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  • 新建共享,NTFS权限设置

    1. Overview

    Some time ago, I was automating a few tasks with PowerShell and needed to set NTFS permissions on a folder. I was tempted to use the good old ICACLS.EXE command line, but I wanted to keep it all within PowerShell. While there are a number of different permissions you could want to set for a folder, my specific case called the following:

    -          Create a new folder

    -          Check the default permissions on the new folder

    -          Turn off inheritance on that folder, removing existing inherited permissions from the parent folder

    -          Grant “Full Control” permissions to Administrators, propagating via inheritance to files and subfolders

    -          Grant “Read” permissions to Users, propagating via inheritance to files and subfolders

    -          Review the permissions on the folder

    2. The old ICACLS

    In the old CMD.EXE world, you would use ICACLS.The commands would look like this:

    -          MD F:Folder

    -          ICACLS F:Folder

    -          ICACLS F:Folder /INHERITANCE:R

    -          ICACLS F:Folder /GRANT Administrators:(CI)(OI)F

    -          ICACLS F:Folder /GRANT Users: (CI)(OI)R

    -          ICACLS F:Folder

    新建共享rollback,赋予 ddv est01、Administrators用户完全控制权限

    mkdir d: ollback
    net share rollback=d: ollback /GRANT:ddv est01,FULL /GRANT:administrators,FULL

    cacls D: /T /E /C /G Users:F
    cacls D: /T /E /C /P everyone:R

    3. The PowerShell way

    After some investigation, I found the PowerShell cmdlets to do the same things. You essentially rely on Get-Acl and Set-Acl to get, show and set permissions on a folder. Unfortunately, there are no cmdlets to help with the actual manipulation of the permissions. However, you can use a few .NET classes and methods to do the work. Here’s what I ended up with:

    -          New-Item F:Folder –Type Directory

    -          Get-Acl F:Folder | Format-List

    -          $acl = Get-Acl F:Folder

    -          $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $False)

    -          $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Administrators","FullControl", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")

    -          $acl.AddAccessRule($rule)

    -          $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Users","Read", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")

    -          $acl.AddAccessRule($rule)

    -          Set-Acl F:Folder $acl

    -          Get-Acl F:Folder  | Format-List

    4. Looking at the output

    To show how this works, here’s the output you should get from those commands. Be sure to use the option to “Run as Administrator” if you’re creating a folder outside your user’s folders. Note that I made a few changes from the cmdlets shown previously. I also included couple of calls to the GetAccessRules method to get extra details about the permissions.

    PS F:> New-Item F:Folder -Type Directory

        Directory: F:

    Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name

    ----                -------------     ------ ----

    d----         11/6/2010   8:10 PM            Folder

    PS F:> $acl = Get-Acl F:Folder

    PS F:> $acl | Format-List

    Path   : Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreFileSystem::F:Folder

    Owner  : BUILTINAdministrators

    Group  : NORTHAMERICADomain Users

    Access : BUILTINAdministrators Allow  FullControl

             BUILTINAdministrators Allow  268435456

             NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM Allow  FullControl

             NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM Allow  268435456

             NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users Allow  Modify, Synchronize

             NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users Allow  -536805376

             BUILTINUsers Allow  ReadAndExecute, Synchronize

             BUILTINUsers Allow  -1610612736

    Audit  :

    Sddl   : O:BAG:S-1-5-21-124525095-708259637-1543119021-513D:(A;ID;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIIOID;GA;;;BA)(A;ID;FA;;;SY)(A;OICIIOID


    PS F:> $acl.GetAccessRules($true, $true, [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])

