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  • 《DSP using MATLAB》 示例 Example 9.12


    %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    %%            Output Info about this m-file
    fprintf('        <DSP using MATLAB> Exameple 9.12 
    time_stamp = datestr(now, 31);
    [wkd1, wkd2] = weekday(today, 'long');
    fprintf('      Now is %20s, and it is %7s  
    ', time_stamp, wkd2);
    %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Given Parameters:
    D = 2; Rp = 0.1; As = 30; wp = pi/D; ws = wp+0.1*pi; 
    % Filter Design:
    [delta1, delta2] = db2delta(Rp, As); 
    [N, F, A, weights] = firpmord([wp, ws]/pi, [1, 0], [delta1, delta2], 2); 
    h = firpm(N, F, A, weights); 
    delay = N/2;                        % delay imparted by the filter  
    %% -----------------------------------------------------------------
    %%                             Plot
    %% -----------------------------------------------------------------  
    % Input signal x1(n) = cos(2*pi*n/16)
    n = [0:256]; x = cos(pi*n/8);
    n1 = n(1:33); x1 = x(33:65);            % for plotting purposes
    Hf1 = figure('units', 'inches', 'position', [1, 1, 8, 6], ...
    	'paperunits', 'inches', 'paperposition', [0, 0, 6, 4], ...
    	'NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Exameple 9.12');
    TF = 10;
    subplot(2, 2, 1); 
    Hs1 = stem(n1, x1, 'filled'); set(Hs1, 'markersize', 2, 'color', 'g');
    axis([-2, 34, -1.2, 1.2]); grid on;
    xlabel('n', 'vertical', 'middle'); ylabel('Amplitude'); 
    title('Input Singal: x1(n) = cos(pin/8) ', 'fontsize', TF, 'vertical', 'baseline');
    set(gca, 'xtick', [0:8:32]); 
    set(gca, 'ytick', [-1, 0, 1]);
    % Decimation of x1(n): D = 2
    y = upfirdn(x, h, 1, D);
    m = delay+1:1:128/D+delay+1; y = y(m); m = 0:16; y = y(16:32);
    subplot(2, 2, 3); 
    Hs2 = stem(m, y, 'filled'); set(Hs2, 'markersize', 2, 'color', 'm');
    axis([-1, 17, -1.2, 1.2]); grid on;
    xlabel('m', 'vertical', 'middle'); ylabel('Amplitude', 'vertical', 'cap'); 
    title('Output Singal: y1(n): D=2', 'fontsize', TF, 'vertical', 'baseline');
    set(gca, 'xtick', [0:8:32]/D); 
    set(gca, 'ytick', [-1, 0, 1]);
    % Input signal x2(n) = cos(8*pi*n/16)
    n = [0:256]; x = cos(8*pi*n/(16));
    n2 = n(1:33); x2 = x(33:65);            % for plotting purposes
    subplot(2, 2, 2);
    Hs3 = stem(n2, x2, 'filled'); set(Hs3, 'markersize', 2, 'color', 'g');
    axis([-2, 34, -1.2, 1.2]); grid on;
    xlabel('n', 'vertical', 'middle'); ylabel('Amplitude', 'vertical', 'cap'); 
    title('Input Singal: x2(n)=cos(pin/2) ', 'fontsize', TF, 'vertical', 'baseline');
    set(gca, 'xtick', [0:8:32]); 
    set(gca, 'ytick', [-1, 0, 1]);
    % Decimation of x2(n): D = 2
    y = upfirdn(x, [h], 1, D);           % y = downsample(conv(x,h),2);
    m = delay+1:1:128/D+delay+1; y = y(m); m = 0:16; y = y(16:32);
    subplot(2, 2, 4); 
    Hs4 = stem(m, y, 'filled'); set(Hs4, 'markersize', 2, 'color', 'm');
    axis([-1, 17, -1.2, 1.2]); grid on;
    xlabel('m', 'vertical', 'middle'); ylabel('Amplitude', 'vertical', 'cap'); 
    title('Output Singal: y2(n): D=2', 'fontsize', TF, 'vertical', 'baseline');
    set(gca, 'xtick', [0:8:32]/D); 
    set(gca, 'ytick', [-1, 0, 1]);



    牢记: 1、如果你决定做某事,那就动手去做;不要受任何人、任何事的干扰。2、这个世界并不完美,但依然值得我们去为之奋斗。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ky027wh-sx/p/6922495.html
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