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  • jenkins2 groovy语法

    文中的代码来自可以从github下载: https://github.com/ciandcd

    wget https://dl.bintray.com/groovy/maven/apache-groovy-binary-2.4.7.zip
    unzip apache-groovy-binary-2.4.7.zip
    sudo ln -s /home/osboxes/Downloads/groovy-2.4.7/bin/groovy /usr/bin/groovy
    groovy -v
    Groovy Version: 2.4.7 JVM: 1.8.0_91 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Linux





    #!/usr/bin/env groovy
    // Hello World
    println "Hello world!"
    // Variables: You can assign values to variables for later use
    def x = 1
    println x
    x = new java.util.Date()
    println x
    x = -3.1499392
    println x
    x = false
    println x
    x = "Groovy!"
    println x
    //Creating an empty list
    def technologies = []
    /*** Adding a elements to the list ***/
    // As with Java
    // Left shift adds, and returns the list
    technologies << "Groovy"
    // Add multiple elements
    /*** Removing elements from the list ***/
    // As with Java
    // Subtraction works also
    technologies = technologies - 'Grails'
    /*** Iterating Lists ***/
    // Iterate over elements of a list
    technologies.each { println "Technology: $it"}
    technologies.eachWithIndex { it, i -> println "$i: $it"}
    /*** Checking List contents ***/
    //Evaluate if a list contains element(s) (boolean)
    contained = technologies.contains( 'Groovy' )
    // Or
    contained = 'Groovy' in technologies
    // Check for multiple contents
    /*** Sorting Lists ***/
    // Sort a list (mutates original list)
    // To sort without mutating original, you can do:
    sortedTechnologies = technologies.sort( false )
    /*** Manipulating Lists ***/
    //Replace all elements in the list
    Collections.replaceAll(technologies, 'Gradle', 'gradle')
    //Shuffle a list
    Collections.shuffle(technologies, new Random())
    //Clear a list
    //Creating an empty map
    def devMap = [:]
    //Add values
    devMap = ['name':'Roberto', 'framework':'Grails', 'language':'Groovy']
    //Iterate over elements of a map
    devMap.each { println "$it.key: $it.value" }
    devMap.eachWithIndex { it, i -> println "$i: $it"}
    //Evaluate if a map contains a key
    assert devMap.containsKey('name')
    //Evaluate if a map contains a value
    assert devMap.containsValue('Roberto')
    //Get the keys of a map
    println devMap.keySet()
    //Get the values of a map
    println devMap.values()
    //Groovy supports the usual if - else syntax
    def x1 = 3
    if(x1==1) {
        println "One"
    } else if(x1==2) {
        println "Two"
    } else {
        println "X greater than Two"
    //Groovy also supports the ternary operator:
    def y = 10
    def x2 = (y > 1) ? "worked" : "failed"
    assert x2 == "worked"
    //Instead of using the ternary operator:
    //displayName = user.name ? user.name : 'Anonymous'
    //We can write it:
    //displayName = user.name ?: 'Anonymous'
    //For loop
    //Iterate over a range
    def x3 = 0
    for (i in 0 .. 30) {
        x3 += i
    //Iterate over a list
    x4 = 0
    for( i in [5,3,2,1] ) {
        x4 += i
    //Iterate over an array
    array = (0..20).toArray()
    x5 = 0
    for (i in array) {
        x5 += i
    //Iterate over a map
    def map = ['name':'Roberto', 'framework':'Grails', 'language':'Groovy']
    x6 = 0
    for ( e in map ) {
        x6 += e.value
      A Groovy Closure is like a "code block" or a method pointer. It is a piece of
      code that is defined and then executed at a later point.
      More info at: http://www.groovy-lang.org/closures.html
    def clos = { println "Hello World!" }
    println "Executing the Closure:"
    //Passing parameters to a closure
    def sum = { a, b -> println a+b }
    //Closures may refer to variables not listed in their parameter list.
    def x7 = 5
    def multiplyBy = { num -> num * x7 }
    println multiplyBy(10)
    // If you have a Closure that takes a single argument, you may omit the
    // parameter definition of the Closure
    def clos2 = { println it }
    clos2( "hi" )
      Groovy can memoize closure results [1][2][3]
    def cl = {a, b ->
        sleep(3000) // simulate some time consuming processing
        a + b
    mem = cl.memoize()
    def callClosure(a, b) {
        def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
        println mem(a, b)
        println "Inputs(a = $a, b = $b) - took ${System.currentTimeMillis() - start} msecs."
    callClosure(1, 2)
    callClosure(1, 2)
    callClosure(2, 3)
    callClosure(2, 3)
    callClosure(3, 4)
    callClosure(3, 4)
    callClosure(1, 2)
    callClosure(2, 3)
    callClosure(3, 4)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/itech/p/5627968.html
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