3.1 判断 if
#第一种: age=28 if age > 18: print('表白') #第二种if...else...: if age > 18 and age < 22: print('表白') else: print('阿姨好') #第三种 #if多分支: score=input('>>: ') score=int(score) if score >= 90: print('优秀') elif score >= 80: print('良好') elif score >= 60: print('合格') else: print('滚犊子')
age=19 is_pretty=True success=True if age > 18 and age < 22 and is_pretty: if success: print('表白成功,在一起') else: print('去他妈的爱情') else: print('阿姨好')
3.2 条件循环 while
3.2.1 格式一:while:条件循环
while 条件:
count=0 while count <= 10: print(count) count+=1
count = 1 while True: if count > 3: print('too many tries') break name = input('name>>: ') password = input('password>>: ') if name == 'egon' and password == '123': print('login successfull') while True: cmd=input('cmd>>: ') #q if cmd == 'q': break print('run %s' %cmd) break else: print('user or password err') count += 1
count = 1 tag=True while tag: if count > 3: print('too many tries') break name = input('name>>: ') password = input('password>>: ') if name == 'egon' and password == '123': print('login successfull') while tag: cmd=input('cmd>>: ') #q if cmd == 'q': tag=False continue print('run %s' %cmd) else: print('user or password err') count += 1
3.2.2 格式二:while+else
count=0 while count <= 5: if count == 3: break print(count) count+=1 else: print('当while循环在运行过程中没有被break打断,则执行我')
3.3 for迭代式循环
3.3.1 格式一:
for i in range(1,10,2):
l1=['a','b','c','d','e'] for i in range(len(l1)): print(i,l1[i])
3.3.2 格式二:for+else:
for i in range(5): if i == 3:break print(i) else: print('当循环在运行过程中没有被break打断,则执行我')
3.4 break和continue关键字
count=0 while True: if count == 5: break #跳出本层循环 print(count) count+=1
#1,2,3,4,5,7 count=1 while count <= 7: if count == 6: count += 1 continue #跳出本次循环 print(count) count+=1