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  • 双色球中奖查询程序

    Sub Chaxun()
    Const mycaipiao = "01 03 05 07 09 15 29 24 27 33+02 07 09 13 16"
    jisuan "08119", mycaipiao
    End Sub
    Sub jiangjin(a, b, c, d, j1, j2, result As String)
    Dim x(6), i As Long
    s = Split("投注金额 一等奖 二等奖 三等奖 四等奖 五等奖 六等奖")
    x(0) = Comp(a, 6) * b
    x(1) = Comp(c, 6) * d
    x(2) = Comp(c, 6) * (b - d)
    x(3) = Comp(c, 5) * (a - c)
    x(4) = Comp(c, 4) * d * Comp(a - c, 2) + (b - d) * (a - c) * Comp(c, 5)
    x(5) = Comp(c, 3) * d * Comp(a - c, 3) + (b - d) * Comp(c, 4) * Comp(a - c, 2)
    x(6) = Comp(c, 2) * d * Comp(a - c, 4) + c * d * Comp(a - c, 5) + d * Comp(a - c, 6)
    result = "中奖金额" & vbTab & x(1) * j1 + x(2) * j2 + x(3) * 3000 + x(4) * 200 + x(5) * 10 + x(6) * 5 & "元"
    For i = 0 To 6
    x(i) = s(i) & "  " & vbTab & x(i) & "注" & vbTab & vbTab & Array(2, j1, j2, 3000, 200, 10, 5)(i) * x(i) & "元"
    result = Join(x, vbCrLf) & vbCrLf & result
    End Sub
    Function Comp(a, b) As Long
    If b = 0 Then Comp = 1
    If b = a Then Comp = 1
    If a > b And b > 0 Then Comp = Comp(a - 1, b) + Comp(a - 1, b - 1)
    End Function
    Sub jisuan(ByVal qi As String, ByVal mycaipiao As String, Optional ByRef result As String)
    Dim s As String, red As String, blue As String, j1 As Long, j2 As Long, redball() As String, blueball() As String, bb() As String, i As Long
    Dim redcount As Long, bluecount As Long
    With CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
    .Open "GET", "http://www.cpyjy.com/affiche/1_" & qi & ".html", False
    s = .responseText
    red = Split(Split(s, "<font color=""#ff0000"">")(1), "<")(0)
    blue = Right("0" & Split(Split(s, "<font color=""#0000ff"">")(1), "<")(0), 2)
    j1 = Split(Split(s, "<td align=""right"" width=""27%""><font size=""2""><strong>")(2), "<")(0)
    j2 = Split(Split(s, "<td align=""right"" width=""27%""><font size=""2""><strong>")(4), "<")(0)
    End With

    bb = Split(red, ",")
    For i = 0 To UBound(bb)
    bb(i) = Right("0" & bb(i), 2)
    red = Join(bb, " ")

    redball = Split(Split(mycaipiao, "+")(0))
    For i = 0 To UBound(redball)
    If InStr(red, redball(i)) > 0 Then redcount = redcount + 1

    blueball = Split(Split(mycaipiao, "+")(1))
    For i = 0 To UBound(blueball)
    If blueball(i) = blue Then bluecount = 1: Exit For
    jiangjin UBound(redball) + 1, UBound(blueball) + 1, redcount, bluecount, j1, j2, result
    result = "中奖号码" & vbTab & red & "+" & blue & vbCrLf & "我的投注" & vbTab & mycaipiao & vbCrLf & String(Len(mycaipiao) + 16, "-") & vbCrLf & result
    MsgBox result, , "双色球第" & qi & "期"
    End Sub

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fengju/p/6336262.html
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