根据使用手册内容可见,LR支持的关于Transaction Functions包括:
lr_end_cross_vuser_transaction | Marks the completion in this Vuser of a transaction started by a different Vuser. |
lr_end_sub_transaction | Marks the end of a sub-transaction. |
lr_end_transaction | Marks the end of a transaction. |
lr_end_transaction_instance | Marks the end of a transaction instance. |
lr_fail_trans_with_error | Sets the status of open transactions to LR_FAIL and sends an error message. |
lr_get_trans_instance_duration | Returns the duration of a transaction instance specified by its handle. |
lr_get_trans_instance_status | Returns the current status of a transaction instance. |
lr_get_trans_instance_think_time | Gets the think time of a transaction instance specified by its handle. |
lr_get_trans_instance_wasted_time | Gets the wasted time of a transaction instance by its handle. |
lr_get_transaction_duration | Gets the duration of a transaction by its name. |
lr_get_transaction_status | Gets the current status of a transaction. |
lr_get_transaction_think_time | Gets the think time of a transaction by its name. |
lr_get_transaction_wasted_time | Gets the wasted time of a transaction by its name. |
lr_resume_transaction | Resumes collecting transaction data. |
lr_resume_transaction_instance | Resumes collecting transaction instance data. |
lr_set_transaction | Create a transaction manually. |
lr_set_transaction_instance_status | Sets the status of a transaction instance. |
lr_set_transaction_status | Sets the status of open transactions. |
lr_set_transaction_status_by_name | Sets the status of a transaction. |
lr_start_cross_vuser_transaction | Initiates a transaction that is closed in one or more Vusers other than the initiating Vuser. |
lr_start_sub_transaction | Marks the beginning of a sub-transaction. |
lr_start_transaction | Marks the beginning of a transaction. |
lr_start_transaction_instance | Starts a nested transaction specified by its parent's handle. |
lr_stop_transaction | Stops the collection of transaction data. |
lr_stop_transaction_instance | Stops collecting data for a transaction specified by its handle. |
lr_wasted_time | Sets the wasted time for all open transactions. |
1、lr_start_transaction & lr_end_transaction
lr_start_end_transaction_Func() { /*Correlation comment - Do not change! Original value='131159.414823815zHtzfVcpttAtHQpAHtt' Name ='userSession' Type ='ResponseBased'*/ web_reg_save_param_ex( "ParamName=userSession", "LB=name="userSession" value="", "RB="/> <table border", SEARCH_FILTERS, "Scope=Body", "IgnoreRedirections=No", "RequestUrl=*/nav.pl*", LAST); web_url("WebTours", "URL=", "Resource=0", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t8.inf", "Mode=HTML", LAST); lr_start_transaction("login"); web_submit_data("login.pl", "Action=", "Method=POST", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t9.inf", "Mode=HTML", ITEMDATA, "Name=userSession", "Value={userSession}", ENDITEM, "Name=username", "Value=jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=password", "Value=bean", ENDITEM, "Name=JSFormSubmit", "Value=on", ENDITEM, "Name=login.x", "Value=0", ENDITEM, "Name=login.y", "Value=0", ENDITEM, LAST); lr_end_transaction("login", LR_AUTO); web_image("Search Flights Button", "Alt=Search Flights Button", "Snapshot=t10.inf", LAST); web_submit_form("reservations.pl", "Snapshot=t11.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=depart", "Value=Denver", ENDITEM, "Name=departDate", "Value=04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=arrive", "Value=London", ENDITEM, "Name=returnDate", "Value=04/25/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=numPassengers", "Value=1", ENDITEM, "Name=roundtrip", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=seatPref", "Value=None", ENDITEM, "Name=seatType", "Value=Coach", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.x", "Value=52", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.y", "Value=6", ENDITEM, LAST); web_submit_form("reservations.pl_2", "Snapshot=t12.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=outboundFlight", "Value=020;338;04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.x", "Value=36", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.y", "Value=5", ENDITEM, LAST); web_submit_form("reservations.pl_3", "Snapshot=t13.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=firstName", "Value=Jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=lastName", "Value=Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=address1", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=address2", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=pass1", "Value=Jojo Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=creditCard", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=expDate", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=saveCC", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.x", "Value=47", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.y", "Value=9", ENDITEM, LAST); web_image("SignOff Button", "Alt=SignOff Button", "Ordinal=1", "Snapshot=t14.inf", LAST); return 0; }
