narrange-console <input> [output] [/c:configuration] [/b] [/r] [/t] input Specifies the source code file, project, solution or directory to arrange. output For a single source file, specifies the output file to write arranged code to. [Optional] If not specified the input source file will be overwritten. /c Configuration - Specifies the XML configuration file to use. [Optional] If not specified the default configuration will be used. /b Backup - Specifies to create a backup before arranging [Optional] If not specified, no backup will be created. Only valid if an output file is not specified and cannot be used in conjunction with Restore. /r Restore - Restores arranged files from the latest backup [Optional] When this flag is provided, no files will be arranged. Only valid if an output file is not specified and cannot be used in conjunction with Backup. /t Trace - Detailed logging
It is also recommended to setup a restore command using the same parameters, replacing /b with /r. However, be careful when using re