--oracle不可用if exists,mysql可以 --DROP TABLE IF EXISTS qmcb_ls_2019_3_25; -- 匿名存储过程 -- declare create or replace procedure qmcb_km_data as num number; --create_sql varchar2(20000); v_sql varchar2(1000); begin --判断所有的表中是否已经存在这个表 select count(1) into num from all_tables where TABLE_NAME = upper('qmcb_km_2019_3_14') and OWNER=upper('qmcbrt'); if num=1 then --如果存在,则执行drop table execute immediate 'drop table qmcbrt.qmcb_km_2019_3_14'; end if; --新建table,实现全表更新 execute immediate ' create table qmcb_km_2019_3_14 as select rownum as row_num, t1.AAC147, nvl(t1.AAC004, t2.AAC004) as AAC004, nvl(t1.AAB301, substr(t2.AAC300, 1, 6)) as AAB301, t1.AAC060 as AAC060_ZCA1, case when ((t1.AAC060 is null or t1.AAC060=''8'') AND t1.AAZ299 is null) AND (t2.AAC060=''1'' AND t2.AAE138 is null) then ''1'' else ''0'' end is_normal, case when t5.sf is not null then ''1'' else ''0'' end as is_bzsw, nvl2(t6.AAC002, ''1'', ''0'') as is_dc, from ( SELECT AAC147, AAC004 FROM ZCA1 @BEIK_RT WHERE AAE100 = ''1'' ) t1 left join ( select sf from ZCA2 @BEIK_RT where add_months(liur.stringToDate(nvl(sxrq, pjrq)), pxn * 12 + pxy) > sysdate group by sf ) t7 on t1.AAC147 = t7.sf left join( SELECT b.AAC002, b.BAE185 FROM ( SELECT a.AAC002, a.BAE185, row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY a.AAC002 ORDER BY a.BAZ052 DESC) row_num FROM BC12 @BEIK_RT a where a.BAZ060 is null or a.BAZ060=''1'' ) b WHERE b.row_num = 1 ) t8 on t1.AAC147 = t8.AAC002'; --execute immediate create_sql; -- Add comments to the columns v_sql := 'comment on column QMCB_KM_2019_3_14.row_num is ''行号'''; execute immediate v_sql; /*v_sql := 'comment on column QMCB_KM_2019_3_14.random_num is ''随机数'''; execute immediate v_sql;*/ -- Create/Recreate indexes v_sql := 'create index INDEX_QMCBKM_ROW_NUM on QMCB_KM_2019_3_14 (ROW_NUM) tablespace QMCBRTSJGL_DATA pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 1M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited )'; execute immediate v_sql; end;
begin exec 包名.过程名(); end;