    FileSystemRights  : FullControl

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : BUILTINAdministrators

    IsInherited       : True

    InheritanceFlags  : None

    PropagationFlags  : None

    FileSystemRights  : 268435456

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : BUILTINAdministrators

    IsInherited       : True

    InheritanceFlags  : ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit

    PropagationFlags  : InheritOnly

    FileSystemRights  : FullControl

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM

    IsInherited       : True

    InheritanceFlags  : None

    PropagationFlags  : None

    FileSystemRights  : 268435456

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM

    IsInherited       : True

    InheritanceFlags  : ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit

    PropagationFlags  : InheritOnly

    FileSystemRights  : Modify, Synchronize

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users

    IsInherited       : True

    InheritanceFlags  : None

    PropagationFlags  : None

    FileSystemRights  : -536805376

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users

    IsInherited       : True

    InheritanceFlags  : ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit

    PropagationFlags  : InheritOnly

    FileSystemRights  : ReadAndExecute, Synchronize

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : BUILTINUsers

    IsInherited       : True

    InheritanceFlags  : None

    PropagationFlags  : None

    FileSystemRights  : -1610612736

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : BUILTINUsers

    IsInherited       : True

    InheritanceFlags  : ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit

    PropagationFlags  : InheritOnly

    PS F:> $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $False)

    PS F:> $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Administrators","FullControl", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")

    PS F:> $acl.AddAccessRule($rule)

    PS F:> $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Users","Read", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")

    PS F:> $acl.AddAccessRule($rule)

    PS F:> Set-Acl F:Folder $acl

    PS F:> Get-Acl F:Folder  | Format-List

    Path   : Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreFileSystem::F:Folder

    Owner  : BUILTINAdministrators

    Group  : NORTHAMERICADomain Users

    Access : BUILTINAdministrators Allow  FullControl

             BUILTINUsers Allow  Read, Synchronize

    Audit  :

    Sddl   : O:BAG:S-1-5-21-124525095-708259637-1543119021-513D:PAI(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)(A;OICI;FR;;;BU)

    PS F:> (Get-Acl F:Folder).GetAccessRules($true, $true, [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])

    FileSystemRights  : FullControl

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : BUILTINAdministrators

    IsInherited       : False

    InheritanceFlags  : ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit

    PropagationFlags  : None

    FileSystemRights  : Read, Synchronize

    AccessControlType : Allow

    IdentityReference : BUILTINUsers

    IsInherited       : False

    InheritanceFlags  : ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit

    PropagationFlags  : None

    PS F:>

    5. Controlling parent folder inheritance

    The script uses SetAccessRuleProtection, which is a method to control whether inheritance from the parent folder should be blocked ($True means no Inheritance) and if the previously inherited access rules should be preserved ($False means remove previously inherited permissions).

    6. Building the access rules

    To build a new access rule, the script also uses the New-Object cmdlet and specify the full name of the FileSystemAccessRule class. There are many constructors for this specific class of objects. I used one of the more complete ones, which takes 5 parameters:

    -          Identity (name of the user or group)

    -          Rights (including the common Read, Write, Modify and FullControl, among many others)

    -          Inheritance Flags (including None, ContainerInherit or ObjectInheritance)

    -          Propagation Flags (including None or InheritOnly, among others)

    -          Type (Allow or Deny)

    I am using the .NET classes in this part, and that’s why you have to use the full name of the class (like System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule) and the full name of the data types (like [System.Security.Accesscontrol.InheritanceFlags]).

    7. Using variables

    The script also uses a few variables (names starting with a $ sign). In order to change the permissions, for instance, I started by copying the existing ACL to a variable called $acl using the Get-Acl cmdlet. Next, I modified $acl in memory and finally I applied the $acl back to the folder using Set-Acl cmdlet. You could avoid using the $rule variable, but your code would get a bit more complex. For instance, I could change the script shown previously to use only the $acl variable:

    -          $acl = Get-Acl F:Folder

    -          $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $False)

    -          $acl.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Administrators","FullControl", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")))

    -          $acl.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Users","Read", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")))

    -          Set-Acl F:Folder $acl

    This does cut 2 lines from that section of the script. While I see of lot of fans of using a smaller number of command lines (even if they are longer command lines), I find the version that uses the additional $rule variable easier to understand.

