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  • 1、awk打开多个文件的方法


    (1)awk 'NR==FNR{...}NR>FNR{...}' file1 file2

    (2)awk 'NR==FNR{...}NR!=FNR{...}' file1 file2
    (3)awk 'NR==FNR{...;next}{...}' file1 file2


    2、当awk处理的文件超过两个时,显然上面那种方法就不适用了。因为读第3个文件或以上时,也满足NR>FNR (NR!=FNR),显然无法区分开来。

    ARGC        The number of command line arguments (does not include
                       options to gawk, or the program source).   命令行参数的个数
    ARGIND      The index in ARGV of the current file being processed. 命令行中文件序号
    ARGV        Array of command line arguments. The array is indexed
                       from 0 to ARGC - 1. Dynamically changing the contents
                       of ARGV can control the files used for data. 命令行参数数组

     awk 'ARGIND==1{a[$1]=$2}ARGIND==2{if($0 in a){print ">"a[$0]}else{print $0}}' list OsJ.pe 

    (1)ARGIND 当前被处理参数标志: awk 'ARGIND==1{...}ARGIND==2{...}ARGIND==3{...}... ' file1 file2 file3 ...
    (2)ARGV 命令行参数数组: awk 'FILENAME==ARGV[1]{...}FILENAME==ARGV[2]{...}FILENAME==ARGV[3]{...}...' file1 file2 file3 ... 
    (3)把文件名直接加入判断: awk 'FILENAME=="file1"{...}FILENAME=="file2"{...}FILENAME=="file3"{...}...' file1 file2 file3 ...

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/renping/p/9176735.html
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