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  • Meet Python: little notes 3

    Source: http://www.liaoxuefeng.com/

    ♥ Function

    • In python, name of a function could be assigned to a variable, for example:
    >>> a = abs;
    >>> a(-12)
    • function definition:
    def funtion_name(input_variable):
        function body
        return variables   # usually *return* signifies the end of the function,  
                           # without which function will return *None*.  
    # Define a null function
    def nop()
        pass   # *pass* could be used as a placeholder, to ensure a smooth running
    • import a self-defined function:
    from name_of_function_definition_file (without .py) import function_name
    • two functions:
      1 isinstance: check type of parameter;
      2 raise TypeError('...'): return TypeError with '...' as additional information.
    • multiple returned values are actually one tuple;


    • Default parameters
      Note that defalut parameters must be unchangable objects.
    # Set 'Westeros' and 'dead' as default parameters for 'loaction' and 'status' respectively
    def game_of_thorn(name, gender, location = 'Westeros', status = 'dead'):
        print('name: ', name)
        print('gender: ', gender)
        print('location: ', location)
        print('status: ', status)
    >>> game_of_thorn('Eddard Satrk', 'M')
    name: Eddard Stark
    gender: M
    location: Westeros
    status: dead
    >>> game_of_thorn('Benjen Stark', 'M', 'the Wall')
    name: Roose Bolton
    gender: M
    location: the North
    status: dead
    # You could ignore the order of input parameters as long as you assign  
    # the inputs directly to certain parameters
    >>> game_of_thorn('Cersei Lannister', 'F', status = 'alive')
    name: Cersei Lannister
    gender: F
    location: Westeros
    status: alive
    • Variable parameters
    # An example
    def calc(*numbers):
        sum = 0
        for n in numbers:   # variable parameters are treated as a tuple
            sum = sum + n * n
        return sum
    >>> calc(1, 2)
    >>> nums = [1, 2, 3]
    >>> calc(*nums)   # list or tuple inputs could be sent in as variables parameters as well
    • Keyword parameter
      Variable parameters are treated as a dict inside the function.
    def person(name, age, **kw):   # kw as keyword parameter
        print('name:', name, 'age:', age, 'other:', kw)
    >>> person('Michael', 30)
    name: Michael age: 30 other: {}
    >>> person('Adam', 45, gender='M', job='Engineer')
    name: Adam age: 45 other: {'gender': 'M', 'job': 'Engineer'}
    >>> extra = {'city': 'Beijing', 'job': 'Engineer'}
    >>> person('Jack', 24, **extra)
    name: Jack age: 24 other: {'city': 'Beijing', 'job': 'Engineer'}  
    • Named keyword parameter
    def person(name, age, *, city, job):   # Only those using 'city' and 'job' as 
                                           # keys will be accepted as keyword parameters
        print(name, age, city, job)
    >>> person('Jack', 24, city='Beijing', job='Engineer')
    Jack 24 Beijing Engineer
    # if there is alrealy a variable parameters in the function, then '*,' 
    # is not needed for named keyword parameters 
    def person(name, age, *args, city, job):
        print(name, age, args, city, job)

    1 for named keyword parameters, parameter name is always needed when using the function;
    2 named keyword parameter could be assigned a default value;
    3 all the parameters could be used in one time, while the input order should be: regular parameter, default parameter, variable parameter (*argus), named keyword parameter and keyword parameter(**kw).

    # Any fuction could be called using func(*args, **kw)
    def f1(a, b, c=0, *args, **kw):
        print('a =', a, 'b =', b, 'c =', c, 'args =', args, 'kw =', kw)
    def f2(a, b, c=0, *, d, **kw):
        print('a =', a, 'b =', b, 'c =', c, 'd =', d, 'kw =', kw)
    >>> args = (1, 2, 3, 4)
    >>> kw = {'d': 99, 'x': '#'}
    >>> f1(*args, **kw)
    a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 args = (4,) kw = {'d': 99, 'x': '#'}
    >>> args = (1, 2, 3)
    >>> kw = {'d': 88, 'x': '#'}
    >>> f2(*args, **kw)
    a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 d = 88 kw = {'x': '#'}

    Recursive function

    Recursive function is the one call itself. But a stack flow may appear with multiple recursion. One way to avoid the situation is : tail recursion.

    A recursive function is tail recursive if the final result of the recursive call is the final result of the function itself (https://wiki.haskell.org/Tail_recursion). Tail recursion occupies constant RAM, thus could effectively avoid stack overflow during function calling.

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