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  • 从命令行运行 MyBatis Generator

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    1. 获取最新jar包

    2. 获取xml dtd

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       You may obtain a copy of the License at
       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
       distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
       WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
       See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
       limitations under the License.
      This DTD defines the structure of the MyBatis generator configuration file.
      Configuration files should declare the DOCTYPE as follows:
      <!DOCTYPE generatorConfiguration PUBLIC
        "-//mybatis.org//DTD MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN"
      Please see the documentation included with MyBatis generator for details on each option
      in the DTD.  You may also view documentation on-line here:
      The generatorConfiguration element is the root element for configurations.
    <!ELEMENT generatorConfiguration (properties?, classPathEntry*, context+)>
      The properties element is used to define a standard Java properties file
      that contains placeholders for use in the remainder of the configuration
    <!ELEMENT properties EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST properties
      resource CDATA #IMPLIED
      url CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The context element is used to describe a context for generating files, and the source
    <!ELEMENT context (property*, plugin*, commentGenerator?, jdbcConnection, javaTypeResolver?,
                             javaModelGenerator, sqlMapGenerator?, javaClientGenerator?, table+)>
    <!ATTLIST context id ID #REQUIRED
      defaultModelType CDATA #IMPLIED
      targetRuntime CDATA #IMPLIED
      introspectedColumnImpl CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The jdbcConnection element is used to describe the JDBC connection that the generator
      will use to introspect the database.
    <!ELEMENT jdbcConnection (property*)>
    <!ATTLIST jdbcConnection 
      driverClass CDATA #REQUIRED
      connectionURL CDATA #REQUIRED
      userId CDATA #IMPLIED
      password CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The classPathEntry element is used to add the JDBC driver to the run-time classpath.
      Repeat this element as often as needed to add elements to the classpath.
    <!ELEMENT classPathEntry EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST classPathEntry
      location CDATA #REQUIRED>
      The property element is used to add custom properties to many of the generator's
      configuration elements.  See each element for example properties.
      Repeat this element as often as needed to add as many properties as necessary
      to the configuration element.
    <!ELEMENT property EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST property
      name CDATA #REQUIRED
      value CDATA #REQUIRED>
      The plugin element is used to define a plugin.
    <!ELEMENT plugin (property*)>
    <!ATTLIST plugin
      type CDATA #REQUIRED>
      The javaModelGenerator element is used to define properties of the Java Model Generator.
      The Java Model Generator builds primary key classes, record classes, and Query by Example 
      indicator classes.
    <!ELEMENT javaModelGenerator (property*)>
    <!ATTLIST javaModelGenerator
      targetPackage CDATA #REQUIRED
      targetProject CDATA #REQUIRED>
      The javaTypeResolver element is used to define properties of the Java Type Resolver.
      The Java Type Resolver is used to calculate Java types from database column information.
      The default Java Type Resolver attempts to make JDBC DECIMAL and NUMERIC types easier
      to use by substituting Integral types if possible (Long, Integer, Short, etc.)
    <!ELEMENT javaTypeResolver (property*)>
    <!ATTLIST javaTypeResolver
      type CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The sqlMapGenerator element is used to define properties of the SQL Map Generator.
      The SQL Map Generator builds an XML file for each table that conforms to iBATIS'
      SqlMap DTD.
    <!ELEMENT sqlMapGenerator (property*)>
    <!ATTLIST sqlMapGenerator
      targetPackage CDATA #REQUIRED
      targetProject CDATA #REQUIRED>
      The javaClientGenerator element is used to define properties of the Java client Generator.
      The Java Client Generator builds Java interface and implementation classes
      (as required) for each table.
      If this element is missing, then the generator will not build Java Client classes.
    <!ELEMENT javaClientGenerator (property*)>
    <!ATTLIST javaClientGenerator
      type CDATA #REQUIRED
      targetPackage CDATA #REQUIRED
      targetProject CDATA #REQUIRED
      implementationPackage CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The table element is used to specify a database table that will be the source information
      for a set of generated objects.
    <!ELEMENT table (property*, generatedKey?, columnRenamingRule?, (columnOverride | ignoreColumn)*) >
    <!ATTLIST table
      catalog CDATA #IMPLIED
      schema CDATA #IMPLIED
      tableName CDATA #REQUIRED
      alias CDATA #IMPLIED
      domainObjectName CDATA #IMPLIED
      enableInsert CDATA #IMPLIED
      enableSelectByPrimaryKey CDATA #IMPLIED
      enableSelectByExample CDATA #IMPLIED
      enableUpdateByPrimaryKey CDATA #IMPLIED
      enableDeleteByPrimaryKey CDATA #IMPLIED
      enableDeleteByExample CDATA #IMPLIED
      enableCountByExample CDATA #IMPLIED
      enableUpdateByExample CDATA #IMPLIED
      selectByPrimaryKeyQueryId CDATA #IMPLIED
      selectByExampleQueryId CDATA #IMPLIED
      modelType CDATA #IMPLIED
      escapeWildcards CDATA #IMPLIED
      delimitIdentifiers CDATA #IMPLIED
      delimitAllColumns CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The columnOverride element is used to change certain attributes of the column
      from their default values.
    <!ELEMENT columnOverride (property*)>
    <!ATTLIST columnOverride
      column CDATA #REQUIRED
      property CDATA #IMPLIED
      javaType CDATA #IMPLIED
      jdbcType CDATA #IMPLIED
      typeHandler CDATA #IMPLIED
      delimitedColumnName CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The ignoreColumn element is used to identify a column that should be ignored.
      No generated SQL will refer to the column, and no property will be generated
      for the column in the model objects.
    <!ELEMENT ignoreColumn EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST ignoreColumn
      column CDATA #REQUIRED
      delimitedColumnName CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The generatedKey element is used to identify a column in the table whose value
      is calculated - either from a sequence (or some other query), or as an identity column.
    <!ELEMENT generatedKey EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST generatedKey
      column CDATA #REQUIRED
      sqlStatement CDATA #REQUIRED
      identity CDATA #IMPLIED
      type CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The columnRenamingRule element is used to specify a rule for renaming
      columns before the corresponding property name is calculated
    <!ELEMENT columnRenamingRule EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST columnRenamingRule
      searchString CDATA #REQUIRED
      replaceString CDATA #IMPLIED>
      The commentGenerator element is used to define properties of the Comment Generator.
      The Comment Generator adds comments to generated elements.
    <!ELEMENT commentGenerator (property*)>
    <!ATTLIST commentGenerator
      type CDATA #IMPLIED>
    View Code


