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  • calendar日历控件实例!

    <%@ Page Language="vb" Debug="true" %>
    <%@ import namespace="system.drawing"%>
    <script language="vb" runat="server">
    dim holidays(12,31) as string
    dim y,m,s,j as integer
    sub page_load(sender as object,e as eventargs)
     calendar1.selectmonthtext="选全月" 'calendar选择月份的标签
     calendar1.selectweektext="选全周" 'calendar选择星期的标签
    end sub
    sub page_init(sender as object,e as eventargs) '请注意,这里使用的是page_init对象,如果用load的话,下拉框里的数就会循环几次了
    for y=1980 to 2010 
    for m=1 to 12
    end sub

    sub calendar1_dayrender(sender as object,e as dayrendereventargs)
     dim c as tablecell
     dim d as calendarday
     dim g as string
     c=e.cell '将dayrendereventargs的cell对象赋给 c
     d=e.day  '将dayrendereventargs的day对象赋给 d
     g=val(d.date.month) & val(d.date.day)
     if d.isothermonth then
      c.controls.clear '不显示非当前月份的日前
      dim strholiday,strstart,strend as string
      strholiday=holidays(d.date.month,d.date.day) '获取节日名
      strstart="<br><font color=red face=宋体>" 'HTML格式语句开始部分
      strend="</font>"       'HTML格式语句结束部分
      if strholiday <> "" then '将节日名所在的日期存入C,同时设置字体颜色
       c.controls.add(new literalcontrol(strstart+strholiday+strend))
      end if
     end if
    end sub
    sub date_selected(sender as object,e as eventargs)
     label1.text="被选中的日期为:" & calendar1.selecteddate
    end sub
    sub month_changed(sender as object,e as monthchangedeventargs)
     label1.text="当前显示的月为:" & e.previousdate.month
     label1.text & ="月,当前月为:" & e.newdate.month & "月。"
    end sub
    sub year1(sender aS object,e as eventargs)
     dim y as string=cstr(dat.selecteditem.text)
     dim m as string=cstr(mon.selecteditem.text) 
     calendar1.Visibledate= m &"/01/" & y 
    end sub
    sub mon1(sender aS object,e as eventargs)
     dim y as string=cstr(dat.selecteditem.text)
     dim m as string=cstr(mon.selecteditem.text) 
     calendar1.Visibledate= m &"/01/" & y 
    end sub
    <asp:Literal ID="txt" runat="server">
    <strong>calendar 控件实例</strong>
    <form id="form" method="post" runat="server">
    <asp:Calendar ID="calendar1" runat="server"
    <asp:DropDownList ID="dat" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="year1">
    <asp:DropDownList ID="mon" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="mon1">
    <asp:Label ID="label1" runat="server"/>


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