2、lr_start_sub_transaction & lr_end_sub_transaction
lr_start_end_sub_transaction() { int i, baseIter = 10; char dude[1000]; //Start Parent lr_start_transaction("Master"); //Start first sub transaction lr_start_sub_transaction("FirstT", "Master"); //Start nested child of first sub transaction lr_start_sub_transaction("FirstT_Child1", "FirstT"); // Artificially create some elapsed time for (i=0; i<(20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); lr_end_sub_transaction("FirstT_Child1",LR_AUTO); // Start second nested child lr_start_sub_transaction("FirstT_Child2", "FirstT"); // Artificially create some elapsed time for (i=0; i<(20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); lr_end_sub_transaction("FirstT_Child2",LR_AUTO); lr_end_sub_transaction("FirstT",LR_AUTO); //Start a second sub transaction lr_start_sub_transaction("SecondT", "Master"); for (i=0; i< (20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); lr_end_sub_transaction("SecondT",LR_AUTO); lr_end_transaction("Master", LR_AUTO); return 0; }
3、lr_stop_transaction & lr_resume_transaction
lr_set_transaction_Func() { lr_set_transaction("Multiple_Orders", 45.3, LR_PASS); return 0; }
lr_set_transaction_status_Func() { int i, baseIter = 10; char dude[1000]; //Start Parent lr_start_transaction("Master"); // Artificially create some elapsed time for (i=0; i<(20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); //Start a second sub transaction lr_start_sub_transaction("FirstT", "Master"); for (i=0; i< (20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); if (i>1)//超过1秒则修改事务状态为失败 lr_set_transaction_status(LR_FAIL); lr_end_sub_transaction("FirstT",LR_AUTO); lr_end_transaction("Master", LR_PASS); return 0; }
lr_set_transaction_status_by_name_Func() { int i, baseIter = 10; char dude[1000]; //Start Parent lr_start_transaction("Master"); // Artificially create some elapsed time for (i=0; i<(20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); //Start a second sub transaction lr_start_sub_transaction("FirstT", "Master"); for (i=0; i< (20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); if (i>1)//超过1秒则修改事务状态为失败 lr_set_transaction_status_by_name(LR_FAIL,"FirstT"); lr_end_sub_transaction("FirstT",LR_AUTO); lr_end_transaction("Master", LR_AUTO); return 0; }
lr_get_transaction_duration_Func() { double trans_time; int status; /*Correlation comment - Do not change! Original value='131159.414823815zHtzfVcpttAtHQpAHtt' Name ='userSession' Type ='ResponseBased'*/ web_reg_save_param_ex( "ParamName=userSession", "LB=name="userSession" value="", "RB="/> <table border", SEARCH_FILTERS, "Scope=Body", "IgnoreRedirections=No", "RequestUrl=*/nav.pl*", LAST); web_url("WebTours", "URL=", "Resource=0", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t8.inf", "Mode=HTML", LAST); lr_start_transaction("login"); web_submit_data("login.pl", "Action=", "Method=POST", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t9.inf", "Mode=HTML", ITEMDATA, "Name=userSession", "Value={userSession}", ENDITEM, "Name=username", "Value=jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=password", "Value=bean", ENDITEM, "Name=JSFormSubmit", "Value=on", ENDITEM, "Name=login.x", "Value=0", ENDITEM, "Name=login.y", "Value=0", ENDITEM, LAST); lr_end_transaction("login", LR_AUTO); web_image("Search Flights Button", "Alt=Search Flights Button", "Snapshot=t10.inf", LAST); lr_start_transaction("Flight"); //步骤1:选择航班出发地和目的地及座位属性 web_submit_form("reservations.pl", "Snapshot=t11.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=depart", "Value=Denver", ENDITEM, "Name=departDate", "Value=04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=arrive", "Value=London", ENDITEM, "Name=returnDate", "Value=04/25/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=numPassengers", "Value=1", ENDITEM, "Name=roundtrip", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=seatPref", "Value=None", ENDITEM, "Name=seatType", "Value=Coach", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.x", "Value=52", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.y", "Value=6", ENDITEM, LAST); //步骤2:选择乘坐航班 web_submit_form("reservations.pl_2", "Snapshot=t12.