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  • 一个产生随机数字 字符串验证码 日期的类扩展实现

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    using System.Text;
    namespace RandomData.Core   {
    public static class RandomData { private static readonly Random _random; static RandomData() { _random = new Random(Environment.TickCount); } public static Random Instance { get { return _random; } }
    public static int GetInt(int min, int max) {//int 随机数 if (min == max) return min; if (min >= max) throw new Exception("Min value must be less than max value."); return Instance.Next(min, max + 1); } public static string GetVersion(string min, string max) {//版本号随机 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(min)) min = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(max)) max = "25.100.9999.9999"; Version minVersion, maxVersion; if (!Version.TryParse(min, out minVersion)) minVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0, 0); if (!Version.TryParse(max, out maxVersion)) maxVersion = new Version(25, 100, 9999, 9999); minVersion = new Version( minVersion.Major != -1 ? minVersion.Major : 0, minVersion.Minor != -1 ? minVersion.Minor : 0, minVersion.Build != -1 ? minVersion.Build : 0, minVersion.Revision != -1 ? minVersion.Revision : 0); maxVersion = new Version( maxVersion.Major != -1 ? maxVersion.Major : 0, maxVersion.Minor != -1 ? maxVersion.Minor : 0, maxVersion.Build != -1 ? maxVersion.Build : 0, maxVersion.Revision != -1 ? maxVersion.Revision : 0); var major = GetInt(minVersion.Major, maxVersion.Major); var minor = GetInt(minVersion.Minor, major == maxVersion.Major ? maxVersion.Minor : 100); var build = GetInt(minVersion.Build, minor == maxVersion.Minor ? maxVersion.Build : 9999); var revision = GetInt(minVersion.Revision, build == maxVersion.Build ? maxVersion.Revision : 9999); return new Version(major, minor, build, revision).ToString(); } public static int GetInt() { return GetInt(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue); } public static long GetLong(long min, long max) { if (min == max) return min; if (min >= max) throw new Exception("Min value must be less than max value."); var buf = new byte[8]; Instance.NextBytes(buf); long longRand = BitConverter.ToInt64(buf, 0); return (Math.Abs(longRand % (max - min)) + min); } public static long GetLong() { return GetLong(Int64.MinValue, Int64.MaxValue); } public static string GetCoordinate() {//角标随机 return GetDouble(-90.0, 90.0) + "," + GetDouble(-180.0, 180.0); } public static DateTime GetDateTime(DateTime? start = null, DateTime? end = null) { if (start.HasValue && end.HasValue && start.Value == end.Value) return start.Value; if (start.HasValue && end.HasValue && start.Value >= end.Value) throw new Exception("Start date must be less than end date."); start = start ?? DateTime.MinValue; end = end ?? DateTime.MaxValue; TimeSpan timeSpan = end.Value - start.Value; var newSpan = new TimeSpan(GetLong(0, timeSpan.Ticks)); return start.Value + newSpan; } public static DateTimeOffset GetDateTimeOffset(DateTimeOffset? start = null, DateTimeOffset? end = null) { if (start.HasValue && end.HasValue && start.Value >= end.Value) throw new Exception("Start date must be less than end date."); start = start ?? DateTimeOffset.MinValue; end = end ?? DateTimeOffset.MaxValue; TimeSpan timeSpan = end.Value - start.Value; var newSpan = new TimeSpan(GetLong(0, timeSpan.Ticks)); return start.Value + newSpan; } public static TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(TimeSpan? min = null, TimeSpan? max = null) { if (min.HasValue && max.HasValue && min.Value == max.Value) return min.Value; if (min.HasValue && max.HasValue && min.Value >= max.Value) throw new Exception("Min span must be less than max span."); min = min ?? TimeSpan.Zero; max = max ?? TimeSpan.MaxValue; return min.Value + new TimeSpan((long)(new TimeSpan(max.Value.Ticks - min.Value.Ticks).Ticks * Instance.NextDouble())); } public static bool GetBool(int chance = 50) { chance = Math.Min(chance, 100); chance = Math.Max(chance, 0); double c = 1 - (chance / 100.0); return Instance.NextDouble() > c; } public static double GetDouble(double? min = null, double? max = null) { if (min.HasValue && max.HasValue && min.Value == max.Value) return min.Value; if (min.HasValue && max.HasValue && min.Value >= max.Value) throw new Exception("Min value must be less than max value."); min = min ?? Double.MinValue; max = max ?? Double.MaxValue; return Instance.NextDouble() * (max.Value - min.Value) + min.Value; } public static decimal GetDecimal() { return GetDecimal(GetInt(), GetInt()); } public static decimal GetDecimal(int min, int max) { return (decimal)GetDouble(min, max); } public static T GetEnum<T>() { if (!typeof(T).GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enum type."); Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)); return (T)values.GetValue(GetInt(0, values.Length - 1)); } public static string GetIp4Address() { return String.Concat(GetInt(0, 255), ".", GetInt(0, 