
height = int(input("please you want to height:")) width = int(input("please you want to ")) num_height = 0 while height > num_height: num_width = 1 while width > num_ num_width += 1 print("*",end="") print("*") num_height += 1

num = 1 while num <= 9: every = 1 while num >= every: print(str(num) + "*" + str(every) + " = " + str(num*every),end=" ") every += 1 print() num += 1

information = {} def information_function(): sign_error_password = False while True: sign_register_in = False if sign_error_password == False: register = input("是否进行注册(y/n):") if register == "y": sign_register_in = True elif register == "q": break number = input("账号:") password = input("密码:") sign_error_password = False if number in information and sign_register_in == True: print("当前账户已经存在") elif len(password) <= 6 and sign_register_in == True: print(len(password)) print("密码至少输入6位") else: if sign_register_in == True: information[number] = password if number in information and information[number] == password: print("Welcome") else: print("账户或密码错误!") sign_error_password = True information_function()

menu = {"山东":{"济南":{"历下区", "市中区", "愧荫区"}, "青岛":{"李沧区", "市南区", "城阳区"}, "淄博":{"淄博区", "张店区", "博山区"}}, "浙江":{"杭州":{"上城区", "下城区", "江干区"}, "宁波":{"海曙区", "江北区", "镇海区",}}} current_layer = menu current_sign = [] while True: for key in current_layer: print(key) response = input(">>>") if len(response) == 0:continue if response in current_layer: current_sign.append(current_layer) current_layer = current_layer[response] print(current_layer) elif response == "b": if current_sign: current_layer = current_sign[-1] current_sign.pop() else: print("无此项 -------------")

jd_user,jd_passwd = "123","321" wx_user,wx_passwd = "111","222" jd_log = False wx_log = False def sign(auth): def mark(func): def log(): global jd_log,wx_log if auth == "jd": if jd_log == False: jd_u = input("JD_Username:") jd_p = input("Password:") if jd_u == jd_user and jd_p == jd_passwd: jd_log = True func() else: print("you input username or password error!") elif jd_log == True: func() else: if wx_log == False: wx_u = input("WX_Username:") wx_p = input("Password:") if wx_u == wx_user and wx_p == wx_passwd: wx_log = True func() else: print("you input username or password error!") elif wx_log == True: func() return log return mark @sign("jd") # home = sign("jd") = mark = mark(log) def home(): # jd print("welcome home") @sign("wx") def finance(): # wx print("welcome finance") @sign("jd") def book(): #jd print("welcome book") if __name__ == "__main__": item = list(["1、home", "2、finance", "3、book"]) for i in item: print(i) while True: choose = input(">>>") if choose == "1": home() elif choose == "2": finance() elif choose == "3": book() elif choose == "1": break else: print("you input error!")