    mybatis-generator-core-1.3.2.jar 是可执行jar

    主函数类是 Main-Class: org.mybatis.generator.api.ShellRunner (见jar包中 /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF )



    编写.bat 文件(用来执行java 命令),文件内容如下:

    java -jar mybatis-generator-core-1.3.2.jar -configfile generator.xml 


    xml 配置文件内容如下:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE generatorConfiguration
      PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN"
      <classPathEntry location="./ojdbc14.jar" />
      <context id="OracleTables" targetRuntime="MyBatis3">
          <property name="suppressAllComments" value="false" />
          <property name="suppressDate" value="true" />
        <jdbcConnection driverClass="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
        <javaTypeResolver >
          <property name="forceBigDecimals" value="false" />
        <!-- 模型 Plain Ordinary Java Object -->
        <javaModelGenerator targetPackage="cn.zno.pojo" targetProject="./">
          <property name="enableSubPackages" value="true" />
          <property name="trimStrings" value="true" />
        <!-- sql -->
        <sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="cn.zno.dao"  targetProject="./">
          <property name="enableSubPackages" value="true" />
        <!-- 调用接口 Data Access Object -->
        <javaClientGenerator type="XMLMAPPER" targetPackage="cn.zno.dao"  targetProject="./">
          <property name="enableSubPackages" value="true" />
        <!-- table+ -->
        <table schema="" tableName="PERSON" domainObjectName="Person" ></table>


    create table PERSON
      ID   VARCHAR2(10),
      NAME VARCHAR2(10),




    │  generator.bat
    │  generator.xml
    │  mybatis-generator-core-1.3.2.jar
    │  ojdbc14.jar
            │      PersonMapper.java
            │      PersonMapper.xml



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zno2/p/4762684.html
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