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  • SQL面试题

    name  kecheng fenshu
    张三  语文 81
    张三 数学 75
    李四 语文 76
    李四 数学 90
    王五 语文 81
    王五 数学 100
    王五 英语 90


     1 create table chengji1(
     2 name  varchar(50) not null,
     3 kecheng varchar(50) not null,
     4 fenshu int not null
     5 )
     6 insert chengji1(name,kecheng,fenshu)values('张三','语文',81),('张三','数学',75),('李四','语文',76),('李四','数学',90),('王五','语文',81),('王五','数学',100),('王五','英语',90)
     8 select * from chengji1
     9 --distinct 用于返回唯一不同的值--
    10 select distinct name from chengji1 where name not in (select distinct name from chengji1 where fenshu <= 80 )
    11 --增加having字句的原因是,where关键字无法与合计函数一起使用--
    12 select name from chengji1 group by name having min(fenshu)> 80
    13 ----
    14 select name from chengji1 group by name having COUNT(kecheng) >= 3 and MIN(fenshu) >= 80 
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    2、删除除了自动编号不同, 其他都相同的学生冗余信息

     1 create table stutable1(
     2 id int primary key IDENTITY(1,1) not null,
     3 stunumber varchar(20) not null,
     4 name varchar(20) not null,
     5 kcnumber varchar(20) not null,
     6 kecheng varchar(20) not null,
     7 fenshu int not null
     8 )
     9 insert stutable1(stunumber,name,kcnumber,kecheng,fenshu) values('2005001','张三','0001','数学',69),('2005002','李四','0001','数学',89),('2005001','张三','0001','数学',69)
    10 select * from stutable1
    11 delete stutable1 where id not in (select  MIN(id) from stutable1 group by stunumber,name,kcnumber,kecheng,fenshu)



    create table yma(
    year int not null,
    month int not null,
    amount decimal(18,1) not null
    insert yma values(1991,1,1.1),(1991,2,1.2),(1991,3,1.3),(1991,4,1.4),(1992,1,2.1),(1992,2,2.2),(1992,3,2.3),(1992,4,2.4)
    select * from yma
    delete from yma
    select year,
    (select amount from yma m where month =1 and m.year= yma.year) as m1,
    (select amount from yma m where month =2 and m.year= yma.year) as m2,
    (select amount from yma m where month =3 and m.year= yma.year) as m3,
    (select amount from yma m where month =4 and m.year= yma.year) as m4
    from yma group by year

    4、说明:拷贝表( 拷贝数据, 源表名:a 目标表名:b)

    create table yma1(
    year int not null,
    month int not null,
    amount decimal(18,1) not null
    insert into yma1(year,month,amount)select year,month,amount from yma
    select * from yma1

     5、通过 SQL,您如何按字母顺序选取 Persons 表中 LastName 介于 Adams 和 Carter 的所有记录?

    SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName BETWEEN 'Adams' AND 'Carter'

    6、通过 SQL,您如何从 "Persons" 表中选取 "FirstName" 列的值以 "a" 开头的所有记录?

    SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'a%'

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zyc19910109/p/8622355.html
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