1.常用变量 & 方法
1 using UnityEditor; 2 using UnityEngine; 3 4 public class TestSelection 5 { 6 [MenuItem("Test/Selection.activeTransform | activeGameObject | activeObject")] 7 private static void Test() 8 { 9 Debug.Log(Selection.activeTransform);//返回当前选中的Hierarchy视图下的物体 10 Debug.Log(Selection.activeGameObject);//返回当前选中的Hierarchy视图下的物体 or Project视图下的预制体 11 Debug.Log(Selection.activeObject);//返回当前选中的Hierarchy视图下的物体 or Project视图下的资源 12 } 13 14 [MenuItem("Test/Selection.transforms | gameObjects | objects")] 15 private static void Test2() 16 { 17 //Selection.activeTransform的多选版本,注意返回的是top level的 18 Debug.Log("Selection.transforms----------------------------"); 19 Transform[] tras = Selection.transforms; 20 for (int i = 0; i < tras.Length; i++) 21 { 22 Debug.Log(tras[i]); 23 } 24 25 //Selection.activeGameObject的多选版本 26 Debug.Log("Selection.gameObjects----------------------------"); 27 GameObject[] goes = Selection.gameObjects; 28 for (int i = 0; i < goes.Length; i++) 29 { 30 Debug.Log(goes[i]); 31 } 32 33 //Selection.activeObject的多选版本 34 Debug.Log("Selection.objects----------------------------"); 35 Object[] objs = Selection.objects; 36 for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++) 37 { 38 Debug.Log(objs[i]); 39 } 40 } 41 42 [MenuItem("Test/Selection.GetFiltered")] 43 private static void Test3() 44 { 45 //Unfiltered:Return the whole selection. 46 //TopLevel:Only return the topmost selected transform. A selected child of another selected transform will be filtered out. 47 //Deep:Return the selection and all child transforms of the selection. 48 //ExcludePrefab:Excludes any Prefabs from the selection. 49 //Editable:Excludes any objects which shall not be modified. 50 51 //Assets:Only return objects that are assets in the Asset directory. 52 //(Project视图,只返回Asset文件夹的资源。只返回选中的资源,选中文件夹时不会查找该文件夹下的资源) 53 54 //DeepAssets:If the selection contains folders, also include all assets and subfolders within that folder in the file hierarchy. 55 //(Project视图,如果选择里包含文件夹,则也包括文件夹里的文件和子文件夹。会递归文件夹) 56 Texture[] textures = Selection.GetFiltered<Texture>(SelectionMode.Assets); 57 for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) 58 { 59 Debug.Log(textures[i]); 60 } 61 } 62 }