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  • [ActionScript 3.0] AS3.0 Socket通信实例


        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        import flash.events.ServerSocketConnectEvent;
        import flash.net.ServerSocket;
        import flash.net.Socket;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.text.TextFieldType;
        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
         * @author:Frost.Yen
         * @E-mail:871979853@qq.com
         * @create:    2016-7-20 下午12:37:30
        public class SocketServer extends Sprite
            private var serverSocket:ServerSocket = new ServerSocket();
            private var clientSocket:Socket;
            private var localIP:TextField;
            private var localPort:TextField;
            private var logField:TextField;
            private var message:TextField;
            private var _clients:Array = [];
            public function SocketServer()
            private function onConnect( event:ServerSocketConnectEvent):void
                clientSocket = event.socket;
                clientSocket.addEventListener( ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, onClientSocketData );
                log( "Connection from " + clientSocket.remoteAddress + ":" + clientSocket.remotePort );
            private function onClientSocketData( event:ProgressEvent ):void
                var buffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                var client:Socket = event.currentTarget as Socket;
                client.readBytes( buffer, 0, client.bytesAvailable );
                log( "Received from Client"+ clientSocket.remoteAddress + ":" + clientSocket.remotePort+"-- " + buffer.toString() );
            //绑定服务器ip 开始监听端口
            private function bind( event:Event ):void
                if( serverSocket.bound ) 
                    serverSocket = new ServerSocket();
                serverSocket.bind( parseInt( localPort.text ), localIP.text );
                serverSocket.addEventListener( ServerSocketConnectEvent.CONNECT, onConnect );
                log( "Bound to: " + serverSocket.localAddress + ":" + serverSocket.localPort );
            private function send( event:Event ):void
                    if (_clients.length == 0)
                    for (var i:int = 0; i < _clients.length; i++) 
                        var item:Socket = _clients[i] as Socket;
                        if (!item) continue;
                catch ( error:Error )
                    log( error.message );
            // 输出日志
            private function log( text:String ):void
                logField.appendText( text + "
    " );
                logField.scrollV = logField.maxScrollV;
                trace( text );
            private function setupUI():void
                localIP = createTextField( 10, 10, "Local IP", "");
                localPort = createTextField( 10, 35, "Local port", "0" );
                createTextButton( 170, 60, "Bind", bind );
                message = createTextField( 10, 85, "Message", "send message to Client." );
                createTextButton( 170, 110, "Send", send );
                logField = createTextField( 10, 135, "Log", "", false, 200 )
            private function createTextField( x:int, y:int, label:String, defaultValue:String = '', editable:Boolean = true, height:int = 20 ):TextField
                var labelField:TextField = new TextField();
                labelField.text = label;
                labelField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
                labelField.width = 100;
                labelField.x = x;
                labelField.y = y;
                var input:TextField = new TextField();
                input.text = defaultValue;
                input.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
                input.border = editable;
                input.selectable = editable;
                input.width = 280;
                input.height = height;
                input.x = x + labelField.width;
                input.y = y;
                this.addChild( labelField );
                this.addChild( input );
                return input;
            private function createTextButton( x:int, y:int, label:String, clickHandler:Function ):TextField
                var button:TextField = new TextField();
                button.htmlText = "<u><b>" + label + "</b></u>";
                button.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
                button.selectable = false;
                button.width = 180;
                button.x = x;
                button.y = y;
                button.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler );
                this.addChild( button );
                return button;


        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        import flash.net.Socket;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.text.TextFieldType;
        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
         * @author:Frost.Yen
         * @E-mail:871979853@qq.com
         * @create:    2016-7-20 下午12:44:52
        public class SocketClient extends Sprite
            private var clientSocket:Socket = new Socket();
            private var localIP:TextField;
            private var localPort:TextField;
            private var logField:TextField;
            private var message:TextField;
            private var _clients:Array = [];
            public function SocketClient()
            private function onConnect( event:Event ):void
                log( "Connection from " + clientSocket.remoteAddress + ":" + clientSocket.remotePort );
            private function onClientSocketData( event:ProgressEvent):void
                var buffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                clientSocket.readBytes( buffer, 0, clientSocket.bytesAvailable );
                log( "Send: " + buffer.toString() );
            private function collect(e:Event):void
                bind(localIP.text, parseInt( localPort.text ));
            public function bind(host:String = "localhost", port:Number = 9080):void
                clientSocket.connect(host, port);
                clientSocket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, onConnect);//监听连接事件
            private function onError(e:IOErrorEvent):void
            private function send( event:Event ):void
                    if( clientSocket != null && clientSocket.connected )
                        clientSocket.writeUTFBytes( message.text );
                        //log( "Sent message to " + clientSocket.remoteAddress + ":" + clientSocket.remotePort );
                    else log("No socket connection.");
                catch ( error:Error )
                    log( error.message );
            private function onSocketData(e:ProgressEvent):void
                var buffer:String = clientSocket.readUTFBytes(clientSocket.bytesAvailable );
                log( "Received from Server:" + buffer );
            private function log( text:String ):void
                logField.appendText( text + "
    " );
                logField.scrollV = logField.maxScrollV;
            private function setupUI():void
                localIP = createTextField( 10, 10, "Local IP", "");
                localIP.text = 'localhost';
                localPort = createTextField( 10, 35, "Local port", "0" );
                createTextButton( 170, 60, "Collect", collect );
                message = createTextField( 10, 85, "Message", "Lucy can't drink milk." );
                createTextButton( 170, 110, "Send", send );
                logField = createTextField( 10, 135, "Log", "", false, 200 )
            private function createTextField( x:int, y:int, label:String, defaultValue:String = '', editable:Boolean = true, height:int = 20 ):TextField
                var labelField:TextField = new TextField();
                labelField.text = label;
                labelField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
                labelField.width = 100;
                labelField.x = x;
                labelField.y = y;
                var input:TextField = new TextField();
                input.text = defaultValue;
                input.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
                input.border = editable;
                input.selectable = editable;
                input.width = 280;
                input.height = height;
                input.x = x + labelField.width;
                input.y = y;
                this.addChild( labelField );
                this.addChild( input );
                return input;
            private function createTextButton( x:int, y:int, label:String, clickHandler:Function ):TextField
                var button:TextField = new TextField();
                button.htmlText = "<u><b>" + label + "</b></u>";
                button.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
                button.selectable = false;
                button.width = 180;
                button.x = x;
                button.y = y;
                button.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler );
                this.addChild( button );
                return button;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/frost-yen/p/5764684.html
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