255), ".", GetInt(0, 255), ".", GetInt(0, 255)); } private const string DEFAULT_RANDOM_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; public static string GetString(int minLength = 5, int maxLength = 20, string allowedChars = DEFAULT_RANDOM_CHARS) { int length = minLength != maxLength ? GetInt(minLength, maxLength) : minLength; const int byteSize = 0x100; var allowedCharSet = new HashSet<char>(allowedChars).ToArray(); if (byteSize < allowedCharSet.Length) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("allowedChars may contain no more than {0} characters.", byteSize)); using (var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create()) { var result = new StringBuilder(); var buf = new byte[128]; while (result.Length < length) { rng.GetBytes(buf); for (var i = 0; i < buf.Length && result.Length < length; ++i) { var outOfRangeStart = byteSize - (byteSize % allowedCharSet.Length); if (outOfRangeStart <= buf[i]) continue; result.Append(allowedCharSet[buf[i] % allowedCharSet.Length]); } } return result.ToString(); } } // Some characters are left out because they are hard to tell apart. private const string DEFAULT_ALPHA_CHARS = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; public static string GetAlphaString(int minLength = 5, int maxLength = 20) { return GetString(minLength, maxLength, DEFAULT_ALPHA_CHARS); } // Some characters are left out because they are hard to tell apart. private const string DEFAULT_ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789"; public static string GetAlphaNumericString(int minLength = 5, int maxLength = 20) { return GetString(minLength, maxLength, DEFAULT_ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS); } public static string GetTitleWords(int minWords = 2, int maxWords = 10) { return GetWords(minWords, maxWords, titleCaseAllWords: true); } public static string GetWord(bool titleCase = true) { return titleCase ? UpperCaseFirstCharacter(_words[GetInt(0, _words.Length - 1)]) : _words[GetInt(0, _words.Length - 1)]; } public static string GetWords(int minWords = 2, int maxWords = 10, bool titleCaseFirstWord = true, bool titleCaseAllWords = true) { if (minWords < 2) throw new ArgumentException("minWords must 2 or more.", "minWords"); if (maxWords < 2) throw new ArgumentException("maxWords must 2 or more.", "maxWords"); var builder = new StringBuilder(); int numberOfWords = GetInt(minWords, maxWords); for (int i = 1; i < numberOfWords; i++) builder.Append(' ').Append(GetWord(titleCaseAllWords || (i == 0 && titleCaseFirstWord))); return builder.ToString().Trim(); } public static string GetSentence(int minWords = 5, int maxWords = 25) { if (minWords < 3) throw new ArgumentException("minWords must 3 or more.", "minWords"); if (maxWords < 3) throw new ArgumentException("maxWords must 3 or more.", "maxWords"); var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(UpperCaseFirstCharacter(_words[GetInt(0, _words.Length - 1)])); int numberOfWords = GetInt(minWords, maxWords); for (int i = 1; i < numberOfWords; i++) builder.Append(' ').Append(_words[GetInt(0, _words.Length - 1)]); builder.Append('.'); return builder.ToString(); } private static string UpperCaseFirstCharacter(string input) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) return null; char[] inputChars = input.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < inputChars.Length; ++i) { if (inputChars[i] != ' ' && inputChars[i] != ' ') { inputChars[i] = Char.ToUpper(inputChars[i]); break; } } return new String(inputChars); } public static string GetParagraphs(int count = 3, int minSentences = 3, int maxSentences = 25, int minSentenceWords = 5, int maxSentenceWords = 25, bool html = false) { if (count < 1) throw new ArgumentException("Count must be 1 or more.", "count"); if (minSentences < 1) throw new ArgumentException("minSentences must be 1 or more.", "minSentences"); var builder = new StringBuilder(); if (html) builder.Append("<p>"); builder.Append("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. "); int sentenceCount = GetInt(minSentences, maxSentences) - 1; for (int i = 0; i < sentenceCount; i++) builder.Append(GetSentence(minSentenceWords, maxSentenceWords)).Append(" "); if (html) builder.Append("</p>"); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { if (html) builder.Append("<p>"); for (int x = 0; x < sentenceCount; x++) builder.Append(GetSentence(minSentenceWords, maxSentenceWords)).Append(" "); if (html) builder.Append("</p>"); else builder.