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=outboundFlight", "Value=020;338;04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.x", "Value=36", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.y", "Value=5", ENDITEM, LAST); //步骤3:完成支付 status=web_submit_form("reservations.pl_3", "Snapshot=t13.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=firstName", "Value=Jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=lastName", "Value=Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=address1", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=address2", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=pass1", "Value=Jojo Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=creditCard", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=expDate", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=saveCC", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.x", "Value=47", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.y", "Value=9", ENDITEM, LAST); // Get transaction time to this point,即获取支付的时间 trans_time=lr_get_transaction_duration("Flight"); /* End transaction with operation result - pass or fail */ if (status == 0) lr_end_transaction("Flight", LR_PASS); else lr_end_transaction("Flight", LR_FAIL); if (trans_time) lr_output_message("The duration up to the submit is %f seconds", trans_time); else lr_output_message("The duration cannot be determined."); web_image("SignOff Button", "Alt=SignOff Button", "Ordinal=1", "Snapshot=t14.inf", LAST); return 0; }
lr_get_transaction_think_time_Func() { double think_time; int status; /*Correlation comment - Do not change! Original value='131159.414823815zHtzfVcpttAtHQpAHtt' Name ='userSession' Type ='ResponseBased'*/ web_reg_save_param_ex( "ParamName=userSession", "LB=name="userSession" value="", "RB="/> <table border", SEARCH_FILTERS, "Scope=Body", "IgnoreRedirections=No", "RequestUrl=*/nav.pl*", LAST); web_url("WebTours", "URL=", "Resource=0", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t8.inf", "Mode=HTML", LAST); lr_think_time(1); //登录 web_submit_data("login.pl", "Action=", "Method=POST", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t9.inf", "Mode=HTML", ITEMDATA, "Name=userSession", "Value={userSession}", ENDITEM, "Name=username", "Value=jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=password", "Value=bean", ENDITEM, "Name=JSFormSubmit", "Value=on", ENDITEM, "Name=login.x", "Value=0", ENDITEM, "Name=login.y", "Value=0", ENDITEM, LAST); web_image("Search Flights Button", "Alt=Search Flights Button", "Snapshot=t10.inf", LAST); lr_start_transaction("Flight"); lr_think_time(1); //步骤1:选择航班出发地和目的地及座位属性 web_submit_form("reservations.pl", "Snapshot=t11.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=depart", "Value=Denver", ENDITEM, "Name=departDate", "Value=04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=arrive", "Value=London", ENDITEM, "Name=returnDate", "Value=04/25/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=numPassengers", "Value=1", ENDITEM, "Name=roundtrip", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=seatPref", "Value=None", ENDITEM, "Name=seatType", "Value=Coach", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.x", "Value=52", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.y", "Value=6", ENDITEM, LAST); lr_think_time(2); //步骤2:选择乘坐航班 web_submit_form("reservations.pl_2", "Snapshot=t12.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=outboundFlight", "Value=020;338;04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.x", "Value=36", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.y", "Value=5", ENDITEM, LAST); think_time=lr_get_transaction_think_time("Flight");//请确保在RunTime Settings中勾选Replay think time as recorded,否则将显示The think time cannot be determined. //步骤3:完成支付 status=web_submit_form("reservations.pl_3", "Snapshot=t13.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=firstName", "Value=Jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=lastName", "Value=Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=address1", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=address2", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=pass1", "Value=Jojo Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=creditCard", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=expDate", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=saveCC", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.x", "Value=47", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.y", "Value=9", ENDITEM, LAST); /* End transaction with operation result - pass or fail */ if (status == 0) lr_end_transaction("Flight", LR_PASS); else lr_end_transaction("Flight", LR_FAIL); if (think_time) lr_output_message("The transaction think time is %f seconds", think_time); else lr_output_message("The think time cannot be determined."); web_image("SignOff Button", "Alt=SignOff Button", "Ordinal=1", "Snapshot=t14.inf", LAST); return 0; }
