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  • 使用Code::blocks在windows下写网络程序




    He YiJun – storysnail<at>hotmail.com




    本文档包含的原创代码根据General Public License,v3 发布
    GPLv3 许可证的副本可以在这里获得:http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

    本文档根据GNU Free Documentation License 1.3发布













    Code::blocks 中新建一个工程
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    二 源代码

    1. /***********************************************************************
    2. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
    3.                                Eabc-version-verfy.c

    4.     Develop Team : ls
    5.     Team Leader : He YiJun (storysnail<at>gmail.com)
    6.     Main Programmer : He YiJun
    7.     Programmer : Ling Ying
    8.     Program comments : Ling Ying
    9.     Dict Editor : Yang QiuXi
    10.     Documents : Ling Ying、 Yang QiuXi
    11.     Art Designer : He YiJun
    12.     License : GPLv3
    13.     Last Update : 2013-02-25
    14. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
    15. *************************************************************************/
    16. #include <windows.h> // 新增 windows.h
    17. #include <winsock2.h>
    18. //#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") // For VS
    19. #include <tchar.h>
    20. #include <stdio.h>
    21. #include <stdlib.h>
    22. #include <malloc.h>
    23. #include <io.h>
    24. #ifdef _MT
    25. #include <process.h>
    26. #endif
    27. /* DWORD_PTR (pointer precision unsigned integer) is used for integers
    28.  * that are converted to handles or pointers
    29.  * This eliminates Win64 warnings regarding conversion between
    30.  * 32 and 64-bit data, as HANDLEs and pointers are 64 bits in
    31.  * Win64 (See Chapter 16). This is enable only if _Wp64 is defined.
    32.  */
    33. #if !defined(_Wp64)
    34. #define DWORD_PTR DWORD
    35. #define LONG_PTR LONG
    36. #define INT_PTR INT
    37. #endif

    38. #define MAX_RQRS_LEN 0x1000 //4096

    39. /* Required for sockets */
    40. #define SERVER_PORT 80

    41. typedef struct {
    42.   LONG32 rsLen;
    43.   BYTE record [MAX_RQRS_LEN];
    44. } RESPONSE;

    45. typedef struct {
    46.   LONG32 rqLen;
    47.   BYTE record [MAX_RQRS_LEN];
    48. } REQUEST;

    49. #define RQ_SIZE sizeof (REQUEST)
    51. #define RS_SIZE sizeof (RESPONSE)

    53. static BOOL SendRequest (REQUEST *, SOCKET);
    54. static BOOL ReceiveResponse (RESPONSE *, SOCKET);
    55. static VOID PrintError (LPCTSTR , DWORD , BOOL);

    56. struct sockaddr_in clientSAddr;

    57. int _tmain (int argc, LPSTR argv[])
    58. {
    59.   SOCKET clientSock = INVALID_SOCKET;
    60.   REQUEST request;
    61.   RESPONSE response;
    62.   WSADATA WSStartData; /* Socket library data structure */
    63.   DWORD conVal;

    64.   while (1) {
    65.     _tprintf (_T("%s"), _T(" Enter Command: "));
    66.     _fgetts ((char *)request.record, MAX_RQRS_LEN-1, stdin);
    67.     /* Get rid of the new line at the end */
    68.     /* Messages use 8-bit characters */
    69.     request.record[strlen((char *)request.record)-1] = '';

    70.     if (strcmp ((char *)request.record, "$Quit") == 0)
    71.       break;

    72.     if (strncmp ((char *)request.record, "GET",3) == 0)
    73.       request.record[strlen((char *)request.record)] = ' ';

    74.     /* Initialize the WS library. Ver 2.2 */
    75.     if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD (2, 2), &WSStartData) != 0)
    76.       PrintError (_T("Cannot support sockets"), 1, TRUE);

    77.     /* Connect to the server */
    78.     /* Follow the standard client socket/connect sequence */
    79.     clientSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    80.     if (clientSock == INVALID_SOCKET)
    81.       PrintError (_T("Failed client socket() call"), 2, TRUE);

