1 #include <algorithm> 2 #include <iostream> 3 #include <iomanip> 4 #include <cstring> 5 #include <climits> 6 #include <complex> 7 #include <fstream> 8 #include <cassert> 9 #include <cstdio> 10 #include <bitset> 11 #include <vector> 12 #include <deque> 13 #include <queue> 14 #include <stack> 15 #include <ctime> 16 #include <set> 17 #include <map> 18 #include <cmath> 19 20 using namespace std; 21 22 #define fr first 23 #define sc second 24 #define pb(a) push_back(a) 25 #define Rint(a) scanf("%d", &a) 26 #define Rll(a) scanf("%I64d", &a) 27 #define Rs(a) scanf("%s", a) 28 #define FRead() freopen("in", "r", stdin) 29 #define FWrite() freopen("out", "w", stdout) 30 #define Rep(i, len) for(int i = 0; i < (len); i++) 31 #define For(i, a, len) for(int i = (a); i < (len); i++) 32 #define Cls(a) memset((a), 0, sizeof(a)) 33 #define Full(a) memset((a), 0x7f7f, sizeof(a)) 34 35 typedef struct Node { 36 int lo, hi; 37 Node() {} 38 Node(int l, int h) : lo(l), hi(h) {} 39 }Node; 40 41 #define lrt rt << 1 42 #define rrt rt << 1 | 1 43 const int maxn = 100010; 44 int sum[maxn<<2]; 45 int add[maxn<<2]; 46 int n, q; 47 48 void pushUP(int rt) { 49 sum[rt] = sum[lrt] + sum[rrt]; 50 } 51 52 void pushDOWN(int rt, int m) { 53 if(add[rt]) { 54 add[lrt] = add[rrt] = add[rt]; 55 sum[lrt] = (m - (m >> 1)) * add[rrt]; 56 sum[rrt] = (m >> 1) * add[lrt]; 57 add[rt] = 0; 58 } 59 } 60 61 void build(int l, int r, int rt) { 62 add[rt] = 0; 63 sum[rt] = 1; 64 if(l == r) return; 65 int m = (l + r) >> 1; 66 build(l, m, lrt); 67 build(m+1, r, rrt); 68 pushUP(rt); 69 } 70 71 void update(int L, int R, int c, int l, int r, int rt) { 72 if(l >= L && R >= r) { 73 add[rt] = c; 74 sum[rt] = int(c * (r - l + 1)); 75 return; 76 } 77 pushDOWN(rt, r-l+1); 78 int m = (l + r) >> 1; 79 int ret = 0; 80 if(m >= L) update(L, R, c, l, m, lrt); 81 if(m < R) update(L, R, c, m+1, r, rrt); 82 pushUP(rt); 83 } 84 85 int main() { 86 // FRead(); 87 int T, _ = 1; 88 int x, y, z; 89 Rint(T); 90 while(T--) { 91 Rint(n); Rint(q); 92 build(1, n, 1); 93 Rep(i, q) { 94 Rint(x); Rint(y); Rint(z); 95 update(x, y, z, 1, n, 1); 96 } 97 printf("Case %d: The total value of the hook is %d. ", _++, sum[1]); 98 } 99 return 0; 100 }