One Song,One Article!
We have already learned how to use the algorithm of quick_sort ,however ,when we want to complete something else,we need and have to turn back and rewrite the code again. Therefore, be familiar with the quick_sort's main thought and be skilled with coding are vital to everyone especially you who are programmer. So, I just want to give the code of quick_sort for you and me.
Do you want some changes?
Or just use the sort(A),sort(B),sort(blablabla);
Here I give the code which comes from the famous book---Introduction to algorithm.
Enjoy it with the background music!
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define max_size 100010 3 int A[max_size]; 4 5 using namespace std; 6 int PARTITION(int A[],int p,int r) 7 { 8 int x=A[r]; 9 int i=p-1; 10 for(int j=p; j<=r-1; j++) 11 { 12 if(A[j]<=x) 13 { 14 i++; 15 swap(A[i],A[j]); 16 } 17 } 18 swap(A[i+1],A[r]); 19 return i+1; 20 } 21 22 int RANDOMIZED_PARTITION(int A[],int p,int r) 23 { 24 int i=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; 25 swap(A[r],A[i]); 26 return PARTITION(A,p,r); 27 } 28 void RANDOMIZED_QUICKSORT(int A[],int p,int r) 29 { 30 if(p<r) 31 { 32 int q=RANDOMIZED_PARTITION(A,p,r); 33 RANDOMIZED_QUICKSORT(A,p,q-1); 34 RANDOMIZED_QUICKSORT(A,q+1,r); 35 } 36 } 37 38 int RANDOMIZED_SELECT(int A[],int p,int r,int i) 39 { 40 if(p==r) 41 { 42 return A[p]; 43 } 44 int q=RANDOMIZED_PARTITION(A,p,r); 45 int k=q-p+1; 46 if(i==k) return A[q]; 47 else if(i<k) 48 return RANDOMIZED_SELECT(A,p,q-1,i); 49 else return RANDOMIZED_SELECT(A,q+1,r,i-k); 50 } 51 52 int main()//快排程序加第i顺序统计量 53 { 54 int n; 55 cout<<"请输入数组长度:"<<endl; 56 while(~scanf("%d",&n)) 57 { 58 memset(A,0,sizeof(A)); 59 for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) 60 { 61 scanf("%d",&A[i]); 62 } 63 cout<<"快排结果:"<<endl; 64 RANDOMIZED_QUICKSORT(A,1,n); 65 for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) 66 { 67 cout<<A[i]<<" "; 68 } 69 int t; 70 cout<<" 请输入查询次数"<<endl; 71 cin>>t; 72 while(t--) 73 { 74 int key; 75 cout<<"请输入查找第i小的数"<<endl; 76 cin>>key; 77 int result=RANDOMIZED_SELECT(A,1,n,key); 78 cout<<"第"<<key<<"小的数是:"<<result<<endl; 79 } 80 } 81 cout<<"Program over!"<<endl; 82 return 0; 83 }
I just learn how to add background music, there are still many bugs which are waiting to debug! Choose enjoy it or you can just turn off it.