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  • DataProtection Key的选择

    代码位于: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.DefaultKeyResolver.cs

    private IKey FindDefaultKey(DateTimeOffset now, IEnumerable<IKey> allKeys, out IKey fallbackKey, out bool callerShouldGenerateNewKey)
                 // find the preferred default key (allowing for server-to-server clock skew)
                 var preferredDefaultKey = (from key in allKeys
                                            where key.ActivationDate <= now + _maxServerToServerClockSkew
                                            orderby key.ActivationDate descending, key.KeyId ascending
                                            select key).FirstOrDefault();

                if (preferredDefaultKey != null)
                     _logger.ConsideringKeyWithExpirationDateAsDefaultKey(preferredDefaultKey.KeyId, preferredDefaultKey.ExpirationDate);

                    // if the key has been revoked or is expired, it is no longer a candidate
                     if (preferredDefaultKey.IsRevoked || preferredDefaultKey.IsExpired(now) || !CanCreateAuthenticatedEncryptor(preferredDefaultKey))
                         preferredDefaultKey = null;

                // Only the key that has been most recently activated is eligible to be the preferred default,
                 // and only if it hasn't expired or been revoked. This is intentional: generating a new key is
                 // an implicit signal that we should stop using older keys (even if they're not revoked), so
                 // activating a new key should permanently mark all older keys as non-preferred.

                if (preferredDefaultKey != null)
                     // Does *any* key in the key ring fulfill the requirement that its activation date is prior
                     // to the preferred default key's expiration date (allowing for skew) and that it will
                     // remain valid one propagation cycle from now? If so, the caller doesn't need to add a
                     // new key.
                     callerShouldGenerateNewKey = !allKeys.Any(key =>
                        key.ActivationDate <= (preferredDefaultKey.ExpirationDate + _maxServerToServerClockSkew)
                        && !key.IsExpired(now + _keyPropagationWindow)
                        && !key.IsRevoked);

                    if (callerShouldGenerateNewKey)

                    fallbackKey = null;
                     return preferredDefaultKey;

                // If we got this far, the caller must generate a key now.
                 // We should locate a fallback key, which is a key that can be used to protect payloads if
                 // the caller is configured not to generate a new key. We should try to make sure the fallback
                 // key has propagated to all callers (so its creation date should be before the previous
                 // propagation period), and we cannot use revoked keys. The fallback key may be expired.
                 fallbackKey = (from key in (from key in allKeys
                                             where key.CreationDate <= now - _keyPropagationWindow
                                             orderby key.CreationDate descending
                                             select key).Concat(from key in allKeys
                                                                orderby key.CreationDate ascending
                                                                select key)
                                where !key.IsRevoked && CanCreateAuthenticatedEncryptor(key)
                                select key).FirstOrDefault();


                callerShouldGenerateNewKey = true;
                 return null;

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