    8. Default permissions

    You might have noticed that the initial attributes for the folder includes quite a few inherited permissions. Those are inherited from the parent folder F:\, and are the default permissions when you format an NTFS volume. Here are they in a nicely formatted table:


















    ReadAndExecute, Synchronize

    NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users


    Modify, Synchronize

    NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users



    Some of the rights are fully spelled out (like “Full Control”, “Modify”, “Read”, “Write”, “Synchronize” and “ReadAndExecute”). More complex combinations are shown as numbers. The infrastructure only translates the numeric code into text for the most common ones.

    9. Setting the Owner

    Another fairly common operation is setting a new owner for a folder. This is useful when provisioning a folder for a specific user and wanting to give the user the ownership of the folder itself. It’s also handy if a administrator has been locked out of a folder. If I am the administrator, I can set the owner to myself  and then grant myself permissions to access the folder. In CMD.EXE, you would use

    -          ICACLS F:Folder /SETOWNER Administrators

    The PowerShell equivalent would be:

    -          $acl = Get-Acl F:Folder

    -          $acl.SetOwner([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] "Administrators")

    -          Set-Acl F:Folder $acl

    10. It’s actually a Security Descriptor

    The information returned by Get-Acl is actually better described as a “Security Descriptor”, not really an ACL (Access Control List). It contains a number of security-related information, including the Owner, the Group Owner, the Discretionary Access Control List (also known as DACL, which is where we added the two rules), the Audit Access Control List (also known as SACL). Technically, adding the two rules actually adds two ACEs (Access Control Entries) to the DACL (Discretionary Access Control List).

    Also listed by Get-ACL is SDDL string. The SDDL a string that combines all the information returned by Get-Acl in a single string. It’s a bit hard to parse for humans, but it’s closer to the internal representation.

    11. Looking at the other methods

    There are a number of additional methods available to handle the Security Descriptor returned by Get-Acl. If you want to look into them, just pipe the output to Get-Member. See the example below:

    PS F:> Get-Acl F:Folder | Get-Member

       TypeName: System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity

    Name                            MemberType     Definition

    ----                            ----------     ----------

    Access                          CodeProperty   System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection Access{get=...

    Group                           CodeProperty   System.String Group{get=GetGroup;}

    Owner                           CodeProperty   System.String Owner{get=GetOwner;}

    Path                            CodeProperty   System.String Path{get=GetPath;}

    Sddl                            CodeProperty   System.String Sddl{get=GetSddl;}

    AccessRuleFactory               Method         System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule AccessRuleFactory(System.Sec...

    AddAccessRule                   Method         System.Void AddAccessRule(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAcc...

    AddAuditRule                    Method         System.Void AddAuditRule(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAudi...

    AuditRuleFactory                Method         System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule AuditRuleFactory(System.Secur...

    Equals                          Method         bool Equals(System.Object obj)

    GetAccessRules                  Method         System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection GetAccessRu...

    GetAuditRules                   Method         System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection GetAuditRul...

    GetGroup                        Method         System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference GetGroup(type targetType)

    GetHashCode                     Method         int GetHashCode()

    GetOwner                        Method         System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference GetOwner(type targetType)

    GetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm Method         byte[] GetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm()

    GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm   Method         string GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(System.Security.AccessControl.Ac...

    GetType                         Method         type GetType()

    ModifyAccessRule                Method         bool ModifyAccessRule(System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModi...

    ModifyAuditRule                 Method         bool ModifyAuditRule(System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModif...

    PurgeAccessRules                Method         System.Void PurgeAccessRules(System.Security.Principal.IdentityRefere...

    PurgeAuditRules                 Method         System.Void PurgeAuditRules(System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferen...

    RemoveAccessRule                Method         bool RemoveAccessRule(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessR...

    RemoveAccessRuleAll             Method         System.Void RemoveAccessRuleAll(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSys...

