay endpoint. |
app_id |
The developer's app id. If using the JavaScript SDK, this property and value are provided when initing the JavaScript SDK. |
redirect_uri |
After the user interacts with the Pay Dialog, redirect the browser to this URI. If using theJavaScript SDK, the value is supplied by the JavaScript SDK. |
action |
One of the values buy_item , buy_credits , earn_credits , earn_currency . |
order_info |
Developer provided data containing order information and is passed from the user's client to the developer's server via Facebook's payments_get_items request. Note not all usagesresult in Facebook issuing payments_get_items requests. If using the JavaScript SDK, the data format is a JavaScript object. If using a direct URL, the data format is a JSON string. |
dev_purchase_params |
Configures whether the Pay Dialog displays prices in local currency (e.g. USD). If {'oscif': true} is provided using the JavaScript SDK or {"oscif": true} is provided is provided using a direct URL, the Pay Dialog displays prices in local currency. If using the JavaScript SDK, the data format is a JavaScript object. If using a direct URL, the data format is a JSON string. You can also set a shortcut parameter here to shortcut directly to a payment flow. Acceptable values - {shortcut: mobile} . Learn more in mobile shortcut docs. |
product |
A url to an app currency object instance used for earn_currency orders. |
Return Data
After a developer settled order, the following data is returned.
order_id |
A Facebook order id. |
status |
The value settled . |
After an error, the following data is returned.
error_code |
An error code identifying the error. |
error_message |
An error message describing the error. |