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  • idea的html文件会有很多下划线,怎么去除


    1. 设置-editor-color Scheme - html,每个选项中会有Effcts选项,这个就是下划线生效,底下还有一个选框,Underscored(有下划线)... 只要去掉Effects的小对号就取出烦人的下划线了。

    2. 还有个mapper.xml中sql的颜色问题,这个要在sql和xml和general中都设置,

      比如 insert into sys_permissions(permission,description,available,rid)values(#{permission},#{description},#{available},#{rid});这里参数颜色在sql-parameter设置,而 sys_permissions(...)要在general- code - Injected language fragment设置前景色。3 还有一个跳出右边的括号或者大括号,在 Settings->Editor->General->Smart Keys 中就能找到 Jump outside closing bracket/quote with T。在idea2018.2以后的版本里面4、方法体分割线的显示和颜色设置:  (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52013181/draw-lines-between-methods-in-code-editor-of-intellij)  1:  In Preferences > Editor > General > Appearance, check the Show method separators box.  2: You can even control the color of the line drawn between methods.   See Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme >   General > Code > Method separator color > Foreground   field where you can type in a the hex triplet code for a color in RGB.   The default in the Dracula scheme is 4D4D4D5 我自定义的“收起/展开”方法体,xml中是ctrl+.  ; java中是ctrl+shift+. 6 ctrl+c选中光标所在行的文字。7 一般用ctrl+leftbutton查看源码,也可以用F3代替。如果想临时打开源码,就ctrl+shift+i小窗口看源码(自己改为  ctrl+shift+x,方便单手操作)。


    3. 方法体分割线的显示和颜色设置:   (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52013181/draw-lines-between-methods-in-code-editor-of-intellij)   1: In Preferences > Editor > General > Appearance, check the Show method separators box.   2: You can even control the color of the line drawn between methods.   See Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme >   General > Code > Method separator color > Foreground   field where you can type in a the hex triplet code for a color in RGB.   The default in the Dracula scheme is 4D4D4D

    4. 还有一个跳出右边的括号或者大括号,在 Settings->Editor->General->Smart Keys 中就能找到 Jump outside closing bracket/quote with T。在idea2018.2以后的版本里面

    5. 我自定义的“收起/展开”方法体,xml中是ctrl+. ; java中是ctrl+shift+.

    6. ctrl+c选中光标所在行的文字。

    7. 一般用ctrl+leftbutton查看源码,也可以用F3代替。如果想临时打开源码,就ctrl+shift+i小窗口看源码(自己改为   ctrl+shift+x,方便单手操作)。

    8. idea按照行号跳跃, 在keyMap里面搜索Line/Column 查看快捷键。

    9. d

    10. g

    11. s

    12. v


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