# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pymongo import logging from bson.objectid import ObjectId from etc.config import * conf_log = logging class DatabaseAPI(object): def __init__(self): super(DatabaseAPI, self).__init__() self.log = logging # MongoDB info set in config self.mg_host = mgHost self.mg_port = str(mgPort) self.mg_username = mgUsername self.mg_password = mgPassword self.mg_database = mgDatabase self.mg_auth_method = mgAuthMethod self.mg_client = None self.mg_conn = None # Login mongoDB self.mg_client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://%s:%s" % (mgHost, mgPort)) self.mg_conn = self.mg_client[self.mg_database] if self.mg_username or self.mg_password: auth_method = mgAuthMethod if mgAuthMethod else 'DEFAULT' self.mg_conn.authenticate(mgUsername, mgPassword, mechanism=auth_method) def login_mongodb(self): # Login mongodb using or not using authentication self.mg_client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://%s:%s" % (mgHost, mgPort)) self.mg_conn = self.mg_client[self.mg_database] if self.mg_username or self.mg_password: auth_method = mgAuthMethod if mgAuthMethod else 'DEFAULT' self.mg_conn.authenticate(mgUsername, mgPassword, mechanism=auth_method) return self.mg_conn def std_filter_exp(self, filter_exp): # Standardize filter expression self.log.error("Filter_exp before modified: " + str(filter_exp)) if filter_exp: if filter_exp.get("_id"): if isinstance(filter_exp["_id"], str) or isinstance(filter_exp["_id"], unicode): filter_exp["_id"] = ObjectId(str(filter_exp["_id"])) elif isinstance(filter_exp["_id"], dict): if filter_exp["_id"].get("$in"): filter_exp["_id"]["$in"] = [ObjectId(str(doc_id)) for doc_id in filter_exp["_id"]["$in"]] self.log.error("Filter_exp after modified: " + str(filter_exp)) return filter_exp def stdout_documents(self, documents): # Standardize content of expression self.log.debug("Output before modified: " + str(documents)) for document in documents: if document.get("_id"): document["_id"] = str(document["_id"]) self.log.debug("Output after modified: " + str(documents)) return documents def stdin_documents(self, documents): # Standardize content of expression self.log.debug("Input before modified: " + str(documents)) if isinstance(documents, (list, tuple)): for document in documents: if document.get("_id"): document["_id"] = ObjectId(str(document["_id"])) self.log.debug("Input after modified: " + str(documents)) else: documents = [documents] return documents def mongo_find(self, collection, filter_exp=None, projection=None, skip=0, limit=0, sort=None): # Find documents in certain collection self.log.debug("MongoDB find: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % (str(collection), str(filter_exp), str(projection), str(skip), str(limit), str(sort))) mg_col = self.mg_conn[collection] filter_exp = self.std_filter_exp(filter_exp) result = mg_col.find(filter=filter_exp, projection=projection, skip=skip, limit=limit, sort=sort) db_resource = self.stdout_documents([section for section in result]) return db_resource def mongo_insert(self, collection, documents, ordered=False): # Insert documents into certain collection mg_col = self.mg_conn[collection] documents = self.stdin_documents(documents) result = mg_col.insert_many(documents, ordered) return result def mongo_update(self, collection, filter_exp, update_exp, upsert=False): # Update documents matching certain filter mg_col = self.mg_conn[collection] filter_exp = self.std_filter_exp(filter_exp) result = mg_col.update_many(filter_exp, update_exp, upsert) return result def mongo_delete(self, collection, filter_exp): # Delete documents matching the filter mg_col = self.mg_conn[collection] filter_exp = self.std_filter_exp(filter_exp) result = mg_col.delete_many(filter_exp) return result