    82.     memset (&clientSAddr, 0, sizeof(clientSAddr));
    83.     clientSAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    84.     //clientSAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(inet_addr (""));
    85.     clientSAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr ("");
    86.     clientSAddr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT);

    87.     conVal = connect (clientSock, (struct sockaddr *)&clientSAddr, sizeof(clientSAddr));
    88.     if (conVal == SOCKET_ERROR) PrintError (_T("Failed client connect() call)"), 3, TRUE);

    89.     SendRequest (&request, clientSock);

    90.     ReceiveResponse (&response, clientSock);

    91.     shutdown (clientSock, SD_BOTH); /* Disallow sends and receives */

    92.     closesocket (clientSock);
    93.     WSACleanup();

    94.     close (clientSock);
    95.   }

    96.   _tprintf (_T(" ****Leaving client "));
    97.   return 0;
    98. }

    99. // GET http://www.7fane.com/test.html
    100. BOOL SendRequest (REQUEST *pRequest, SOCKET sd)
    101. {
    102.   /* Send the the request to the server on socket sd */
    103.   BOOL disconnect = FALSE;
    104.   LONG32 nRemainSend, nXfer;
    105.   LPBYTE pBuffer;
    106.   //char target[]="GET http://www.7fane.com/test.html ";

    107.   pRequest->rqLen = (DWORD)(strlen ((char *)pRequest->record) + 1);
    108.   nRemainSend = pRequest->rqLen;
    109.   pBuffer = (LPBYTE)pRequest->record;
    110.   _tprintf (_T("%s%s"), _T(" Now SendRequestMessage: "),pBuffer);
    111.   while (nRemainSend > 0 && !disconnect) {
    112.     nXfer = send (sd, (char *)pBuffer, nRemainSend, 0);
    113.     //nXfer = send (sd, target, strlen(target), 0);
    114.     if (nXfer == SOCKET_ERROR) PrintError (_T("client send() failed"), 5, TRUE);
    115.     disconnect = (nXfer == 0);
    116.     nRemainSend -=nXfer;
    117.     pBuffer += nXfer;

    118.     _tprintf (_T("%s%d"), _T(" Send btyes: "),nXfer);
    119.     //_tprintf (_T("%s%s"), _T(" Send content: "),target);
    120.     _tprintf (_T("%s%s"), _T(" Send content: "),pRequest->record);
    121.   }
    122.   return disconnect;
    123. }

    124. BOOL ReceiveResponse (RESPONSE *pResponse, SOCKET sd)
    125. {
    126.   BOOL disconnect = FALSE;
    127.   LONG32 nRemainRecv, nXfer;
    128.   LPBYTE pBuffer;

    129.   _tprintf (_T("%s"), _T(" Now ReceiveResponseMessage! "));
    130.   while(!disconnect) {
    131.     /* Read each response and send it to std out.*/
    132.     memset (pResponse->record, 0, MAX_RQRS_LEN);
    133.     nRemainRecv = MAX_RQRS_LEN;
    134.     pBuffer = (LPBYTE)pResponse->record;
    135.     while (nRemainRecv > 0 && !disconnect) {
    136.       nXfer = recv (sd, (char *)pBuffer, nRemainRecv, 0);
    137.       if (nXfer == SOCKET_ERROR) PrintError (_T("client response recv() failed"), 7, TRUE);
    138.       disconnect = (nXfer == 0);
    139.       nRemainRecv -=nXfer;
    140.       pBuffer += nXfer;

    141.       if(!disconnect) {
    142.         _tprintf (_T("%s[%d]"), _T(" Receive bytes: "),nXfer);
    143.         _tprintf (_T("%s %s"), _T(" Receive content: "),pResponse->record);
    144.       }
    145.     }
    146.   }
    147.   return disconnect;
    148. }

