在方法调用前为异步方法指定一个回调函数,方法调用后被线程池中的一个线程接管,执行该方法。主线程立即返回,继续执行其他工作或响应用户请求。如果异步方法执行完 毕,回调函数被自动执行,以处理异步方法的调用结果。 如何实现异步方法呢?C#通过异步委托调用BeginInvoke和EndInvoke方法来实现异步方法。
BeginInvoke方法原型: IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(......, AsyncCallback callback, object o); ......表示异步委托中定义的参数列表。 AsyncCallback参数是一个用于 回调函数的委托,它的原型为: public delegate void AsyncCallback(IAsyncResult ar)。其中IAsyncResult参数用于包装异步方法的执行结果。 Object参数用于在主线程与回调函数间传递一些附加信息,如同步信息。
EndInvoke方法原型: xxx EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); xxx表示异步委托原型中定义的返回数据类型,IAsyncResult用于包装异步方法的执行结果。
在了解了线程与异步操作各自的优缺点之后,我们可以来探讨一下线程和异步的合理用途。我认为:当需要执行I/O操作时,使用异步操作比使用线程+同步I/O操作更合适。I/O操作不仅包括了直接的文件、网络的读写,还包括数据库操作、Web Service、HttpRequest以及.Net Remoting等跨进程的调用。
using System; using System.Threading; namespace AsyncDelegateDemo { delegate void AsyncFoo(int i); class Program { ///<summary> /// 输出当前线程的信息 ///</summary> ///<param name="name">方法名称</param> static void PrintCurrThreadInfo(string name) { Console.WriteLine("Thread Id of " + name+ " is: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId+ ", current thread is " + (Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread ? "" : "not ") + "thread pool thread."); } ///<summary> /// 测试方法,Sleep一定时间 ///</summary> ///<param name="i">Sleep的时间</param> static void Foo(int i) { PrintCurrThreadInfo("Foo()"); Thread.Sleep(i); } ///<summary> /// 投递一个异步调用 ///</summary> static void PostAsync() { AsyncFoo caller = new AsyncFoo(Foo); caller.BeginInvoke(1000, new AsyncCallback(FooCallBack), caller); } static void Main(string[] args) { PrintCurrThreadInfo("Main()"); for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) { PostAsync(); } Console.ReadLine(); } static void FooCallBack(IAsyncResult ar) { PrintCurrThreadInfo("FooCallBack()"); AsyncFoo caller = (AsyncFoo) ar.AsyncState; caller.EndInvoke(ar); } } }
Thread Id of Main() is: 1, current thread is not thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 4, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 5, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 4, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 4, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 6, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 5, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 5, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 7, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of Foo() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 4, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 6, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 5, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 7, current thread is thread pool thread. Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.