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  • mysql数据库 学习(实训练习 二)


    学号 姓名 性别 生日 专业
    1 张三 男 1980-12-03 1
    2 王武 女 1980-09-22 3
    3 李四 女 1981-03-04 2
    4 赵六 女 1981-05-24 1
    5 张建国 男 1980-06-02 4
    6 赵娟 女 1980-08-30 2

    -- 创建数据库
    create database webapp2 charset utf8mb4;
    -- 创建用户名、密码
    create user'webapp2'@'localhost'identified by'webapp2';
    -- 授权
    grant all on webapp2.*to'webapp2'@'localhost';
    -- 用用户名、密码登录
    mysql -uwebapp2 -pwebapp2
    -- 创建表
    create table student
    	s_id int not null primary key auto_increment,
    	s_name varchar(20),
    	s_sex varchar(5),
    	s_birthday date,
    	s_professional int
    -- 添加数据
    insert into student(s_name,s_sex,s_birthday,s_professional) 

    学号 学期 课程编号 分数
    1 1 2 92.0
    1 2 2 76.0
    2 1 3 60.0
    2 2 3 90.0
    3 4 1 66.0
    3 4 2 NULL
    3 4 4 81.0
    3 4 6 95.0
    5 1 2 67.0
    6 1 2 50.0
    6 2 2 87.0
    6 2 3 86.0

    -- 创建表
    create table course
    	c_id int,
    	c_semester int,
    	c_course int,
    	c_score double(3,1),
    	constraint fk_student_course foreign key (c_id) references student(s_id)
    -- 添加数据
    insert into course(c_id,c_semester,c_course,c_score)


    select * from student s left join course c on c.c_id = s.s_id
    union all
    select * from student s right join course c on c.c_id = s.s_id
    select sum(c_score) as '累加值' from course c,student s WHERE c.c_id = s.s_id and c_score>=90;
    select avg(c_score) as '平均值' from course c,student s WHERE c.c_id = s.s_id and 80<c_score<90;
    select s_name,sum(c_score) as '累加值' from course c,student s WHERE c.c_id = s.s_id and c_score>=90 GROUP BY s_name;
    select s_name,avg(c_score) as '平均值' from course c,student s WHERE c.c_id = s.s_id and 80<c_score<90 GROUP BY s_name;

    学号:s_id 整型 主键 ,
    姓名:name 字符型 ,
    电话:Tel 字符型,
    学历:Content 字符型,
    毕业日期:Date 日期型,
    教师编号:teacher_id 整型,外键)

    -- 创建表
    create table student02
    	s_id int not null primary key auto_increment,
    	name varchar(20),
    	tel varchar(20),
    	content varchar(20),
    	date date,
    	teacher_id int,
    	constraint fk_student02_teacher01 foreign key (teacher_id) references teacher(t_id)


    s_id Name Tel Content Date teacher_id

    1 张三 13333663366 大专毕业 2006-10-11 1
    2 张三 13612312331 本科毕业 2006-10-15 2
    3 张四 021-55665566 中专毕业 2006-10-16 3
    4 张五 021-55665566 大专毕业 2006-10-16 2
    5 张六 021-55665566 大专毕业 2006-10-18 3
    6 张七 021-55665566 中专毕业 2006-10-12 1

    -- 添加数据
    insert into student02(name,tel,content,date,teacher_id) 

    教师编号:t_id 整型 主键 ,
    姓名:name 字符型 ,
    年龄:age 整型,
    地址:address 字符型)

    -- 创建表
    create table teacher(
    	t_id int not null primary key auto_increment,
    	name varchar(20),
    	age int,
    	address varchar(20)

    t_id name age address

    1 张老师 38 成都
    2 李老师 42 北京
    3 王老师 35 上海

    -- 添加数据
    insert into teacher


    (a) 有一新记录(小王 13254748547 高中毕业 2007-05-06 1)请用SQL语句新增至表student中;

    insert into student02


    select t.name,count(*) from student s left join teacher t on s.teacher_id = t.t_id where s.content like '本科%' group by t.t_id;
    select t.name as '教师姓名', COUNT(s.name) as '大专以上人数' from student02 s,teacher t where s.teacher_id = t.t_id and (s.content <> '大专毕业' and s.content <> '高中毕业' and s.content <> '中专毕业')   GROUP BY t.name HAVING COUNT(s.name);
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