ConcurrentHashmap、HashMap和Hashtable都是key-value存储结构,但他们有一个不同点是 ConcurrentHashmap、Hashtable不支持key或者value为null,而HashMap是支持的。
在网上找到了这样的解答:The main reason that nulls aren’t allowed in ConcurrentMaps (ConcurrentHashMaps, ConcurrentSkipListMaps) is that ambiguities(歧义) that may be just barely tolerable in non-concurrent maps can’t be accommodated(接纳、容忍). The main one is that if map.get(key) returns null, you can’t detect whether the key explicitly(明确) maps to null vs the key isn’t mapped. In a non-concurrent map, you can check this via map.contains(key), but in a concurrent one, the map might have changed between calls.
Map<String, JSONObject> keyMap = new HashMap<>(); if (keyMap.containsKey(companyCode)) { JSONObject object = keyMap.get(companyCode); object.put("num", object.getIntValue("num") + 1); }