lr_get_transaction_wasted_time_Func() { double wasteTime,trans_time; int status; /*Correlation comment - Do not change! Original value='131159.414823815zHtzfVcpttAtHQpAHtt' Name ='userSession' Type ='ResponseBased'*/ web_reg_save_param_ex( "ParamName=userSession", "LB=name="userSession" value="", "RB="/> <table border", SEARCH_FILTERS, "Scope=Body", "IgnoreRedirections=No", "RequestUrl=*/nav.pl*", LAST); web_url("WebTours", "URL=", "Resource=0", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t8.inf", "Mode=HTML", LAST); //登录 web_submit_data("login.pl", "Action=", "Method=POST", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t9.inf", "Mode=HTML", ITEMDATA, "Name=userSession", "Value={userSession}", ENDITEM, "Name=username", "Value=jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=password", "Value=bean", ENDITEM, "Name=JSFormSubmit", "Value=on", ENDITEM, "Name=login.x", "Value=0", ENDITEM, "Name=login.y", "Value=0", ENDITEM, LAST); web_image("Search Flights Button", "Alt=Search Flights Button", "Snapshot=t10.inf", LAST); lr_start_transaction("Flight"); //步骤1:选择航班出发地和目的地及座位属性 web_submit_form("reservations.pl", "Snapshot=t11.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=depart", "Value=Denver", ENDITEM, "Name=departDate", "Value=04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=arrive", "Value=London", ENDITEM, "Name=returnDate", "Value=04/25/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=numPassengers", "Value=1", ENDITEM, "Name=roundtrip", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=seatPref", "Value=None", ENDITEM, "Name=seatType", "Value=Coach", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.x", "Value=52", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.y", "Value=6", ENDITEM, LAST); //步骤2:选择乘坐航班 web_submit_form("reservations.pl_2", "Snapshot=t12.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=outboundFlight", "Value=020;338;04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.x", "Value=36", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.y", "Value=5", ENDITEM, LAST); //步骤3:完成支付 status=web_submit_form("reservations.pl_3", "Snapshot=t13.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=firstName", "Value=Jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=lastName", "Value=Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=address1", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=address2", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=pass1", "Value=Jojo Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=creditCard", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=expDate", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=saveCC", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.x", "Value=47", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.y", "Value=9", ENDITEM, LAST); // Get transaction wasted time to this point获取截止到此刻的事务浪费时间 wasteTime=lr_get_transaction_wasted_time("Flight"); /* End transaction with operation result - pass or fail */ if (status == 0) lr_end_transaction("Flight", LR_PASS); else lr_end_transaction("Flight", LR_FAIL); if (wasteTime) lr_output_message("The transaction wasted time is %f seconds", wasteTime); else lr_output_message("The wasted time cannot be determined."); web_image("SignOff Button", "Alt=SignOff Button", "Ordinal=1", "Snapshot=t14.inf", LAST); return 0; }
