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  • [数据结构]线性表合并
































     1 void MergeList(MyList La, MyList Lb, MyList &Lc)
     2 {
     3     int aElem, bElem, cLen = 0;
     4     Lc.InitList();
     5     while((!La.ListEmpty()) && (!Lb.ListEmpty()))
     6     {
     7         La.GetElem(1, aElem);
     8         Lb.GetElem(1, bElem);
     9         if(aElem <= bElem)
    10         {
    11             Lc.ListInsert(++cLen, aElem);
    12             La.ListDelete(1, aElem);
    13         }
    14         else
    15         {
    16             Lc.ListInsert(++cLen, bElem);
    17             Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
    18         }
    19     }
    20     while(!La.ListEmpty())
    21     {
    22         La.ListDelete(1, aElem);
    23         Lc.ListInsert(++cLen, aElem);
    24     }
    25     while(!Lb.ListEmpty())
    26     {
    27         Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
    28         Lc.ListInsert(++cLen, bElem);
    29     }
    30 }



      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstdio>
      3 #include <new>
      5 using namespace std;
      7 #define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100 //线性表存储空间的初始分配量
      8 #define LISTINCREMENT 10 //线性表存储空间的分配增量
     10 class MyList
     11 {
     12 private:
     13     int *Elem; //存储空间基址
     14     int Len; //当前元素个数
     15     int ListSize; //当前分配的储存容量
     17 public:
     18     void InitList() //构造一个空的线性表
     19     {
     20         Elem = new int(LIST_INIT_SIZE);
     21         Len = 0;
     22         ListSize = LIST_INIT_SIZE;
     23     }
     24     void ClearList() //重置为空表
     25     {
     26         delete Elem;
     27         Len = 0;
     28     }
     29     bool ListEmpty() //判断L是否为空表
     30     {
     31         return Len == 0;
     32     }
     33     int ListLength() //返回L中数据元素个数
     34     {
     35         return Len;
     36     }
     37     bool GetElem(int Pos, int &RetElem) //返回第Pos个元素,出错返回true
     38     {
     39         if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len)
     40         {
     41             printf("Wrong position!
     42             return true;
     43         }
     44         RetElem = Elem[Pos - 1];
     45         return false;
     46     }
     47     //LocateElem(L, e, compare()) //返回L中第一个与e满足关系compare()的元素的位序,不存在返回0
     48     bool ElemPos(int El, int &Pos) //若El是L中的元素,返回e的位置,失败时返回true
     49     {
     50         int i;
     51         for(i = 0; i < Len; i++)
     52             if(El == Elem[i])
     53                 break;
     54         if(i < Len)
     55         {
     56             Pos = i + 1;
     57             return false;
     58         }
     59         printf("Cannot find the element!
     60         return true;
     61     }
     62     bool PriorElem(int El, int &Pre_e) //若El是L中的元素,返回e的前躯,失败时返回true
     63     {
     64         int Pos;
     65         bool flag = ElemPos(El, Pos);
     66         if(flag)
     67         {
     68             printf("Cannot find the element!
     69             return true;
     70         }
     71         else
     72         {
     73             if(Pos == 1)
     74             {
     75                 printf("Cannot find the precursor!
     76                 return true;
     77             }
     78             else
     79                 Pre_e = Elem[Pos - 2];
     80         }
     81         return false;
     82     }
     83     bool NextElem(int El, int &Next_e) //若El是L中的元素,返回e的后继,错误时返回true
     84     {
     85         int Pos;
     86         bool flag = ElemPos(El, Pos);
     87         if(flag)
     88         {
     89             printf("Cannot find the element!
     90             return true;
     91         }
     92         else
     93         {
     94             if(Pos == Len)
     95             {
     96                 printf("Cannot find the successor!
     97                 return true;
     98             }
     99             Next_e = Elem[Pos];
    100         }
    101         return false;
    102     }
    103     bool ListInsert(int Pos, int El) //在Pos位置插入元素El,失败时返回true
    104     {
    105         if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len + 1)
    106         {
    107             printf("Wrong position!
