He's Circles
He wrote n letters "X" and "E" in a circle. He thought that there were 2n possibilities to do it, because each letter may be either "X" or "E". But Qc noticed that some different sequences of letters can be transformed one to another with a circular shift (thus representing actually the same circular string).
For example, strings "XXE"-"XEX"-"EXX" are actually the same.
Qc wants to know how many different circular strings of n letters exist. Help him to find that out.

For example, strings "XXE"-"XEX"-"EXX" are actually the same.
Qc wants to know how many different circular strings of n letters exist. Help him to find that out.

The input file contains a single integer 1 <= n <= 200000.
Output a single integer --- the number circular strings of length n.
Sample Input
Sample test(s)
Test #1
Test #2
Test #2
Test #1
Test #2
Test #2
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #include <cstdio> 4 using namespace std; 5 const int maxn=200010; 6 int n,tot; 7 int phi[maxn],pri[maxn]; 8 9 void Linear_Shaker(){ 10 phi[1]=1; 11 for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){ 12 if(!phi[i]){ 13 phi[i]=i-1; 14 pri[++tot]=i; 15 } 16 for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){ 17 if(i*pri[j]>n)break; 18 if(i%pri[j]!=0) 19 phi[i*pri[j]]=phi[i]*(pri[j]-1); 20 else{ 21 phi[i*pri[j]]=phi[i]*pri[j]; 22 break; 23 } 24 } 25 } 26 } 27 28 int POW[4]={1,10,100,1000}; 29 const int mod=10000; 30 struct ExtInt{ 31 int num[20010],len; 32 ExtInt(int x){len=0; 33 memset(num,0,sizeof(num)); 34 do{ 35 num[++len]=x%mod; 36 x/=mod; 37 }while(x); 38 } 39 40 void Scf(){ 41 char s[10010];scanf("%s",s+1); 42 memset(num,0,sizeof(num));len=1; 43 for(int i=strlen(s+1),cnt=0;i>=1;i--){ 44 num[len]+=POW[cnt++]*(s[i]-'0'); 45 if(cnt==4)cnt=0,len+=1; 46 } 47 } 48 49 int operator [](int x){ 50 return num[x]; 51 } 52 53 void Prf(){ 54 printf("%d",num[len]); 55 for(int i=len-1;i>=1;i--) 56 printf("%04d",num[i]); 57 printf(" "); 58 } 59 }; 60 61 ExtInt operator +(ExtInt a,int b){ 62 ExtInt ret(0); 63 ret.len=a.len; 64 for(int i=1,in=0;i<=ret.len||in;i++){ 65 ret.num[i]=a[i]+b+in;in=ret[i]/mod; 66 ret.num[i]%=mod;ret.len=max(ret.len,i); 67 } 68 return ret; 69 } 70 71 ExtInt operator +(ExtInt a,ExtInt b){ 72 ExtInt ret(0); 73 ret.len=max(a.len,b.len); 74 for(int i=1,in=0;i<=ret.len||in;i++){ 75 ret.num[i]=a[i]+b[i]+in;in=ret[i]/mod; 76 ret.num[i]%=mod;ret.len=max(ret.len,i); 77 } 78 return ret; 79 } 80 81 ExtInt operator *(ExtInt a,ExtInt b){ 82 ExtInt ret(0); 83 for(int i=1;i<=a.len;i++){ 84 for(int j=1,in=0;j<=b.len||in;j++){ 85 ret.num[i+j-1]+=a[i]*b[j]+in;in=ret[i+j-1]/mod; 86 ret.num[i+j-1]%=mod;ret.len=max(ret.len,i+j-1); 87 } 88 while(!ret[ret.len]) 89 ret.num[ret.len--]=0; 90 ret.len=max(ret.len,1); 91 } 92 return ret; 93 } 94 95 ExtInt operator ^(ExtInt a,int k){ 96 ExtInt ret(1); 97 while(k){ 98 if(k&1)ret=ret*a; 99 k>>=1;a=a*a; 100 } 101 return ret; 102 } 103 104 ExtInt operator /(ExtInt a,int k){ 105 for(int i=a.len,tot=0;i>=1;i--){ 106 tot=tot*10000+a[i]; 107 a.num[i]=tot/k; 108 tot%=k; 109 } 110 while(!a[a.len]) 111 a.num[a.len--]=0; 112 return a; 113 } 114 115 int GCD(int a,int b){ 116 return b?GCD(b,a%b):a; 117 } 118 119 int main(){ 120 scanf("%d",&n); 121 Linear_Shaker(); 122 ExtInt ans(0); 123 for(int d=1;d<=n;d++) 124 if(n%d==0){ 125 ExtInt x(2); 126 ans=ans+(x^d)*phi[n/d]; 127 } 128 ans=ans/n; 129 ans.Prf(); 130 return 0; 131 }