    149. VOID PrintError (LPCTSTR userMessage, DWORD exitCode, BOOL printErrorMessage)
    150. {
    151.   DWORD eMsgLen, errNum = GetLastError ();
    152.   LPTSTR lpvSysMsg;
    153.   _ftprintf (stderr, _T("%s "), userMessage);
    154.   if (printErrorMessage) {
    156.                              NULL, errNum, MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),
    157.                              (LPTSTR) &lpvSysMsg, 0, NULL);
    158.     if (eMsgLen > 0)
    159.     {
    160.       _ftprintf (stderr, _T("%s "), lpvSysMsg);
    161.     }
    162.     else
    163.     {
    164.       _ftprintf (stderr, _T("Last Error Number; %d. "), (int)errNum);
    165.     }

    166.     if (lpvSysMsg != NULL) LocalFree (lpvSysMsg); /* Explained in Chapter 5. */
    167.   }

    168.   if (exitCode > 0)
    169.     ExitProcess (exitCode);

    170.   return;
    171. }

    三 运行截图









    下面是该程序的linux版本,这段程序是《使用C4droidbotbrewandriod手机上编程 》这篇文章的两个示例程序之一,不过《使用C4droidbotbrewandriod手机上编程 》这篇文章现在已经放弃维护了!

     1 /********************************************************************************
     2 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
     3     get-www
     4                                main.c
     6     Develop Team     :    ls
     7     Main Programmer  :    He YiJun  (storysnail<at>gmail.com)
     8     License          :    GPLv3
     9     Last Update      :    2013-03-03
    10 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
    11 *********************************************************************************/
    12 #include <stdlib.h>
    13 #include <stdio.h>
    14 #include <string.h>
    15 #include <stdarg.h>
    16 #include <sys/socket.h>
    17 #include <netinet/in.h>
    18 #include <netdb.h>
    20 static int gw_connect(char *domain,int port)
    21 {
    22   int sock_sd;
    23   int i;
    24   struct hostent *site_dns;
    25   struct sockaddr_in s_addr;
    26   site_dns = gethostbyname(domain);
    27   if(site_dns == NULL) {
    28     printf("gethostbyname error!
    29     return -2;
    30   }
    31   printf("default ip:  %s
    ",inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)site_dns->h_addr)));
    32   for(i=0; i< site_dns->h_length/sizeof(int); i++) {
    33     printf("IP:%d:%s
    ",i+1,inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)site_dns->h_addr_list[i])));
    34   }
    35   sock_sd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
    36   if(sock_sd < 0) {
    37     printf ("socket error!");
    38     return -1;
    39   }
    40   memset(&s_addr,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
    41   memcpy(&s_addr.sin_addr,site_dns ->h_addr_list[0],site_dns->h_length);
    42   s_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    43   s_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
    44   printf("s_addr ip:  %s",inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)&s_addr.sin_addr)));
    45   return (connect(sock_sd,(struct sockaddr *)&s_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr))  < 0 ? -1 : sock_sd);
    46 }
    48 static int gw_send(int sock_sd,char *fmt,...)
    49 {
    50   char buf [1024];
    51   va_list argptr;
    52   va_start(argptr,fmt);
    53   vsprintf(buf,fmt,argptr);
    54   va_end(argptr);
    55   printf("Send:
    56   return send(sock_sd,buf,strlen(buf),0);
    57 }
    59 void main(int argc,char **argv)
    60 {
    61   int sock_sd;
    62   char rBuf[3];
    63   sock_sd = gw_connect("www.7fane.com",80);
    64   if(sock_sd < 0)  {
    65     printf("connect error!
    66     return;
    67   }
    68   //注意:该网站只用于个人测试,在2013年11月末到期,
    69   //如果你在之后的日期使用,请使用其它网页地址
    70   gw_send(sock_sd,"GET http://www.7fane.com/test.html
    71   gw_send(sock_sd,"%c",10);
    72   while(read(sock_sd,rBuf,1) > 0)
    73     printf("%c",rBuf[0]);
    74   close(sock_sd);
    75   return;
    76 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/arely/p/4416115.html
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