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  • 【Data Structures】寻找第k大


      1: Program Bst_KthFind(input,output);
      2:   type point=^node;
      3:        node=record
      4:          data,leftsum,rightsum:longint;
      5:          left,right:point;
      6:   end;
      7:   var ch:char;i,n,q:longint;flag:boolean;root:point;
      8:   procedure insert(var p:point;x:longint);
      9:     begin
     10:       if p=nil then 
     11:         begin
     12:           new(p);p^.data:=x;p^.right:=nil;p^.left:=nil;p^.rightsum:=0;p^.leftsum:=0;
     13:           if flag then  begin root:=p;flag:=false;end;
     14:         end else
     15:       if x>=p^.data then 
     16:         begin
     17:           insert(p^.right,x);
     18:           inc(p^.rightsum);
     19:         end
     20:       else begin
     21:              insert(p^.left,x);
     22:              inc(p^.leftsum);
     23:            end;
     24:     end;
     25:   Function Find(p:point;x:longint):longint;
     26:     begin
     27:       if p^.leftsum=x-1 then exit(p^.data);
     28:       if p^.leftsum>x-1 then exit(Find(p^.left,x));
     29:       if p^.leftsum<x-1 then exit(Find(p^.right,x-p^.leftsum-1));
     30:     end; 
     31:   begin
     32:     readln(n);root:=nil;flag:=true;
     33:     for i:=1 to n do 
     34:       begin
     35:         read(ch);readln(q);
     36:         case ch of 
     37:           'i' : insert(root,q);
     38:           'f' : writeln(Find(root,q));
     39:         end;
     40:       end;
     41:   end.


      1: Program Problem1(input,output);
      2:   var c:array[0..300000]of longint;
      3:       n,i,tot,q:longint;ch:char;
      4:   Function lowbit(x:longint):Longint;
      5:     begin exit(x and -x);end;
      6:   procedure add(p:longint);
      7:     begin
      8:       while p<=300000 do
      9:         begin
     10:           inc(c[p]);
     11:           inc(p,lowbit(p));
     12:         end;
     13:     end;
     14:   function find_kth(x:longint):longint;
     15:     var i,ans,cnt:longint;
     16:     begin
     17:       ans:=0;cnt:=0;
     18:       for i:=19 downto 0 do
     19:         begin
     20:           inc(ans,1<<i);
     21:           if(ans>300000)or(cnt+c[ans]>=x)then dec(ans,1<<i)
     22:           else inc(cnt,c[ans]);
     23:         end;
     24:       exit(ans+1);
     25:     end;
     26:   begin
     27:     readln(n);
     28:     for i:=1 to n do
     29:       begin
     30:         read(ch);readln(q);
     31:         case ch of
     32:           'i' : begin add(q);inc(tot);end;
     33:           'f' : writeln(find_kth(q));
     34:         end;
     35:       end;
     36:   end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Loongint/p/2215527.html
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