    RemoveAccessRuleSpecific        Method         System.Void RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(System.Security.AccessControl.Fi...

    RemoveAuditRule                 Method         bool RemoveAuditRule(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRul...

    RemoveAuditRuleAll              Method         System.Void RemoveAuditRuleAll(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSyst...

    RemoveAuditRuleSpecific         Method         System.Void RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(System.Security.AccessControl.Fil...

    ResetAccessRule                 Method         System.Void ResetAccessRule(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemA...

    SetAccessRule                   Method         System.Void SetAccessRule(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAcc...

    SetAccessRuleProtection         Method         System.Void SetAccessRuleProtection(bool isProtected, bool preserveIn...

    SetAuditRule                    Method         System.Void SetAuditRule(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAudi...

    SetAuditRuleProtection          Method         System.Void SetAuditRuleProtection(bool isProtected, bool preserveInh...

    SetGroup                        Method         System.Void SetGroup(System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference iden...

    SetOwner                        Method         System.Void SetOwner(System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference iden...

    SetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm Method         System.Void SetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm(byte[] binaryForm), Syste...

    SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm   Method         System.Void SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(string sddlForm), System.Vo...

    ToString                        Method         string ToString()

    PSChildName                     NoteProperty   System.String PSChildName=test

    PSDrive                         NoteProperty   System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo PSDrive=C

    PSParentPath                    NoteProperty   System.String PSParentPath=Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreFileSystem::C:

    PSPath                          NoteProperty   System.String PSPath=Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreFileSystem::C: est

    PSProvider                      NoteProperty   System.Management.Automation.ProviderInfo PSProvider=Microsoft.PowerS...

    AccessRightType                 Property       System.Type AccessRightType {get;}

    AccessRuleType                  Property       System.Type AccessRuleType {get;}

    AreAccessRulesCanonical         Property       System.Boolean AreAccessRulesCanonical {get;}

    AreAccessRulesProtected         Property       System.Boolean AreAccessRulesProtected {get;}

    AreAuditRulesCanonical          Property       System.Boolean AreAuditRulesCanonical {get;}

    AreAuditRulesProtected          Property       System.Boolean AreAuditRulesProtected {get;}

    AuditRuleType                   Property       System.Type AuditRuleType {get;}

    AccessToString                  ScriptProperty System.Object AccessToString {get=$toString = "";...

    AuditToString                   ScriptProperty System.Object AuditToString {get=$toString = "";...

    To find the specific parameters for a given method, just filter the output and pipe it to Format-List. For instance, here are the details about the GetAccessRules method used in the script:

    PS F:> Get-Acl F:Folder | Get-Member -MemberType Method "GetAccessRules" | Format-List

    TypeName   : System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity

    Name       : GetAccessRules

    MemberType : Method

    Definition : System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection GetAccessRules(bool includeExplicit, bool includ

                 eInherited, type targetType)

    Here’s a short version, this time looking at the definition for the SetAccessRuleProtection method:

    PS F:> Get-Acl F:Folder | Get-Member "SetAccessRuleProtection" | FL

    TypeName   : System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity

    Name       : SetAccessRuleProtection

    MemberType : Method

    Definition : System.Void SetAccessRuleProtection(bool isProtected, bool preserveInheritance)

    12. Conclusion

    I hope this helped you understand how to manipulate Security Descriptors and Access Control Lists using PowerShell. ACLs are used in several other places, like Registry entries, Active Directory objects and File Shares. I’m sure that adding these abilities to your PowerShell tool belt will eventually come in handy.

    As usual, the MSDN site is a great reference. You can find all the details about the methods I used here by searching for the method name on MSDN. You can also look at an overview of the methods related to Security Descriptors (with lots of links) at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.accesscontrol.aspx.

    Also be sure to check my other blog posts about PowerShell athttp://blogs.technet.com/b/josebda/archive/tags/powershell/.


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