lr_get_transaction_status_Func() { int status; /*Correlation comment - Do not change! Original value='131159.414823815zHtzfVcpttAtHQpAHtt' Name ='userSession' Type ='ResponseBased'*/ web_reg_save_param_ex( "ParamName=userSession", "LB=name="userSession" value="", "RB="/> <table border", SEARCH_FILTERS, "Scope=Body", "IgnoreRedirections=No", "RequestUrl=*/nav.pl*", LAST); web_url("WebTours", "URL=", "Resource=0", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t8.inf", "Mode=HTML", LAST); //登录 web_submit_data("login.pl", "Action=", "Method=POST", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t9.inf", "Mode=HTML", ITEMDATA, "Name=userSession", "Value={userSession}", ENDITEM, "Name=username", "Value=jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=password", "Value=bean", ENDITEM, "Name=JSFormSubmit", "Value=on", ENDITEM, "Name=login.x", "Value=0", ENDITEM, "Name=login.y", "Value=0", ENDITEM, LAST); web_image("Search Flights Button", "Alt=Search Flights Button", "Snapshot=t10.inf", LAST); lr_start_transaction("Flight"); //步骤1:选择航班出发地和目的地及座位属性 web_submit_form("reservations.pl", "Snapshot=t11.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=depart", "Value=Denver", ENDITEM, "Name=departDate", "Value=04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=arrive", "Value=London", ENDITEM, "Name=returnDate", "Value=04/25/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=numPassengers", "Value=1", ENDITEM, "Name=roundtrip", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=seatPref", "Value=None", ENDITEM, "Name=seatType", "Value=Coach", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.x", "Value=52", ENDITEM, "Name=findFlights.y", "Value=6", ENDITEM, LAST); //步骤2:选择乘坐航班 web_submit_form("reservations.pl_2", "Snapshot=t12.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=outboundFlight", "Value=020;338;04/24/2021", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.x", "Value=36", ENDITEM, "Name=reserveFlights.y", "Value=5", ENDITEM, LAST); lr_set_transaction_status(LR_FAIL);//修改事务状态 if (lr_get_transaction_status("Flight") == LR_FAIL) { /* web_url has failed the transaction. No point in continuing, * because future calls will probably fail too */ lr_end_transaction("Flight", LR_FAIL); return 0; } //步骤3:完成支付 status=web_submit_form("reservations.pl_3", "Snapshot=t13.inf", ITEMDATA, "Name=firstName", "Value=Jojo", ENDITEM, "Name=lastName", "Value=Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=address1", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=address2", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=pass1", "Value=Jojo Bean", ENDITEM, "Name=creditCard", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=expDate", "Value=", ENDITEM, "Name=saveCC", "Value=<OFF>", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.x", "Value=47", ENDITEM, "Name=buyFlights.y", "Value=9", ENDITEM, LAST); web_image("SignOff Button", "Alt=SignOff Button", "Ordinal=1", "Snapshot=t14.inf", LAST); return 0; }
lr_wasted_time_Func() { int i, baseIter = 10; char dude[1000]; double wasteTime, actualElapsedTime; merc_timer_handle_t MasterT, timer; // Examine the total elapsed time of the action MasterT = lr_start_timer(); //Start transaction lr_start_transaction("Demo"); // Create some elapsed time for the transaction for (i=0; i< (10 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we create elapsed time artificially = %d", i); // Add some think time lr_think_time(0.5); // Create some wasted time and record it with timer timer = lr_start_timer(); for (i=0; i< (5 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we waste time in a script = %d", i); wasteTime = lr_end_timer(timer); lr_output_message("User created waste time = %lf", wasteTime); lr_output_message("Before lr_waste_time: Duration = %lf - Waste = %lf", lr_get_transaction_duration("Demo"), lr_get_transaction_wasted_time("Demo")); /* Convert Timer in seconds to wasted time in milliseconds and add to internally generated waste time */ wasteTime *= 1000; lr_wasted_time(wasteTime); lr_output_message("After lr_waste_time: Duration = %lf - Waste = %lf", lr_get_transaction_duration("Demo"), lr_get_transaction_wasted_time("Demo")); lr_output_message("Think time = %lf", lr_get_transaction_think_time("Demo")); lr_end_transaction("Demo", LR_AUTO); actualElapsedTime = lr_end_timer(MasterT); lr_output_message("Total Elapsed time for Action = %lf", actualElapsedTime); return 0; }
lr_fail_trans_with_error_Func() { int i, baseIter = 10; char dude[1000]; //Start Parent lr_start_transaction("Master"); // Artificially create some elapsed time for (i=0; i<(20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); //Start a second sub transaction lr_start_sub_transaction("FirstT", "Master"); for (i=0; i< (20 * baseIter); ++i) sprintf(dude, "This is the way we kill time in a script = %d", i); if (i>1)//超过1秒则修改事务状态为失败,并打印错误消息 lr_fail_trans_with_error("An error has occurred,the time %d secs is more than 1 sec", i); lr_end_sub_transaction("FirstT",LR_AUTO); lr_end_transaction("Master", LR_PASS); return 0; }