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  • libgdx学习记录25——Rectangle与Circle是否重叠


    1. Rect至少有一个角在Circle里面

    2. Circle与Rect的左边或右边相交,或者Circle在Rect内

    3. Circle与Rect的顶边或底边相交,或者Circle在Rect内


     1     public static boolean IsInside( float x, float y, Circle circle ){
     2         float disX = x - circle.x;
     3         float disY = y - circle.y;
     4         return disX*disX + disY*disY <= circle.radius*circle.radius;
     5     }
     7     public static float Distance( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 ){
     8         return (float)Math.sqrt( (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1) );
     9     }
    11     public static boolean IsOverlap( Rectangle rect0, Circle circle0 ){
    12         float x1 = rect0.x, y1 = rect0.y, w = rect0.width, h = rect0.height;
    13         float cx1 = x1+w/2, cy1 = y1+h/2;
    14         float x2 = circle0.x, y2 = circle0.y, r = circle0.radius;
    15         /////overlap with the corners
    16         if( IsInside(x1,y1,circle0) || IsInside(x1+w,y1,circle0) || IsInside(x1,y1+h,circle0) || IsInside(x1+w,y1+h,circle0) ){
    17             return true;
    18         }
    19         ////overlap with the left or the right edge or s inside of the rect
    20         if( Distance( cx1, cy1, x2, y2 )<w/2+r && Math.abs( cy1-y2 )<h/2 ){
    21             return true;
    22         }
    23         ////overlap with the top or the bottom edge or s inside of the rect
    24         if( Distance( cx1, cy1, x2, y2 )<h/2+r && Math.abs( cx1-x2 )<w/2 ){
    25             return true;
    26         }
    28         return false;
    29     }


      1 package com.fxb.newtest;
      3 import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter;
      4 import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
      5 import com.badlogic.gdx.Input;
      6 import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color;
      7 import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.GL10;
      8 import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont;
      9 import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch;
     10 import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.glutils.ShapeRenderer;
     11 import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.glutils.ShapeRenderer.ShapeType;
     12 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Circle;
     13 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle;
     15 public class Lib032_CircleRect extends ApplicationAdapter{
     17     Rectangle rect;
     18     Circle circle;
     19     ShapeRenderer rend;
     20     SpriteBatch batch;
     21     BitmapFont font;
     23     public static boolean IsInside( float x, float y, Circle circle ){
     24         float disX = x - circle.x;
     25         float disY = y - circle.y;
     26         return disX*disX + disY*disY <= circle.radius*circle.radius;
     27     }
     29     public static float Distance( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 ){
     30         return (float)Math.sqrt( (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1) );
     31     }
     33     public static boolean IsOverlap( Rectangle rect0, Circle circle0 ){
     34         float x1 = rect0.x, y1 = rect0.y, w = rect0.width, h = rect0.height;
     35         float cx1 = x1+w/2, cy1 = y1+h/2;
     36         float x2 = circle0.x, y2 = circle0.y, r = circle0.radius;
     37         /////overlap with the corners
     38         if( IsInside(x1,y1,circle0) || IsInside(x1+w,y1,circle0) || IsInside(x1,y1+h,circle0) || IsInside(x1+w,y1+h,circle0) ){
     39             return true;
     40         }
     41         ////overlap with the left or the right edge or s inside of the rect
     42         if( Distance( cx1, cy1, x2, y2 )<w/2+r && Math.abs( cy1-y2 )<h/2 ){
     43             return true;
     44         }
     45         ////overlap with the top or the bottom edge or s inside of the rect
     46         if( Distance( cx1, cy1, x2, y2 )<h/2+r && Math.abs( cx1-x2 )<w/2 ){
     47             return true;
     48         }
     50         return false;
     51     }
     53     @Override
     54     public void create() {
     55         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     56         super.create();
     58         rect = new Rectangle( 10, 10, 100, 50 );
     59         circle = new Circle( 400, 240, 100 );
     61         rend = new ShapeRenderer();
     62         batch = new SpriteBatch();
     63         font = new BitmapFont();
     64         font.setColor( Color.BLACK );
     66     }
     68     @Override
     69     public void render() {
     70         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     71         super.render();
     73         Gdx.gl.glClearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
     74         Gdx.gl.glClear( GL10.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );
     76         float step = 1.5f;
     77         if( Gdx.input.isKeyPressed( Input.Keys.LEFT ) ){
     78             rect.x -= step;
     79         }
     80         else if( Gdx.input.isKeyPressed( Input.Keys.RIGHT ) ){
     81             rect.x += step;
     82         }        
     83         else if( Gdx.input.isKeyPressed( Input.Keys.UP ) ){
     84             rect.y +=step;
     85         }
     86         else if( Gdx.input.isKeyPressed( Input.Keys.DOWN ) ){
     87             rect.y -= step;
     88         }
     90         if( Gdx.input.isKeyPressed( Input.Keys.A ) ){
     91             rect.width -= step;
     92         }
     93         else if( Gdx.input.isKeyPressed( Input.Keys.D ) ){
     94             rect.width += step;
     95         }        
     96         else if( Gdx.input.isKeyPressed( Input.Keys.W ) ){
     97             rect.height +=step;
     98         }
     99         else if( Gdx.input.isKeyPressed( Input.Keys.S ) ){
    100             rect.height -= step;
    101         }
    103         rend.begin( ShapeType.Line );
    104         rend.setColor( Color.BLUE );
    105         rend.rect( rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height );
    106         rend.circle( circle.x, circle.y, circle.radius );
    107         rend.end();
    109         String str;
    110         if( IsOverlap( rect, circle ) ){
    111             str = "true";
    112         }
    113         else{
    114             str = "false";
    115         }
    117         batch.begin();
    118         font.draw( batch, str, 750, 20 );
    119         batch.end();
    121     }
    123     @Override
    124     public void dispose() {
    125         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    126         super.dispose();
    127     }
    129 }





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