    108             return true;
    109         }
    110         if(Len + 1 > ListSize) //当前存储空间不够,需要增加分配
    111         {
    112             int *NewElem = new int(ListSize + LISTINCREMENT);
    113             int i;
    114             for(i = 0; i < Len; i++)
    115                 NewElem[i] = Elem[i];
    116             delete Elem;
    117             Elem = NewElem;
    118             ListSize += LISTINCREMENT;
    119         }
    120         if(Pos == Len + 1)
    121             Elem[Pos - 1] = El;
    122         else
    123         {
    124             int i;
    125             for(i = Len; i > Pos - 1; i--)
    126                 Elem[i] = Elem[i - 1];
    127             Elem[Pos - 1] = El;
    128         }
    129         Len++;
    130         return false;
    131     }
    132     bool ListDelete(int Pos, int &El) //删除Pos位置的元素,用El返回,错误时返回true
    133     {
    134         if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len)
    135         {
    136             printf("Wrong position!
    137             return true;
    138         }
    139         El = Elem[Pos - 1];
    140         int i;
    141         for(i = Pos - 1; i < Len - 1; i++)
    142             Elem[i] = Elem[i + 1];
    143         Len--;
    144         return false;
    145     }
    146     void PrintList()
    147     {
    148         if(ListEmpty())
    149         {
    150             printf("The list is empty!
    151             return ;
    152         }
    153         int i;
    154         for(i = 0; i < Len - 1; i++)
    155             printf("%d ", Elem[i]);
    156         printf("%d
    ", Elem[i]);
    157     }
    158 };
    160 void Read(MyList &L)
    161 {
    162     int n, i, Elem;
    163     L.InitList();
    164     printf("Please input a number n.
    165     scanf("%d", &n);
    166     printf("Please input n non-decreasing numbers.
    167     for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    168     {
    169         scanf("%d", &Elem);
    170         L.ListInsert(i, Elem);
    171     }
    172 }
    174 void MergeList(MyList La, MyList Lb, MyList &Lc)
    175 {
    176     int aElem, bElem, cLen = 0;
    177     Lc.InitList();
    178     while((!La.ListEmpty()) && (!Lb.ListEmpty()))
    179     {
    180         La.GetElem(1, aElem);
    181         Lb.GetElem(1, bElem);
    182         if(aElem <= bElem)
    183         {
    184             Lc.ListInsert(++cLen, aElem);
    185             La.ListDelete(1, aElem);
    186         }
    187         else
    188         {
    189             Lc.ListInsert(++cLen, bElem);
    190             Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
    191         }
    192     }
    193     while(!La.ListEmpty())
    194     {
    195         La.ListDelete(1, aElem);
    196         Lc.ListInsert(++cLen, aElem);
    197     }
    198     while(!Lb.ListEmpty())
    199     {
    200         Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
    201         Lc.ListInsert(++cLen, bElem);
    202     }
    203 }
    205 int main()
    206 {
    207     MyList La, Lb, Lc;
    208     Read(La);
    209     Read(Lb);
    210     MergeList(La, Lb, Lc);
    211     Lc.PrintList();
    212     return 0;
    213 }
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      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstdio>
      4 using namespace std;
      6 struct node
      7 {
      8     int Num;
      9     node *next;
     10 };
     12 class MyList
     13 {
     14 private:
     15     int Len;
     16     node *pHead;
     18 public:
     19     void InitList()//构造一个空的线性表
     20     {
     21         Len = 0;
     22         pHead = NULL;
     23     }
     24     void ClearList()//重置为空表
     25     {
     26         node *Tmp;
     27         while(pHead)
     28         {
     29             Tmp = pHead;
     30             pHead = pHead -> next;
     31             delete Tmp;
     32         }
     33         Len = 0;
     34     }
     35     bool ListEmpty()//判断L是否为空表
     36     {
     37         return pHead == NULL;
     38     }
     39     int ListLength()//返回L中数据元素个数
     40     {
     41         return Len;
     42     }
     43     bool GetElem(int Pos, int &e)//返回第Pos个元素,出错返回true
     44     {
     45         if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len)
     46         {
     47             printf("Wrong position!
     48             return true;
     49         }
     50         node *Cur = pHead;
     51         int Index = 0;
     52         while(++Index < Pos && Cur)
     53             Cur = Cur -> next;
     54         e = Cur -> Num;
     55         return false;
     56     }
     57     //LocateElem(L, e, compare())//返回L中第一个与e满足关系compare()的元素的位序,不存在返回0
     58     bool PriorElem(int e, int &Pre_e)//若e是L中的元素,返回e的前躯,失败时返回true
     59     {
     60         if(pHead -> Num == e)
     61         {
     62             printf("Cannot find the precursor!