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append(Environment.NewLine); } return builder.ToString(); } private static string[] _words = { "consetetur", "sadipscing", "elitr", "sed", "diam", "nonumy", "eirmod", "tempor", "invidunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore", "magna", "aliquyam", "erat", "sed", "diam", "voluptua", "at", "vero", "eos", "et", "accusam", "et", "justo", "duo", "dolores", "et", "ea", "rebum", "stet", "clita", "kasd", "gubergren", "no", "sea", "takimata", "sanctus", "est", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consetetur", "sadipscing", "elitr", "sed", "diam", "nonumy", "eirmod", "tempor", "invidunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore", "magna", "aliquyam", "erat", "sed", "diam", "voluptua", "at", "vero", "eos", "et", "accusam", "et", "justo", "duo", "dolores", "et", "ea", "rebum", "stet", "clita", "kasd", "gubergren", "no", "sea", "takimata", "sanctus", "est", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consetetur", "sadipscing", "elitr", "sed", "diam", "nonumy", "eirmod", "tempor", "invidunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore", "magna", "aliquyam", "erat", "sed", "diam", "voluptua", "at", "vero", "eos", "et", "accusam", "et", "justo", "duo", "dolores", "et", "ea", "rebum", "stet", "clita", "kasd", "gubergren", "no", "sea", "takimata", "sanctus", "est", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "duis", "autem", "vel", "eum", "iriure", "dolor", "in", "hendrerit", "in", "vulputate", "velit", "esse", "molestie", "consequat", "vel", "illum", "dolore", "eu", "feugiat", "nulla", "facilisis", "at", "vero", "eros", "et", "accumsan", "et", "iusto", "odio", "dignissim", "qui", "blandit", "praesent", "luptatum", "zzril", "delenit", "augue", "duis", "dolore", "te", "feugait", "nulla", "facilisi", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetuer", "adipiscing", "elit", "sed", "diam", "nonummy", "nibh", "euismod", "tincidunt", "ut", "laoreet", "dolore", "magna", "aliquam", "erat", "volutpat", "ut", "wisi", "enim", "ad", "minim", "veniam", "quis", "nostrud", "exerci", "tation", "ullamcorper", "suscipit", "lobortis", "nisl", "ut", "aliquip", "ex", "ea", "commodo", "consequat", "duis", "autem", "vel", "eum", "iriure", "dolor", "in", "hendrerit", "in", "vulputate", "velit", "esse", "molestie", "consequat", "vel", "illum", "dolore", "eu", "feugiat", "nulla", "facilisis", "at", "vero", "eros", "et", "accumsan", "et", "iusto", "odio", "dignissim", "qui", "blandit", "praesent", "luptatum", "zzril", "delenit", "augue", "duis", "dolore", "te", "feugait", "nulla", "facilisi", "nam", "liber", "tempor", "cum", "soluta", "nobis", "eleifend", "option", "congue", "nihil", "imperdiet", "doming", "id", "quod", "mazim", "placerat", "facer", "possim", "assum", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetuer", "adipiscing", "elit", "sed", "diam", "nonummy", "nibh", "euismod", "tincidunt", "ut", "laoreet", "dolore", "magna", "aliquam", "erat", "volutpat", "ut", "wisi", "enim", "ad", "minim", "veniam", "quis", "nostrud", "exerci", "tation", "ullamcorper", "suscipit", "lobortis", "nisl", "ut", "aliquip", "ex", "ea", "commodo", "consequat", "duis", "autem", "vel", "eum", "iriure", "dolor", "in", "hendrerit", "in", "vulputate", "velit", "esse", "molestie", "consequat", "vel", "illum", "dolore", "eu", "feugiat", "nulla", "facilisis", "at", "vero", "eos", "et", "accusam", "et", "justo", "duo", "dolores", "et", "ea", "rebum", "stet", "clita", "kasd", "gubergren", "no", "sea", "takimata", "sanctus", "est", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consetetur", "sadipscing", "elitr", "sed", "diam", "nonumy", "eirmod", "tempor", "invidunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore", "magna", "aliquyam", "erat", "sed", "diam", "voluptua", "at", "vero", "eos", "et", "accusam", "et", "justo", "duo", "dolores", "et", "ea", "rebum", "stet", "clita", "kasd", "gubergren", "no", "sea", "takimata", "sanctus", "est", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consetetur", "sadipscing", "elitr", "at", "accusam", "aliquyam", "diam", "diam", "dolore", "dolores", "duo", "eirmod", "eos", "erat", "et", "nonumy", "sed", "tempor", "et", "et", "invidunt", "justo", "labore", "stet", "clita", "ea", "et", "gubergren", "kasd", "magna", "no", "rebum", "sanctus", "sea", "sed", "takimata", "ut", "vero", "voluptua", "est", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consetetur", "sadipscing", "elitr", "sed", "diam", "nonumy", "eirmod", "tempor", "invidunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore", "magna", "aliquyam", "erat", "consetetur", "sadipscing", "elitr", "sed", "diam", "nonumy", "eirmod", "tempor", "invidunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore", "magna", "aliquyam", "erat", "sed", "diam", "voluptua", "at", "vero", "eos", "et", "accusam", "et", "justo", "duo", "dolores", "et", "ea", "rebum", "stet", "clita", "kasd", "gubergren", "no", "sea", "takimata", "sanctus", "est", "lorem", "ipsum" }; } public static class EnumerableExtensions { public static T Random<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, T defaultValue = default(T)) { if (items == null) return defaultValue; var list = items.ToList(); int count = list.Count(); if (count == 0) return defaultValue; return list.ElementAt(RandomData.Instance.Next(count)); } } }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/micro-chen/p/6924384.html
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