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  • Jjava8 Lambda 神操作

      1 public class Lambda {
      3     @FunctionalInterface
      4     public interface AddInter {
      5         void add(int x, long y);
      6     }
      8     public interface AddInterTow extends AddInter {
      9         void add(int x, long y);
     10     }
     12     ///Predicate 传入apple类型的参数
     13     private static List<Apple> findApple1(List<Apple> appleList, Predicate<Apple> applePredicate) {
     14         ArrayList<Apple> newArrayList = Lists.newArrayList();
     15         for (Apple apple : appleList) {
     16             if (applePredicate.test(apple)) {
     17                 newArrayList.add(apple);
     18             }
     19         }
     20         return newArrayList;
     21     }
     23     ///Predicate 传入Long类型的参数 一个参数调用括号可以省略
     24     private static List<Apple> findApple2(List<Apple> appleList, Predicate<Long> applePredicate) {
     25         ArrayList<Apple> newArrayList = Lists.newArrayList();
     26         for (Apple apple : appleList) {
     27             if (applePredicate.test(apple.getWeight())) {
     28                 newArrayList.add(apple);
     29             }
     30         }
     31         return newArrayList;
     32     }
     34     ///两个参数的
     35     private static List<Apple> findApple3(List<Apple> appleList, BiPredicate<String, Long> applePredicate) {
     36         ArrayList<Apple> newArrayList = Lists.newArrayList();
     37         for (Apple apple : appleList) {
     38             if (applePredicate.test(apple.getColor(), apple.getWeight())) {
     39                 newArrayList.add(apple);
     40             }
     41         }
     42         return newArrayList;
     43     }
     45     ///一个参数的Consumer,accept方法没有返回值 具体干什么你来定
     46     private static void findApple4(List<Apple> appleList, Consumer<Apple> appleConsumer) {
     47         for (Apple apple : appleList) {
     48             appleConsumer.accept(apple);
     49         }
     50     }
     51     ///两个参数的
     52     private static void findApple5(String d,List<Apple> appleList, BiConsumer<Apple,String> appleConsumer) {
     53         for (Apple apple : appleList) {
     54             appleConsumer.accept(apple,d);
     55         }
     56     }
     57     private static String findApple6(Apple apple, Function<Apple,String> stringFunction) {
     58        return  stringFunction.apply(apple);
     59     }
     61     public static void main(String[] args) {
     62         ArrayList<Apple> list = Lists.newArrayList(new Apple("gree", 150L), new Apple("red", 200L), new Apple("blue", 300L));
     63         ///Predicate一个参数 || BiPredicate两个参数 || IntPredicate int参数的
     64         List<Apple> apple1 = findApple1(list, (apple) -> apple.getColor().equals("red"));
     65         System.out.println(JSON.toJSONString(apple1));
     66         List<Apple> apple2 = findApple2(list, num -> num > 150L);
     67         System.out.println(JSON.toJSONString(apple2));
     68         List<Apple> apple3 = findApple3(list, (a, b) -> a.equals("red") && b >= 200);
     69         System.out.println(apple3);
     70         System.out.println("==========================================>");
     72         ///Consumer 一个参数的
     73         findApple4(list, a -> System.out.println("{"+a.getColor()+":"+a.getWeight()+"}"));
     74         findApple5("consumer",list,(a,b)-> System.out.println(a.getColor()+":"+a.getWeight()+":"+b));
     75         System.out.println("=======================================>");
     76         ///function 传入一个值 返回一个值
     77         String apple6 = findApple6(new Apple("apple", 3000L), (x) -> x.toString());
     78         System.out.println(apple6);
     80         IntFunction<Double> apple7 = i->i*20.0d;
     81         System.out.println(apple7.apply(20));
     82         //Predicate || Function ||Supplier  || Consumer 常用的几个类
     84         System.out.println("===================================>推导==================");
     85         Consumer<String> consumerString = (s -> System.out.println(s));
     86         consumer(consumerString,"坚持");
     87         consumer(s-> System.out.println(s),"hellword consunmer");
     88         consumer(System.out::println,"system.out.pring");
     90         Integer aaa = Integer.parseInt("12345");
     93         SFunction<String, Integer> stringIntegerSFunction = Integer::parseInt;
     94         Integer integer = stringIntegerSFunction.apply("1234");
     95         System.out.println(integer);
     98         BiFunction<String,Long,Apple> biFunction = Apple::new;
     99         Apple biapple = biFunction.apply("biapple", 1000L);
    100         System.out.println(biapple);
    101     }
    103     public static <T> void  consumer(Consumer<T> consumer,T t){
    104         consumer.accept(t);
    105         consumer.accept(t);
    106     }
    107     public static void LambdaRun() {
    108         SFunction<String, Object> stringObjectSFunction = (String s) -> s.length();
    109         System.out.println(stringObjectSFunction.apply("大傻大傻大傻大傻"));
    111         Predicate<Apple> applePredicate = (apple -> apple.getColor().equals("red1"));
    112         System.out.println(applePredicate.test(new Apple("red", 123L)));
    114         Supplier<Apple> appleSupplier = Apple::new;
    115         System.out.println(appleSupplier.get());
    117         Runnable run = new Runnable() {
    118             @Override
    119             public void run() {
    120                 System.out.println("hello word");
    121             }
    122         };
    123         Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("hello word");
    124         startRunnable(runnable);
    125         startRunnable(run);
    126         startRunnable(() -> System.out.println("hello"));
    127     }
    129     public static void startRunnable(Runnable runnable) {
    130         runnable.run();
    131     }
    132 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/houqijun/p/10090981.html
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