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  • English trip -- VC(情景课) 6 B Events 事件


    ...  自己选择的路,就算是爬,也要给我爬完。短短人生数载,我能之止于此?


    appointment  预约

    meeting  会议




    program 节目单; TV Show 电视节目  ;reality [rɪ'ælɪtɪ]  show 真人秀

    calendar ['kælɪndə]    ca.len.der 日历

    January  一月

    February 二月

    March  三月

    April 四月

    May 五月

    June  六月

    July  七月

    August 八月

    September 九月

    October  十月

    November  十一月

    December 十二月

    mosquito  蚊子   [məˈskiːtoʊ]

    cockroach  蟑螂  ['kɑk'rotʃ] 

    date   日期;约会   dates  大枣

    grape   [ɡrep]  葡萄      gray  [greɪ]  adj. 灰色的;苍白的;灰白头发的;阴郁的     

    have meeting  开会

    hold meeting  主持会议

    teach english class  教英语课

    see a movie/film   看电影;    watch movie  看电影

    actor ['æktə]  男演员 ;  leading ['liːdɪŋ] actor/actress 男主/女主      supporting actor/actress 男配角

    actress ['æktrɪs]  女演员

    director  [dɪˈrɛktɚ, daɪ-]  n. 主任,主管;导演;人事助理

    producer  [prə'dʊsɚ]  n. 制作人,制片人;生产者;发生器

    script   [skrɪpt]  脚本, 剧本, 文字, 字体, 手稿, 文

    lines  n. 线;台词;航线(line的复数)  between the lines  字里行间;言外之意

    classical ['klæsɪk(ə)l]  经典的;

    feature film  故事片;   The shawshank redemption   [rɪ'dɛmpʃən]  肖申克的救赎

    drama ['drɑːmə] n. 戏剧,戏剧艺术;剧本;戏剧性事件


    phrase  [frez]  短语

    wake up 睁眼

    get up 起床 

    brush one's teeth  刷某人的牙

    have a shower  洗澡 

    get dressed  穿衣服

    comb [kəʊm]  one's hair  梳理某人的头发      Note: comb 里面的 b没有发音

    have breakfast  吃早餐

    leave the house/office/school    离开 家/公司/学校

    arrive at school 到达学校  

     work  去上班

    go home  回家   

    listen to the radio  听广播   

    do one's homework   做作业  

    have dinner

    have lunch

    watch TV

    go out in the evening 晚上出门

    go out in the morning  早上出门

    wash face  洗脸
    wash clothes  洗衣服
    wash up  洗漱

    go to bed/sleep   去睡觉


    What time is the appointment?   预约到几点?

    The appointment is at  half past one on Friday.

    What time is the class?

    The class is at half past eight on Friday.    

    What time is the program?

    The program is at half past four on Friday.

    What time is the meeting?

    The meeting is at three o'clock on Saturday.

    What time is the movie?

    The moive is at seven o'clock on Saturday.

    What time is the party?

    The party is at five o'clock on Saturday.

    I to wake up is at six o'clock a.m on Monday

    I to get up  is around six 

    He to brushes  his teeth is at quarter past six.

    She to gets dressed her is at seven o'clock

    He to has dinner is at half pass eight p.m. 

    She to listens to the radio is about four o'clock.

    He to goes home is at half past six 

    She to does her homework is around quarter to ten p.m.

    Wrap up:




    4.今天又再次的了解到三单的情况下一些单词的变化比如sh、ch动词的情况下变成es,have 变成has。其他都直接加s


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/9557637.html
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