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  • 转载:Tips for Writing Technical Papers (Jennifer Widom, Infolab of sanford.edu)

    Tips for Writing Technical Papers

    Jennifer Widom, January 2006

    Here are the notes from a presentation I gave at the Stanford

    InfoLab Friday lunch, 1/27/06, with a few (not many) revisions

    when I reprised the talk on 12/4/09, and no revisions for the

    10/19/12 revival. The presentation covered:

        Paper Title

        The Abstract

        The Introduction

        Related Work

        The Body

        Performance Experiments

        The Conclusions

        Future Work

        The Acknowledgements



        Grammar and Small-Scale Presentation Issues


        Versions and Distribution

    Running Example

    As a running (fictitious!) example, suppose you've designed

    and run experiments with a new algorithm for external multipass

    merge-sort. Your algorithm reduces the complexity from O(n log n)

    to O(n), under the premise that it's acceptable to have some bounded

    "unsortedness" in the result. You plan to write up the results for

    submission to a major conference.

    Note: This example was used throughout the live presentation but

    I haven't followed through much in these notes. Thus, the notes include

    several exercises for the reader.

    Paper Title

    Titles can be long and descriptive:

         Linear-Time External Multipass Sorting with Approximation


     or short and sweet:

         Approximate External Sort

     Here's a middle-of-the-road length, plus a cute name that sticks

    in people's minds:

         Floosh: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Approximate External Sort

    The Abstract

    State the problem, your approach and solution, and the main contributions

    of the paper. Include little if any background and motivation. Be factual but

    comprehensive. The material in the abstract should not be repeated later

    word for word in the paper.

    (Exercise: Write an abstract for the multiway sort example.)

    The Introduction

    The Introduction is crucially important. By the time a referee has finished

    the Introduction, he's probably made an initial decision about whether to

    accept or reject the paper -- he'll read the rest of the paper looking for

    evidence to support his decision. A casual reader will continue on if the

    Introduction captivated him, and will set the paper aside otherwise. Again,

    the Introduction is crucially important.

    Here is the Stanford InfoLab's patented five-point structure for Introductions.

    Unless there's a good argument against it, the Introduction should consist of

    five paragraphs answering the following five questions:

        What is the problem?

        Why is it interesting and important?

        Why is it hard? (E.g., why do naive approaches fail?)

        Why hasn't it been solved before? (Or, what's wrong with previous

    proposed solutions? How does mine differ?)

        What are the key components of my approach and results? Also

    include any specific limitations.

    (Exercise: Answer these questions for the multiway sort example.)

    Then have a final paragraph or subsection: "Summary of Contributions".

    It should list the major contributions in bullet form, mentioning in which

    sections they can be found. This material doubles as an outline of the

    rest of the paper, saving space and eliminating redundancy.

    (Exercise: Write the bullet list for the multiway sort example.)

    Related Work

    The perennial question: Should related work be covered near the beginning

    of the paper or near the end?

        Beginning, if it can be short yet detailed enough, or if it's critical to take

    a strong defensive stance about previous work right away. In this case Related

    Work can be either a subsection at the end of the Introduction, or its own

    Section 2.

         End, if it can be summarized quickly early on (in the Introduction or

    Preliminaries), or if sufficient comparisons require the technical content

    of the paper. In this case Related Work should appear just before the

    Conclusions, possibly in a more general section "Discussion and Related Work".

    The Body

    Guideline #1: A clear new important technical contribution should have been

    articulated by the time the reader finishes page 3 (i.e., a quarter of the way

    through the paper).

    Guideline #2: Every section of the paper should tell a story. (Don't, however,

    fall into the common trap of telling the entire story of how you arrived at your

    results. Just tell the story of the results themselves.) The story should be linear,

    keeping the reader engaged at every step and looking forward to the next step.

    There should be no significant interruptions -- those can go in the Appendix;

    see below.

     Aside from these guidelines, which apply to every paper, the structure of the

    body varies a lot depending on content. Important components are:

        Running Example: When possible, use a running example throughout the

    paper. It can be introduced either as a subsection at the end of the Introduction,

    or its own Section 2 or 3 (depending on Related Work).

        Preliminaries: This section, which follows the Introduction and possibly Related

    Work and/or Running Example, sets up notation and terminology that is not part

    of the technical contribution. One important function of this section is to delineate

    material that's not original but is needed for the paper. Be concise -- remember

    Guideline #1.

        Content: The meat of the paper includes algorithms, system descriptions,

    new language constructs, analyses, etc. Whenever possible use a "top-down"

    description: readers should be able to see where the material is going, and

    they should be able to skip ahead and still get the idea.

    Performance Experiments

    We could have an entire treatise on this topic alone and I am surely not the

    expert. Here are some random thoughts:

        Many conferences expect experiments.

        It's easy to do "hokey" or meaningless experiments, and many papers do.

        It's easy to craft experiments to show your work in its best light, and

    most papers do.

        What should performance experiments measure? Possiblities:

            Pure running time

            Sensitivity to important parameters

            Scalability in various aspects: data size, problem complexity, ...


