只写模拟登陆的方式获取微信从信息和头像库列表公共平台, - 相关后,功能将继续增加。github地址https://github.com/btyh17mxy/wxwall
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: UTF-8 import json import hashlib import re import random import json import requests import logging DEBUG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG try: import colorizing_stream_handler root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(DEBUG_LEVEL) root.addHandler(colorizing_stream_handler.ColorizingStreamHandler()) except Exception, e: print 'can not import colorizing_stream_handler, using logging.StreamHandler()' root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(DEBUG_LEVEL) root.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) '''base exception class. ''' class WeixinPublicError(Exception): pass '''raise when cookies expired. ''' class WeixinNeedLoginError(WeixinPublicError): pass '''rasie when unenable to login. ''' class WeixinLoginError(WeixinPublicError): pass class WeixinPublic(object): def __init__(self, account, pwd, token = None, cookies = None, ifencodepwd = False): self.account = account if ifencodepwd: self.pwd = pwd else: self.pwd = hashlib.md5(pwd).hexdigest() self.wx_cookies = cookies self.lastmsgid = 0 self.token = token if self.token == None or self.wx_cookies == None: self.token = '' self.wx_cookies = '' self.login() '''login to weichat, get token and cookies. Raise: WeixinLoginError, when can not get token from respond. ''' def login(self): url = 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/login?lang=zh_CN' payload = { 'username' : self.account, 'imgcode' : '', 'f' : 'json', 'pwd' : self.pwd, } headers = { 'x-requested-with' : 'XMLHttpRequest', 'referer' : 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/loginpage?t=wxm2-login&lang=zh_CN', } r = requests.post(url, data = payload, headers = headers) logging.info('------login------') logging.debug("respond: %s"%r.text) s = re.search(r'token=(d+)', r.text) if not s: logging.error('Login Error!!!') raise Exception("Login error.") self.token = int(s.group(1)) logging.debug('token: %d'%self.token) self.wx_cookies = '' for cookie in r.cookies: self.wx_cookies += cookie.name + '=' + cookie.value + ';' logging.debug('cookies: %s'%self.wx_cookies) logging.info('------end login------') '''get message list. raise: WeixinNeedLoginError, when need re-login. returns: messages in dict. ''' def get_msg_list(self): logging.info('------get_msg_list------') url = 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message?t=message/list&token=%s&count=20&day=7'%self.token payload = { 't':'message/list', 'token':self.token, 'count':20, 'day':7, } headers = { 'x-requested-with' : 'XMLHttpRequest', 'referer' : 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/loginpage?t=wxm2-login&lang=zh_CN', 'cookie' : self.wx_cookies, } r = requests.get(url, data = payload, headers = headers) c = "".join(r.text.split()) s = re.search(r'list:((.*)).msg_item', c) if s == None: logging.error('need re-login') raise WeixinNeedLoginError('need re-login') else: msg_list = s.group(1) logging.debug('msg_list: %s'%msg_list) return msg_list logging.info('------end get_msg_list------') '''get user icon. Args: fakeid. uri, local uri to store this img. ''' def get_user_icon(self, fakeid = 1155750780, uri = ''): logging.info('------get_user_icon------') url = "https://mp.weixin.qq.com/misc/getheadimg" payload = { 'token':self.token, 'fakeid':fakeid, } headers = { 'Cookie':self.wx_cookies, } r = requests.get(url, params = payload, headers = headers) respond_headers = r.headers if 'content-type' in respond_headers.keys() and not respond_headers['content-type'] == 'image/jpeg': logging.error('download user icon error, need re-login.') raise WeixinNeedLoginError('download user icon error, need re-login.') if uri == '': f = open('%d.jpg'%(fakeid),'wb+') else: f = open('%s/%d.jpg'%(uri, fakeid),'wb+') f.write(r.content) f.close() logging.info('------end get_user_icon------') if __name__ == '__main__': weixin = WeixinPublic("微信公众平台账户名","password") weixin.get_msg_list() weixin.get_user_icon()