     63             return true;
     64         }
     65         node *Cur = pHead, *Prev;
     66         while(Cur)
     67         {
     68             if(Cur -> Num == e)
     69                 break;
     70             Prev = Cur;
     71             Cur = Cur -> next;
     72         }
     73         if(!Cur)
     74         {
     75             printf("Cannot find the element!
     76             return true;
     77         }
     78         Pre_e = Prev -> Num;
     79         return false;
     80     }
     81     bool NextElem(int e, int &Next_e)//若e是L中的元素,返回e的后继,错误时返回true
     82     {
     83         node *Cur = pHead;
     84         while(Cur)
     85         {
     86             if(Cur -> Num == e)
     87                 break;
     88             Cur = Cur -> next;
     89         }
     90         if(!Cur)
     91         {
     92             printf("Cannot find the element!
     93             return true;
     94         }
     95         Cur = Cur -> next;
     96         if(!Cur)
     97         {
     98             printf("Cannot find the successor!
     99             return true;
    100         }
    101         Next_e = Cur -> Num;
    102         return false;
    103     }
    104     bool ListInsert(int Pos, int e)//在Pos位置插入元素e,失败时返回true
    105     {
    106         if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len + 1)
    107         {
    108             printf("Wrong position!
    109             return true;
    110         }
    111         node *InsElem = new node;
    112         if(Pos == 1)
    113         {
    114             InsElem -> next = pHead;
    115             pHead = InsElem;
    116             InsElem -> Num = e;
    117         }
    118         else
    119         {
    120             node *Cur = pHead;
    121             int Index = 0;
    122             while(++Index + 1 < Pos && Cur)
    123                 Cur = Cur -> next;
    124             InsElem -> next = Cur -> next;
    125             Cur -> next = InsElem;
    126             InsElem -> Num = e;
    127         }
    128         Len++;
    129         return false;
    130     }
    131     bool ListDelete(int Pos, int &e)//删除Pos位置的元素,用e返回,错误时返回true
    132     {
    133         if(Pos < 1 || Pos > Len)
    134         {
    135             printf("Wrong position!
    136             return true;
    137         }
    138         node *DelElem = pHead;
    139         if(Pos == 1)
    140         {
    141             pHead = DelElem -> next;
    142             e = DelElem -> Num;
    143             delete DelElem;
    144         }
    145         else
    146         {
    147             node *Prev;
    148             int Index = 0;
    149             while(++Index < Pos && DelElem)
    150             {
    151                 Prev = DelElem;
    152                 DelElem = DelElem -> next;
    153             }
    154             Prev -> next = DelElem -> next;
    155             e = DelElem -> Num;
    156             delete DelElem;
    157         }
    158         Len--;
    159         return false;
    160     }
    161     //ListTraverse(L, visit())//依次对L中的每个数据元素调用函数visit(),一旦visit()失败,则操作失败
    162     void PrintList()
    163     {
    164         if(ListEmpty())
    165         {
    166             printf("The List is empty!
    167             return ;
    168         }
    169         node *Cur = pHead;
    170         int Index = 0;
    171         while(++Index < Len && Cur)
    172         {
    173             printf("%d ",Cur -> Num);
    174             Cur = Cur -> next;
    175         }
    176         printf("%d
    ",Cur -> Num);
    177     }
    178     bool ElemPrio(node a, node b)
    179     {
    180         return a.Num < b.Num;
    181     }
    182     void MergeList(MyList Lb) //把Lb插入L中
    183     {
    184         int aElem, bElem, aIndex = 0;
    185         while(aIndex < Len && (!Lb.ListEmpty()))
    186         {
    187             GetElem(++aIndex, aElem);
    188             Lb.GetElem(1, bElem);
    189             if(aElem > bElem)
    190             {
    191                 Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
    192                 ListInsert(aIndex, bElem);
    193             }
    194         }
    195         while(!Lb.ListEmpty())
    196         {
    197             Lb.ListDelete(1, bElem);
    198             ListInsert(Len + 1, bElem);
    199         }
    200     }
    201 };
    203 void Read(MyList &L)
    204 {
    205     int n, i, Elem;
    206     L.InitList();
    207     printf("Please input a number n.
    208     scanf("%d", &n);
    209     printf("Please input n non-decreasing numbers.
    210     for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    211     {
    212         scanf("%d", &Elem);
    213         L.ListInsert(i, Elem);
    214     }
    215 }
    217 int main()
    218 {
    219     MyList La, Lb;
    220     Read(La);
    221     Read(Lb);
    222     La.MergeList(Lb);
    223     La.PrintList();
    224     return 0;
    225 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/CQBZOIer-zyy/p/5185414.html
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