        What should performance experiments show? Possibilities:

            Absolute performance (i.e., it's acceptable/usable)

            Relative performance to naive approaches

            Relative performance to previous approaches

            Relative performance among different proposed approaches


    The Conclusions

    In general a short summarizing paragraph will do, and under no

    circumstances should the paragraph simply repeat material from the

    Abstract or Introduction. In some cases it's possible to now make the

    original claims more concrete, e.g., by referring to quantitative

    performance results.

    Future Work

    This material is important -- part of the value of a paper is showing how

    the work sets new research directions. I like bullet lists here. (Actually I

    like them in general.) A couple of things to keep in mind:

        If you're actively engaged in follow-up work, say so. E.g.: "We are currently

    extending the algorithm to... blah blah, and preliminary results are encouraging."

    This statement serves to mark your territory.

        Conversely, be aware that some researchers look to Future Work sections

    for research topics. My opinion is that there's nothing wrong with that

    -- consider it a compliment.

    The Acknowledgements

    Don't forget them or you'll have people with hurt feelings. Acknowledge

    anyone who contributed in any way: through discussions, feedback on drafts,

    implementation, etc. If in doubt about whether to include someone, include



    Spend the effort to make all citations complete and consistent. Do not just

    copy random inconsistent BibTex (or other) entries from the web and call it

    a day. Check over your final bibliography carefully and make sure every

    entry looks right.


    Appendices should contain detailed proofs and algorithms only. Appendices

    can be crucial for overlength papers, but are still useful otherwise. Think of

    appendices as random-access substantiation of underlying gory details. As

    a rule of thumb:

        Appendices should not contain any material necessary for understanding

    the contributions of the paper.

        Appendices should contain all material that most readers would not be

    interested in.

    Grammar and Small-Scale Presentation Issues

    In general everyone writing papers is strongly encouraged to read the short

    and very useful The Elements of Style by Strunk and White. Here's a random

    list of pet peeves.

        Just like a program, all "variables" (terminology and notation) in the paper

    should be defined before being used, and should be defined only once. (Exception:

    Sometimes after a long hiatus it's useful to remind the reader of a definition.)

    Global definitions should be grouped into the Preliminaries section; other definitions

    should be given just before their first use.

        Do not use "etc." unless the remaining items are completely obvious.

            Acceptable: We shall number the phases 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.

            Unacceptable: We measure performance factors such as volatility,

    scalability, etc.

        (Exercise: The above rule is violated at least once in this document.

    Find the violations.)

        Never say "for various reasons". (Example: We decided not to consider

    the alternative, for various reasons.) Tell the reader the reasons!

        Avoid nonreferential use of "this", "that", "these", "it", and so on (Ullman

    pet peeve). Requiring explicit identification of what "this" refers to enforces

    clarity of writing. Here is a typical example of nonreferential "this": Our experiments

    test several different environments and the algorithm does well in some but

    not all of them. This is important because ...

        (Exercise: The above rule is violated at least once in this document. Find

    the violations.)

        Italics are for definitions or quotes, not for emphasis (Gries pet peeve).

    Your writing should be constructed such that context alone provides

    sufficient emphasis.

        (Exercise: The above rule is violated at least once in this document. Find

    the violations.)

        People frequently use "which" versus "that" incorrectly. "That" is defining;

    "which" is nondefining. Examples of correct use:

            The algorithms that are easy to implement all run in linear time.

            The algorithms, which are easy to implement, all run in linear time.


        Always run a spelling checker on your final paper, no excuses.

        For drafts and technical reports use 11 point font, generous spacing,

    1" margins, and single-column format. There's no need to torture your casual

    readers with the tiny fonts and tight spacing used in conference proceedings

    these days.

        In drafts and final camera-ready, fonts in figures should be approximately

    the same font size as used for the text in the body of the paper.

        Tables, figures, graphs, and algorithms should always be placed on the top

    of a page or column, not in the body of the text unless it is very small and fits

    into the flow of the paper.

        Every table, figure, graph, or algorithm should appear on the same page as

    its first reference, or on the following page (LaTex willing...).

        Before final submission or publication of your paper, print it once and take a

    look -- you might be quite surprised how different it looks on paper from how

    it looked on your screen (if you even bothered to look at it after you ran Latex

    the last time...).

    Versions and Distribution

        Many papers have a submitted (and later published) conference version,

    along with a "full paper" technical report on the web. It's important to manage

    versions carefully, both in content and proliferation. My recommendation is,

    whenever possible, for the full paper to consist of simply the conference version

    plus appendices. The full paper should be the only public one aside from

    conference proceedings, it should be coordinated with latest (final) conference

    version, and modifications to the full paper should always overwrite all publicly

    accessible previous versions of it.

        I believe in putting papers on the web the minute they're finished. They

    should be dated and can be referenced as technical reports -- it's not necessary

    to have an actual technical report number. Never, ever put up a paper with a

    conference copyright notice when it's only been submitted, and never, ever

    reference a paper as "submitted to conference X." You're only asking for

    embarrassment when the paper is finally published in conference Y a year

    or two later.


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